// Since there aren't any classes in JavaScript, every object
// is technically a singleton if you don't inherit from it
// or copy from it.
var single = {};
// Singleton Implementations
// Declaring as a global object...you are being judged!
var Logger = function() {
// global_log is/will be defined in the GLOBAL scope here
if(typeof global_log === 'undefined'){
global_log = this;
return global_log;
// The below 'fix' solves the GLOABL variable problem, but
// the log_instance is publicly available and thus can be
// tampered with.
function Logger() {
if(typeof Logger.log_instance === 'undefined') {
Logger.log_instance = this;
return Logger.log_instance;
// The correct way to do it to give it a closure!
function logFactory() {
var log_instance; // Private instance
var _initLog = function() { // Private init method
log_instance = 'initialized';
console.log("logger initialized!")
return {
getLog : function(){ // The 'privileged' method
if(typeof log_instance === 'undefined') {
return log_instance;
/***** TEST CODE ************************************************
// Using the Logger singleton
var logger = logFactory(); // Did I just give LogFactory a closure?
// Create an instance of the logger
var a = logger.getLog();
// Do some work
// Get another instance of the logger
var b = logger.getLog();
// Check if the two logger instances are same
console.log(a === b); // true
function Klass() {
var instance = this;
Klass = function () { return instance; }
最明确的答案应该是Addy Osmani所著的《学习JavaScript设计模式》一书。
var mySingleton = (function () { // Instance stores a reference to the singleton var instance; function init() { // Singleton // Private methods and variables function privateMethod(){ console.log( "I am private" ); } var privateVariable = "I'm also private"; var privateRandomNumber = Math.random(); return { // Public methods and variables publicMethod: function () { console.log( "The public can see me!" ); }, publicProperty: "I am also public", getRandomNumber: function() { return privateRandomNumber; } }; }; return { // Get the singleton instance if one exists // or create one if it doesn't getInstance: function () { if ( !instance ) { instance = init(); } return instance; } }; })();
const singleton = new (class {
hello() { return 'world'; }
console.log(singleton.hello()); //=> world
class Singleton {
// # is a new Javascript feature that denotes private
static #instance;
constructor() {
if (!Singleton.#instance) {
Singleton.#instance = this
return Singleton.#instance
get() {
return Singleton.#instance;
const a = new Singleton();
const b = new Singleton();
console.log(a.get() === b.get()) // true
console.log(Singleton.instance === undefined) // true
var singleton = new (function() {
var bar = 123
this.foo = function() {
// Whatever
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