Not taking advantage of CLUSTERED INDEXES or choosing the wrong column(s) to CLUSTER. Not using a SERIAL (autonumber) datatype as a PRIMARY KEY to join to a FOREIGN KEY (INT) in a parent/child table relationship. Not UPDATING STATISTICS on a table when many records have been INSERTED or DELETED. Not reorganizing (i.e. unloading, droping, re-creating, loading and re-indexing) tables when many rows have been inserted or deleted (some engines physically keep deleted rows in a table with a delete flag.) Not taking advantage of FRAGMENT ON EXPRESSION (if supported) on large tables which have high transaction rates. Choosing the wrong datatype for a column! Not choosing a proper column name. Not adding new columns at the end of the table. Not creating proper indexes to support frequently used queries. creating indexes on columns with few possible values and creating unnecessary indexes. ...more to be added.
不对数据库模式使用版本控制 直接针对活动数据库工作 没有阅读和理解更高级的数据库概念(索引、聚集索引、约束、物化视图等) 没有测试可伸缩性……只有3或4行的测试数据永远不会给您真实的实时性能的真实画面
Avoid data duplication like the plague. Some people advocate that a little duplication won't hurt, and will improve performance. Hey, I'm not saying that you have to torture your schema into Third Normal Form, until it's so abstract that not even the DBA's know what's going on. Just understand that whenever you duplicate a set of names, or zipcodes, or shipping codes, the copies WILL fall out of synch with each other eventually. It WILL happen. And then you'll be kicking yourself as you run the weekly maintenance script.
最后:使用清晰、一致、直观的命名约定。与一段编写良好的代码应该是可读的一样,一个好的SQL模式或查询应该是可读的,并且实际上告诉您它在做什么,甚至没有注释。六个月后,当你不得不对桌子进行维护时,你会感谢自己的。“选择account_number, billing_date FROM national_accounts”比“选择ACCNTNBR, BILLDAT FROM NTNLACCTS”更容易使用。
不了解数据库并发模型以及它如何影响开发。事后添加索引和调整查询很容易。然而,应用程序的设计没有适当考虑热点,资源争用 和正确的操作(假设您刚刚阅读的内容仍然有效!)可能需要在数据库和应用层中进行重大更改,以便稍后纠正。