在Java中,IoC / DI是一种非常常见的实践,广泛应用于web应用程序、几乎所有可用的框架和Java EE中。另一方面,也有很多大型的Python web应用程序,但除了Zope(我听说它的编码真的很糟糕)之外,IoC在Python世界中似乎并不常见。(如果你认为我是错的,请举一些例子)。
当然,有一些流行的Java IoC框架的克隆可用于Python,例如springpython。但它们似乎都没有被实际使用。至少,我从来没有碰到过Django或sqlalchemy+<插入您最喜欢的wsgi工具箱在这里>的基于web应用程序使用类似的东西。
An IoC system is actually useful when you have complex networks of objects, where each object may be a dependency for several others and, in turn, be itself a dependant on other objects. In such a case you'll want to define all these objects once and have a mechanism to put them together automatically, based on as many implicit rules as possible. If you also have configuration to be defined in a simple way by the application user/administrator, that's an additional reason to desire an IoC system that can read its components from something like a simple XML file (which would be the configuration).
You see, by working with interfaces and injections, your code gets more maintainable, since you can change the behavior easily, because you won't have to rewrite a single line of code (maybe a line or two on the DI configuration) of your class to change its behavior, since the classes that implement the interface your class is waiting for can vary independently as long as they follow the interface. One of the best strategies to keep code decoupled and easy to maintain is to follow at least the single responsibility, substitution and dependency inversion principles.
What's a DI library good for if you can instantiate an object yourself inside a package and import it to inject it yourself? The chosen answer is right, since java has no procedural sections (code outside of classes), all that goes into boring configuration xml's, hence the need of a class to instantiate and inject dependencies on a lazy load fashion so you don't blow away your performance, while on python you just code the injections in the "procedural" (code outside classes) sections of your code.