你称呼他们的方式。 标识符的最大长度。
I think most of the answers here were confusing especially those saying that mutex can be released only by the process that holds it but semaphore can be signaled by ay process. The above line is kind of vague in terms of semaphore. To understand we should know that there are two kinds of semaphore one is called counting semaphore and the other is called a binary semaphore. In counting semaphore handles access to n number of resources where n can be defined before the use. Each semaphore has a count variable, which keeps the count of the number of resources in use, initially, it is set to n. Each process that wishes to uses a resource performs a wait() operation on the semaphore (thereby decrementing the count). When a process releases a resource, it performs a release() operation (incrementing the count). When the count becomes 0, all the resources are being used. After that, the process waits until the count becomes more than 0. Now here is the catch only the process that holds the resource can increase the count no other process can increase the count only the processes holding a resource can increase the count and the process waiting for the semaphore again checks and when it sees the resource available it decreases the count again. So in terms of binary semaphore, only the process holding the semaphore can increase the count, and count remains zero until it stops using the semaphore and increases the count and other process gets the chance to access the semaphore.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define xUSE_MUTEX 1
#define MAX_SEM_COUNT 1
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam );
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam );
HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_1 = 0;
HANDLE Handle_Of_Thread_2 = 0;
int Data_Of_Thread_1 = 1;
int Data_Of_Thread_2 = 2;
HANDLE ghMutex = NULL;
HANDLE ghSemaphore = NULL;
int main(void)
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
ghMutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (ghMutex == NULL)
printf("CreateMutex error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
// Create a semaphore with initial and max counts of MAX_SEM_COUNT
ghSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,MAX_SEM_COUNT,MAX_SEM_COUNT,NULL);
if (ghSemaphore == NULL)
printf("CreateSemaphore error: %d\n", GetLastError());
return 1;
// Create thread 1.
Handle_Of_Thread_1 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_1, &Data_Of_Thread_1, 0, NULL);
if ( Handle_Of_Thread_1 == NULL)
printf("Create first thread problem \n");
return 1;
/* sleep for 5 seconds **/
Sleep(5 * 1000);
/*Create thread 2 */
Handle_Of_Thread_2 = CreateThread( NULL, 0,Thread_no_2, &Data_Of_Thread_2, 0, NULL);
if ( Handle_Of_Thread_2 == NULL)
printf("Create second thread problem \n");
return 1;
// Sleep for 20 seconds
Sleep(20 * 1000);
printf("Out of the program \n");
return 0;
int my_critical_section_code(HANDLE thread_handle)
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
/* get the lock */
WaitForSingleObject(ghMutex, INFINITE);
printf("Thread 1 holding the mutex \n");
/* get the semaphore */
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
WaitForSingleObject(ghSemaphore, INFINITE);
printf("Thread 1 holding semaphore \n");
if(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1)
/* sleep for 10 seconds */
Sleep(10 * 1000);
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
printf("Thread 1 about to release mutex \n");
printf("Thread 1 about to release semaphore \n");
/* sleep for 3 secconds */
Sleep(3 * 1000);
#ifdef USE_MUTEX
/* release the lock*/
printf("Release Mutex error in thread %d: error # %d\n", (thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2),GetLastError());
if (!ReleaseSemaphore(ghSemaphore,1,NULL) )
printf("ReleaseSemaphore error in thread %d: error # %d\n",(thread_handle == Handle_Of_Thread_1 ? 1:2), GetLastError());
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_1( LPVOID lpParam )
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI Thread_no_2( LPVOID lpParam )
return 0;
互斥锁只能由获得它的线程释放。 二进制信号量可以由任何线程(或进程)发出信号。
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