Mutex uses a locking mechanism i.e. if a process wants to use a resource then it locks the resource, uses it and then release it. But on the other hand, semaphore uses a signalling mechanism where wait() and signal() methods are used to show if a process is releasing a resource or taking a resource. A mutex is an object but semaphore is an integer variable. In semaphore, we have wait() and signal() functions. But in mutex, there is no such function. A mutex object allows multiple process threads to access a single shared resource but only one at a time. On the other hand, semaphore allows multiple process threads to access the finite instance of the resource until available. In mutex, the lock can be acquired and released by the same process at a time. But the value of the semaphore variable can be modified by any process that needs some resource but only one process can change the value at a time.
它们不是一回事。它们有不同的用途! 虽然这两种类型的信号量都有一个满/空状态,并且使用相同的API,但它们的用法非常不同。
互斥信号量 互斥信号量用于保护共享资源(数据结构、文件等)。
互斥信号量由接收它的任务“拥有”。如果Task B尝试semGive一个当前由Task a持有的互斥锁,Task B的调用将返回一个错误并失败。
- SemTake - Critical Section - SemGive
Thread A Thread B Take Mutex access data ... Take Mutex <== Will block ... Give Mutex access data <== Unblocks ... Give Mutex
二进制信号量 二进制信号量解决了一个完全不同的问题:
任务B被挂起等待某些事情发生(例如传感器被绊倒)。 传感器跳闸和中断服务程序运行。它需要通知任务的行程。 任务B应运行并对传感器跳闸采取适当的操作。然后继续等待。
Task A Task B
... Take BinSemaphore <== wait for something
Do Something Noteworthy
Give BinSemaphore do something <== unblocks
注意,对于二进制信号量,B获取信号量,a给出信号量是可以的。 同样,二进制信号量不能保护资源不被访问。信号量的给予和获取从根本上是分离的。 对于同一个任务来说,对同一个二进制信号量的给予和获取通常没有什么意义。
Strictly speaking, a mutex is a locking mechanism used to synchronize access to a resource. Only one task (can be a thread or process based on OS abstraction) can acquire the mutex. It means there will be ownership associated with mutex, and only the owner can release the lock (mutex). Semaphore is signaling mechanism (“I am done, you can carry on” kind of signal). For example, if you are listening songs (assume it as one task) on your mobile and at the same time your friend called you, an interrupt will be triggered upon which an interrupt service routine (ISR) will signal the call processing task to wakeup.
The basic issue is concurrency. There is more than one flow of control. Think about two processes using a shared memory. Now only one process can access the shared memory at a time. If more than one process accesses the shared memory at a time, the contents of shared memory would get corrupted. It is like a railroad track. Only one train can run on it, else there would be an accident.So there is a signalling mechanism, which a driver checks. If the signal is green, the train can go and if it is red it has to wait to use the track. Similarly in case of shared memory, there is a binary semaphore. If the semaphore is 1, a process acquires it (makes it 0) and goes ahead and accesses it. If the semaphore is 0, the process waits. The functionality the binary semaphore has to provide is mutual exclusion (or mutex, in short) so that only one of the many concurrent entities (process or thread) mutually excludes others. It is a plus that we have counting semaphores, which help in synchronizing multiple instances of a resource.
虽然互斥量和信号量被用作同步原语,但它们之间有很大的区别。 在互斥锁的情况下,只有锁定或获得互斥锁的线程才能解锁它。 在信号量的情况下,等待信号量的线程可以由另一个线程发出信号。 一些操作系统支持在进程之间使用互斥量和信号量。通常使用是在共享内存中创建的。
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