我已经在Stack Overflow上阅读了很多不同的问题和答案,以及git的文档。自专制设置工作。


Unix和Mac OSX (pre-OSX使用CR)客户端使用LF行结束符。 Windows客户端使用CRLF行结束符。

当核心。在客户端被设置为true, git存储库总是以LF行结束格式存储文件,客户端文件中的行结束符在签出/提交时来回转换,对于使用非LF行结束符的客户端(即Windows),无论客户端上的行结束符文件是什么格式(这与Tim Clem的定义不一致-参见下面的更新)。



问号应该是什么? 这个矩阵对“非问号”正确吗?


                       core.autocrlf value
            true            input              false
commit   |  convert           ?                  ?
new      |  to LF      (convert to LF?)   (no conversion?)

commit   |  convert to        ?                 no 
existing |  LF         (convert to LF?)     conversion

checkout |  convert to        ?                 no
existing |  CRLF       (no conversion?)     conversion



2012年4月17日更新:在阅读了评论中JJD链接的Tim Clem的文章后,我修改了上表中“未知”值中的一些值,以及更改“checkout现有| true转换为CRLF而不是转换为客户端”。以下是他给出的定义,比我在其他地方看到的任何定义都更清楚:

核心。独裁者= false

This is the default, but most people are encouraged to change this immediately. The result of using false is that Git doesn’t ever mess with line endings on your file. You can check in files with LF or CRLF or CR or some random mix of those three and Git does not care. This can make diffs harder to read and merges more difficult. Most people working in a Unix/Linux world use this value because they don’t have CRLF problems and they don’t need Git to be doing extra work whenever files are written to the object database or written out into the working directory.

核心。独裁者= true

这意味着Git将处理所有文本文件,并确保 在将该文件写入对象数据库时,CRLF将被LF替换 并在写入工作时将所有LF转回CRLF 目录中。这是Windows上的推荐设置,因为它 确保您的存储库可以在其他平台上使用 在工作目录中保留CRLF。

核心。selflf =输入

This means that Git will process all text files and make sure that CRLF is replaced with LF when writing that file to the object database. It will not, however, do the reverse. When you read files back out of the object database and write them into the working directory they will still have LFs to denote the end of line. This setting is generally used on Unix/Linux/OS X to prevent CRLFs from getting written into the repository. The idea being that if you pasted code from a web browser and accidentally got CRLFs into one of your files, Git would make sure they were replaced with LFs when you wrote to the object database.




在linux和windows上做了一些测试。我使用一个包含以LF结尾的行和以CRLF结尾的行的测试文件。 文件被提交,删除,然后签出。 核心的价值。在提交之前和签出之前设置专制语句。 结果如下所示。

commit core.autocrlf false, remove, checkout core.autocrlf false: LF=>LF   CRLF=>CRLF  
commit core.autocrlf false, remove, checkout core.autocrlf input: LF=>LF   CRLF=>CRLF  
commit core.autocrlf false, remove, checkout core.autocrlf true : LF=>LF   CRLF=>CRLF  
commit core.autocrlf input, remove, checkout core.autocrlf false: LF=>LF   CRLF=>LF  
commit core.autocrlf input, remove, checkout core.autocrlf input: LF=>LF   CRLF=>LF  
commit core.autocrlf input, remove, checkout core.autocrlf true : LF=>CRLF CRLF=>CRLF  
commit core.autocrlf true, remove, checkout core.autocrlf false: LF=>LF   CRLF=>LF  
commit core.autocrlf true, remove, checkout core.autocrlf input: LF=>LF   CRLF=>LF  
commit core.autocrlf true,  remove, checkout core.autocrlf true : LF=>CRLF CRLF=>CRLF  


在即将到来的Git 1.7.2中,“eol转换”方面的事情即将发生变化:


This is a replacement for the 'Add "core.eol" config variable' commit that's currently in pu (the last one in my series). Instead of implying that "core.autocrlf=true" is a replacement for "* text=auto", it makes explicit the fact that autocrlf is only for users who want to work with CRLFs in their working directory on a repository that doesn't have text file normalization. When it is enabled, "core.eol" is ignored. Introduce a new configuration variable, "core.eol", that allows the user to set which line endings to use for end-of-line-normalized files in the working directory. It defaults to "native", which means CRLF on Windows and LF everywhere else. Note that "core.autocrlf" overrides core.eol. This means that: [core] autocrlf = true puts CRLFs in the working directory even if core.eol is set to "lf". core.eol: Sets the line ending type to use in the working directory for files that have the text property set. Alternatives are 'lf', 'crlf' and 'native', which uses the platform's native line ending. The default value is native.



git 2.8(2016年3月)改进了内核的方式。selff影响eol:

参见Torsten Bögershausen (tboegi)的commit 817a0c7(2016年2月23日),commit 6e336a5, commit df747b8, commit df747b8(2016年2月10日),commit df747b8, commit df747b8(2016年2月10日),以及commit 4b4024f, commit bb211b4, commit 92cce13, commit 320d39c, commit 4b4024f, commit bb211b4, commit 92cce13, commit 320d39c(2016年2月05日)。 (由Junio C Hamano—gitster—在commit c6b94eb中合并,2016年2月26日)

Convert.c:重构crlf_action 重构crlf_action的决定和使用。 今天,当文件上没有设置“crlf”属性时,crlf_action被设置为 CRLF_GUESS。改用CRLF_UNDEFINED,并像以前一样搜索“text”或“eol”。 替换旧的CRLF_GUESS用法:

CRLF_GUESS && core.autocrlf=true -> CRLF_AUTO_CRLF
CRLF_GUESS && core.autocrlf=false -> CRLF_BINARY
CRLF_GUESS && core.autocrlf=input -> CRLF_AUTO_INPUT


- CRLF_UNDEFINED : No attributes set. Temparally used, until core.autocrlf
                   and core.eol is evaluated and one of CRLF_BINARY,
                   CRLF_AUTO_INPUT or CRLF_AUTO_CRLF is selected
- CRLF_BINARY    : No processing of line endings.
- CRLF_TEXT      : attribute "text" is set, line endings are processed.
- CRLF_TEXT_INPUT: attribute "input" or "eol=lf" is set. This implies text.
- CRLF_TEXT_CRLF : attribute "eol=crlf" is set. This implies text.
- CRLF_AUTO      : attribute "auto" is set.
- CRLF_AUTO_INPUT: core.autocrlf=input (no attributes)
- CRLF_AUTO_CRLF : core.autocrlf=true  (no attributes)


所有这些转换(从EOL =或selflf设置的任何EOL转换,以及“clean”过滤器)都在文件从工作树移动到索引时运行,即在git添加期间而不是在git提交时运行。 (注意git commit -a或——only或——include会在那个时候将文件添加到索引中。)


的核心。selflf的值不依赖于操作系统, 但Windows上的默认值为true。在Linux上,它是输入。 我研究了检出和提交用例的三种可能值。


║ core.autocrlf ║     false    ║     input    ║     true     ║
║               ║ LF   => LF   ║ LF   => LF   ║ LF   => CRLF ║
║ git checkout  ║ CR   => CR   ║ CR   => CR   ║ CR   => CR   ║
║               ║ CRLF => CRLF ║ CRLF => CRLF ║ CRLF => CRLF ║
║               ║ LF   => LF   ║ LF   => LF   ║ LF   => LF   ║
║ git commit    ║ CR   => CR   ║ CR   => CR   ║ CR   => CR   ║
║               ║ CRLF => CRLF ║ CRLF => LF   ║ CRLF => LF   ║


核心。专制=真实和核心。Safecrlf = true

You have a repository where all the line endings are the same, but you work on different platforms. Git will make sure your lines endings are converted to the default for your platform. Why does this matter? Let's say you create a new file. The text editor on your platform will use its default line endings. When you check it in, if you don't have core.autocrlf set to true, you've introduced a line ending inconsistency for someone on a platform that defaults to a different line ending. I always set safecrlf too because I would like to know that the crlf operation is reversible. With these two settings, git is modifying your files, but it verifies that the modifications are reversible.

core.autocrlf = false


core.autocrlf =输入



对于Checkin (git add, git commit):

如果text属性为Set,将值设置为'auto',则转换发生在文件已使用'CRLF'提交时。 如果text属性为Unset:什么都不会发生,enen表示签出 如果text属性为Unspecified,转换依赖于core. selff 如果selflf = input或selflf = true,转换只发生在存储库中的文件是'LF'时,如果它已经是'CRLF',什么都不会发生。 如果selflf = false,什么都不会发生


if text property is Unset: nothing happens. if text property is Set, Set value to 'auto: it depends on core.autocrlf, core.eol. core.autocrlf = input : nothing happens core.autocrlf = true : the conversion only happens when the file in the repository is 'LF', 'LF' -> 'CRLF' core.autocrlf = false : the conversion only happens when the file in the repository is 'LF', 'LF' -> core.eol if text property is Unspecified, it depends on core.autocrlf. the same as 2.1 the same as 2.2 None, nothing happens, core.eol is not effective when text property is Unspecified


默认行为是text属性是Unspecified和core。selflf = false:

对于签入,什么都不会发生 对于结帐,什么都没有发生


如果设置了text属性,签入行为依赖于自身,而不是自自生成 专制或核心。Eol是签出行为,自定义> core.eol



核心。独裁者= true

从存储库签出的只有LF字符的文本文件在你的工作树中被规范化为CRLF;存储库中包含CRLF的文件将不会被触及 在存储库中只有LF字符的文本文件在提交回存储库时将从CRLF规范化为LF。在存储库中包含CRLF的文件将被原原本本地提交。

核心。selflf =输入

从存储库签出的文本文件将在您的工作树中保留原始EOL字符。 工作树中带有CRLF字符的文本文件在提交回存储库时被规范化为LF。

核心。独裁者= false

核心。eol指定工作树文本文件中的eol字符。 核心。eol = native默认情况下,这意味着工作树eol将取决于git运行的位置:Windows机器上的CRLF,或*nix中的LF。 存储库gitattributes设置决定提交到存储库的EOL字符规范化(默认是标准化为LF字符)。
