

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>

void f(int a, double b, void* c) {
  std::cout << a << ":" << b << ":" << c << std::endl;

template <typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later {
  std::tuple<Args...> params;
  void (*func)(Args...);

  void delayed_dispatch() {
     // How can I "unpack" params to call func?
     func(std::get<0>(params), std::get<1>(params), std::get<2>(params));
     // But I *really* don't want to write 20 versions of dispatch so I'd rather 
     // write something like:
     func(params...); // Not legal

int main() {
  int a=666;
  double b = -1.234;
  void *c = NULL;

  save_it_for_later<int,double,void*> saved = {
                                 std::tuple<int,double,void*>(a,b,c), f};

通常,对于涉及std::tuple或可变参数模板的问题,我会编写另一个模板,如template <typename Head, typename…Tail>来逐个递归地计算所有类型,但我看不出调度函数调用的方法。




a lot of answers have been provided but I found them too complicated and not very natural. I did it another way, without using sizeof or counters. I used my own simple structure (ParameterPack) for parameters to access the tail of parameters instead of a tuple. Then, I appended all the parameters from my structure into function parameters, and finnally, when no more parameters were to be unpacked, I run the function. Here is the code in C++11, I agree that there is more code than in others answers, but I found it more understandable.

template <class ...Args>
struct PackParameters;

template <>
struct PackParameters <>
    PackParameters() = default;

template <class T, class ...Args>
struct PackParameters <T, Args...>
    PackParameters ( T firstElem, Args... args ) : value ( firstElem ), 
    rest ( args... ) {}

    T value;
    PackParameters<Args...> rest;

template <class ...Args>
struct RunFunction;

template <class T, class ...Args>
struct RunFunction<T, Args...>
    template <class Function>
    static void Run ( Function f, const PackParameters<T, Args...>& args );

    template <class Function, class... AccumulatedArgs>
    static void RunChild ( 
                          Function f, 
                          const PackParameters<T, Args...>& remainingParams, 
                          AccumulatedArgs... args 

template <class T, class ...Args>
template <class Function>
void RunFunction<T, Args...>::Run ( 
                                   Function f, 
                                   const PackParameters<T, Args...>& remainingParams 
    RunFunction<Args...>::template RunChild ( f, remainingParams.rest,
                                              remainingParams.value );

template <class T, class ...Args>
template<class Function, class ...AccumulatedArgs>
void RunFunction<T, Args...>::RunChild ( Function f, 
                                         const PackParameters<T, Args...>& remainingParams, 
                                         AccumulatedArgs... args )
    RunFunction<Args...>:: template RunChild ( f, remainingParams.rest,
                                               args..., remainingParams.value );

template <>
struct RunFunction<>
    template <class Function, class... AccumulatedArgs>
    static void RunChild ( Function f, PackParameters<>, AccumulatedArgs... args )
        f ( args... );

    template <class Function>
    static void Run ( Function f, PackParameters<> )
        f ();

struct Toto
    std::string k = "I am toto";

void f ( int i, Toto t, float b, std::string introMessage )
    float res = i * b;

    std::cerr << introMessage << " " << res << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "Toto " << t.k << std::endl;

int main(){
    Toto t;
    PackParameters<int, Toto, float, std::string> pack ( 3, t, 4.0, " 3 * 4 =" );

    RunFunction<int, Toto, float, std::string>::Run ( f, pack );
    return 0;


这是一个c++ 14的解决方案。

template <typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later
  std::tuple<Args...> params;
  void (*func)(Args...);

  template<std::size_t ...I>
  void call_func(std::index_sequence<I...>)
  { func(std::get<I>(params)...); }
  void delayed_dispatch()
  { call_func(std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{}); }


// helper class
template<typename R, template<typename...> class Params, typename... Args, std::size_t... I>
R call_helper(std::function<R(Args...)> const&func, Params<Args...> const&params, std::index_sequence<I...>)
{ return func(std::get<I>(params)...); }

// "return func(params...)"
template<typename R, template<typename...> class Params, typename... Args>
R call(std::function<R(Args...)> const&func, Params<Args...> const&params)
{ return call_helper(func,params,std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{}); }


template <typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later
  std::tuple<Args...> params;
  std::function<void(Args...)> func;
  void delayed_dispatch()
  { std::call(func,params); }

这是约翰内斯对林地问题的解决方案的完整汇编版本,希望对某些人有用。这是在Debian上用g++ 4.7的快照进行测试的。

#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

template<int ...> struct seq {};

template<int N, int ...S> struct gens : gens<N-1, N-1, S...> {};

template<int ...S> struct gens<0, S...>{ typedef seq<S...> type; };

double foo(int x, float y, double z)
  return x + y + z;

template <typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later
  std::tuple<Args...> params;
  double (*func)(Args...);

  double delayed_dispatch()
    return callFunc(typename gens<sizeof...(Args)>::type());

  template<int ...S>
  double callFunc(seq<S...>)
    return func(std::get<S>(params) ...);

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
int main(void)
  gens<10> g;
  gens<10>::type s;
  std::tuple<int, float, double> t = std::make_tuple(1, 1.2, 5);
  save_it_for_later<int,float, double> saved = {t, foo};
  cout << saved.delayed_dispatch() << endl;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop



env = Environment(CXX="g++-4.7", CXXFLAGS="-Wall -Werror -g -O3 -std=c++11")
env.Program(target="johannes", source=["johannes.cc"])


g++-4.7 -o johannes.o -c -Wall -Werror -g -O3 -std=c++11 johannes.cc
g++-4.7 -o johannes johannes.o

Johannes使用c++ 14 std::index_sequence(和函数返回类型作为模板参数RetT)的解决方案的变化:

template <typename RetT, typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later
    RetT (*func)(Args...);
    std::tuple<Args...> params;

    save_it_for_later(RetT (*f)(Args...), std::tuple<Args...> par) : func { f }, params { par } {}

    RetT delayed_dispatch()
        return callFunc(std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{});

    template<std::size_t... Is>
    RetT callFunc(std::index_sequence<Is...>)
        return func(std::get<Is>(params) ...);

double foo(int x, float y, double z)
  return x + y + z;

int testTuple(void)
  std::tuple<int, float, double> t = std::make_tuple(1, 1.2, 5);
  save_it_for_later<double, int, float, double> saved (&foo, t);
  cout << saved.delayed_dispatch() << endl;
  return 0;


template <int N, int M, typename D>
struct call_or_recurse;

template <typename ...Types>
struct dispatcher {
  template <typename F, typename ...Args>
  static void impl(F f, const std::tuple<Types...>& params, Args... args) {
     call_or_recurse<sizeof...(Args), sizeof...(Types), dispatcher<Types...> >::call(f, params, args...);

template <int N, int M, typename D>
struct call_or_recurse {
  // recurse again
  template <typename F, typename T, typename ...Args>
  static void call(F f, const T& t, Args... args) {
     D::template impl(f, t, std::get<M-(N+1)>(t), args...);

template <int N, typename D>
struct call_or_recurse<N,N,D> {
  // do the call
  template <typename F, typename T, typename ...Args>
  static void call(F f, const T&, Args... args) {


  void delayed_dispatch() {
     dispatcher<Args...>::impl(func, params);




#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>

void f(int a, double b, void* c) {
  std::cout << a << ":" << b << ":" << c << std::endl;

template <typename ...Args>
struct save_it_for_later {
  std::tuple<Args...> params;
  void (*func)(Args...);

  template <typename ...Actual>
  typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(Actual) != sizeof...(Args)>::type
  delayed_dispatch(Actual&& ...a) {
    delayed_dispatch(std::forward<Actual>(a)..., std::get<sizeof...(Actual)>(params));

  void delayed_dispatch(Args ...args) {

int main() {
  int a=666;
  double b = -1.234;
  void *c = NULL;

  save_it_for_later<int,double,void*> saved = {
                                 std::tuple<int,double,void*>(a,b,c), f};



template<int ...>
struct seq { };

template<int N, int ...S>
struct gens : gens<N-1, N-1, S...> { };

template<int ...S>
struct gens<0, S...> {
  typedef seq<S...> type;

// ...
  void delayed_dispatch() {
     callFunc(typename gens<sizeof...(Args)>::type());

  template<int ...S>
  void callFunc(seq<S...>) {
     func(std::get<S>(params) ...);
// ...