

1 -在where子句中的值上不必要地使用函数,导致该索引未被使用。


where to_char(someDate,'YYYYMMDD') between :fromDate and :toDate


where someDate >= to_date(:fromDate,'YYYYMMDD') and someDate < to_date(:toDate,'YYYYMMDD')+1


2 -没有添加检查约束以确保数据的有效性。查询优化器可以使用约束,它们确实有助于确保您可以信任您的不变量。没有理由不使用它们。

3 -纯粹出于懒惰或时间压力而向表中添加未规范化的列。事情通常不是这样设计的,而是演变成这样的。最终的结果是,当您在未来的演进中受到丢失的数据完整性的困扰时,将会有大量的工作试图清理混乱。


4 -不是关于数据库本身,但确实令人讨厌。不关心SQL的代码质量。SQL是用文本表示的事实并不意味着可以将逻辑隐藏在大量的字符串操作算法中。完全有可能用文本编写SQL,使您的程序员同事能够读懂。


非常大的事务,插入/更新大量数据,然后重新加载它。基本上,这是因为没有考虑数据库工作的多用户环境。 过度使用函数,特别是作为select和where子句中的结果,导致函数被反复调用以获取结果。我认为,这符合他们试图以他们更习惯的过程方式工作而不是充分利用SQL的一般情况。


Selfish database design and usage. Developers often treat the database as their personal persistent object store without considering the needs of other stakeholders in the data. This also applies to application architects. Poor database design and data integrity makes it hard for third parties working with the data and can substantially increase the system's life cycle costs. Reporting and MIS tends to be a poor cousin in application design and only done as an afterthought. Abusing denormalised data. Overdoing denormalised data and trying to maintain it within the application is a recipe for data integrity issues. Use denormalisation sparingly. Not wanting to add a join to a query is not an excuse for denormalising. Scared of writing SQL. SQL isn't rocket science and is actually quite good at doing its job. O/R mapping layers are quite good at doing the 95% of queries that are simple and fit well into that model. Sometimes SQL is the best way to do the job. Dogmatic 'No Stored Procedures' policies. Regardless of whether you believe stored procedures are evil, this sort of dogmatic attitude has no place on a software project. Not understanding database design. Normalisation is your friend and it's not rocket science. Joining and cardinality are fairly simple concepts - if you're involved in database application development there's really no excuse for not understanding them.


Avoid data duplication like the plague. Some people advocate that a little duplication won't hurt, and will improve performance. Hey, I'm not saying that you have to torture your schema into Third Normal Form, until it's so abstract that not even the DBA's know what's going on. Just understand that whenever you duplicate a set of names, or zipcodes, or shipping codes, the copies WILL fall out of synch with each other eventually. It WILL happen. And then you'll be kicking yourself as you run the weekly maintenance script.

最后:使用清晰、一致、直观的命名约定。与一段编写良好的代码应该是可读的一样,一个好的SQL模式或查询应该是可读的,并且实际上告诉您它在做什么,甚至没有注释。六个月后,当你不得不对桌子进行维护时,你会感谢自己的。“选择account_number, billing_date FROM national_accounts”比“选择ACCNTNBR, BILLDAT FROM NTNLACCTS”更容易使用。

不了解数据库并发模型以及它如何影响开发。事后添加索引和调整查询很容易。然而,应用程序的设计没有适当考虑热点,资源争用 和正确的操作(假设您刚刚阅读的内容仍然有效!)可能需要在数据库和应用层中进行重大更改,以便稍后纠正。

使用Access而不是“真正的”数据库。有很多很棒的小型甚至免费的数据库,比如SQL Express、MySQL和SQLite,它们可以更好地工作和扩展。应用程序通常需要以意想不到的方式进行扩展。