
  android:hint="Enter place,city,state"
  android:drawableRight="@drawable/cross" />



我在Mono中实现了@aristo_sh answer。Droid (Xamarin)因为它是一个委托匿名方法你不能返回true或false你必须取e。event。handled。我还隐藏了点击键盘

editText.Touch += (sender, e) => {
                    e.Handled = false;
                    if (e.Event.Action == MotionEventActions.Up)
                        if (e.Event.RawX >= (bibEditText.Right - (bibEditText.GetCompoundDrawables()[2]).Bounds.Width()))
                            InputMethodManager manager = (InputMethodManager)GetSystemService(InputMethodService);
                            manager.HideSoftInputFromWindow(editText.WindowToken, 0);
                            e.Handled = true;



edittextview_confirmpassword.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
    @Override        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        final int DRAWABLE_LEFT = 0;
        final int DRAWABLE_TOP = 1;
        final int DRAWABLE_RIGHT = 2;
        final int DRAWABLE_BOTTOM = 3;

        if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            if(event.getRawX() >= (edittextview_confirmpassword.getRight() - edittextview_confirmpassword.getCompoundDrawables()[DRAWABLE_RIGHT].getBounds().width())) {
                // your action here                    edittextview_confirmpassword.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD);
                return true;
            edittextview_confirmpassword.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS);

        return false;



Create a customized EditText class CustomEditText.java: import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.widget.EditText; public class CustomEditText extends EditText { private Drawable dRight; private Rect rBounds; public CustomEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } public CustomEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public CustomEditText(Context context) { super(context); } @Override public void setCompoundDrawables(Drawable left, Drawable top, Drawable right, Drawable bottom) { if(right !=null) { dRight = right; } super.setCompoundDrawables(left, top, right, bottom); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP && dRight!=null) { rBounds = dRight.getBounds(); final int x = (int)event.getX(); final int y = (int)event.getY(); //System.out.println("x:/y: "+x+"/"+y); //System.out.println("bounds: "+bounds.left+"/"+bounds.right+"/"+bounds.top+"/"+bounds.bottom); //check to make sure the touch event was within the bounds of the drawable if(x>=(this.getRight()-rBounds.width()) && x<=(this.getRight()-this.getPaddingRight()) && y>=this.getPaddingTop() && y<=(this.getHeight()-this.getPaddingBottom())) { //System.out.println("touch"); this.setText(""); event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL);//use this to prevent the keyboard from coming up } } return super.onTouchEvent(event); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { dRight = null; rBounds = null; super.finalize(); } } Change your layout XML to this (where com.example is your actual project package name): <com.example.CustomEditText android:id="@+id/txtsearch" … android:layout_gravity="center_vertical" android:background="@layout/shape" android:hint="Enter place,city,state" android:drawableRight="@drawable/cross" /> Finally, add this (or something similar) to your activity: … CustomEditText et = (CustomEditText) this.findViewById(R.id.txtsearch); …





LeftDrawableClickListener TopDrawableClickListener RightDrawableClickListener BottomDrawableClickListener





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:layout_height="match_parent" >

        android:text="replace this with a variable"
        android:drawablePadding="9dp" />



package com.company.project.core;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class MyActivity extends Activity

    protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState )
        super.onCreate( savedInstanceState );
        setContentView( R.layout.activity_my );

        final TextView myTextView = (TextView) this.findViewById( R.id.myTextView );
        myTextView.setOnTouchListener( new DrawableClickListener.LeftDrawableClickListener(myTextView)
            public boolean onDrawableClick()
                // TODO : insert code to perform on clicking of the LEFT drawable image...

                return true;
        } );
        myTextView.setOnTouchListener( new DrawableClickListener.RightDrawableClickListener(myTextView)
            public boolean onDrawableClick()
                // TODO : insert code to perform on clicking of the RIGHT drawable image...

                return true;
        } );



package com.company.project.core;

import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * This class can be used to define a listener for a compound drawable.
 * @author Matthew Weiler
 * */
public abstract class DrawableClickListener implements OnTouchListener

     * This represents the left drawable.
     * */
    public static final int DRAWABLE_INDEX_LEFT = 0;
     * This represents the top drawable.
     * */
    public static final int DRAWABLE_INDEX_TOP = 1;
     * This represents the right drawable.
     * */
    public static final int DRAWABLE_INDEX_RIGHT = 2;
     * This represents the bottom drawable.
     * */
    public static final int DRAWABLE_INDEX_BOTTOM = 3;
     * This stores the default value to be used for the
     * {@link DrawableClickListener#fuzz}.
     * */
    public static final int DEFAULT_FUZZ = 10;

     * This stores the number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
     * included to account for the size of a finger.
     * */
    private final int fuzz;
     * This will store a reference to the {@link Drawable}.
     * */
    private Drawable drawable = null;

     * This will create a new instance of a {@link DrawableClickListener}
     * object.
     * @param view
     *            The {@link TextView} that this {@link DrawableClickListener}
     *            is associated with.
     * @param drawableIndex
     *            The index of the drawable that this
     *            {@link DrawableClickListener} pertains to.
     *            <br />
     *            <i>use one of the values:
     *            <b>DrawableOnTouchListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_*</b></i>
    public DrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int drawableIndex )
        this( view, drawableIndex, DrawableClickListener.DEFAULT_FUZZ );

     * This will create a new instance of a {@link DrawableClickListener}
     * object.
     * @param view
     *            The {@link TextView} that this {@link DrawableClickListener}
     *            is associated with.
     * @param drawableIndex
     *            The index of the drawable that this
     *            {@link DrawableClickListener} pertains to.
     *            <br />
     *            <i>use one of the values:
     *            <b>DrawableOnTouchListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_*</b></i>
     * @param fuzzOverride
     *            The number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
     *            included to account for the size of a finger.
    public DrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int drawableIndex, final int fuzz )
        this.fuzz = fuzz;
        final Drawable[] drawables = view.getCompoundDrawables();
        if ( drawables != null && drawables.length == 4 )
            this.drawable = drawables[drawableIndex];

    public boolean onTouch( final View v, final MotionEvent event )
        if ( event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && drawable != null )
            final int x = (int) event.getX();
            final int y = (int) event.getY();
            final Rect bounds = drawable.getBounds();
            if ( this.isClickOnDrawable( x, y, v, bounds, this.fuzz ) )
                return this.onDrawableClick();
        return false;

     * */
    public abstract boolean isClickOnDrawable( final int x, final int y, final View view, final Rect drawableBounds, final int fuzz );

     * This method will be fired when the drawable is touched/clicked.
     * @return
     *         <code>true</code> if the listener has consumed the event;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
     * */
    public abstract boolean onDrawableClick();

     * This class can be used to define a listener for a <b>LEFT</b> compound
     * drawable.
     * */
    public static abstract class LeftDrawableClickListener extends DrawableClickListener

        /* CONSTRUCTORS */
         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link LeftDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link LeftDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
        public LeftDrawableClickListener( final TextView view )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_LEFT );

         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link LeftDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link LeftDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
         * @param fuzzOverride
         *            The number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
         *            included to account for the size of a finger.
        public LeftDrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int fuzz )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_LEFT, fuzz );

        /* PUBLIC METHODS */
        public boolean isClickOnDrawable( final int x, final int y, final View view, final Rect drawableBounds, final int fuzz )
            if ( x >= ( view.getPaddingLeft() - fuzz ) )
                if ( x <= ( view.getPaddingLeft() + drawableBounds.width() + fuzz ) )
                    if ( y >= ( view.getPaddingTop() - fuzz ) )
                        if ( y <= ( view.getHeight() - view.getPaddingBottom() + fuzz ) )
                            return true;
            return false;


     * This class can be used to define a listener for a <b>TOP</b> compound
     * drawable.
     * */
    public static abstract class TopDrawableClickListener extends DrawableClickListener

        /* CONSTRUCTORS */
         * This will create a new instance of a {@link TopDrawableClickListener}
         * object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link TopDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
        public TopDrawableClickListener( final TextView view )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_TOP );

         * This will create a new instance of a {@link TopDrawableClickListener}
         * object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link TopDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
         * @param fuzzOverride
         *            The number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
         *            included to account for the size of a finger.
        public TopDrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int fuzz )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_TOP, fuzz );

        /* PUBLIC METHODS */
        public boolean isClickOnDrawable( final int x, final int y, final View view, final Rect drawableBounds, final int fuzz )
            if ( x >= ( view.getPaddingLeft() - fuzz ) )
                if ( x <= ( view.getWidth() - view.getPaddingRight() + fuzz ) )
                    if ( y >= ( view.getPaddingTop() - fuzz ) )
                        if ( y <= ( view.getPaddingTop() + drawableBounds.height() + fuzz ) )
                            return true;
            return false;


     * This class can be used to define a listener for a <b>RIGHT</b> compound
     * drawable.
     * */
    public static abstract class RightDrawableClickListener extends DrawableClickListener

        /* CONSTRUCTORS */
         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link RightDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link RightDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
        public RightDrawableClickListener( final TextView view )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_RIGHT );

         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link RightDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link RightDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
         * @param fuzzOverride
         *            The number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
         *            included to account for the size of a finger.
        public RightDrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int fuzz )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_RIGHT, fuzz );

        /* PUBLIC METHODS */
        public boolean isClickOnDrawable( final int x, final int y, final View view, final Rect drawableBounds, final int fuzz )
            if ( x >= ( view.getWidth() - view.getPaddingRight() - drawableBounds.width() - fuzz ) )
                if ( x <= ( view.getWidth() - view.getPaddingRight() + fuzz ) )
                    if ( y >= ( view.getPaddingTop() - fuzz ) )
                        if ( y <= ( view.getHeight() - view.getPaddingBottom() + fuzz ) )
                            return true;
            return false;


     * This class can be used to define a listener for a <b>BOTTOM</b> compound
     * drawable.
     * */
    public static abstract class BottomDrawableClickListener extends DrawableClickListener

        /* CONSTRUCTORS */
         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link BottomDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link BottomDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
        public BottomDrawableClickListener( final TextView view )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_BOTTOM );

         * This will create a new instance of a
         * {@link BottomDrawableClickListener} object.
         * @param view
         *            The {@link TextView} that this
         *            {@link BottomDrawableClickListener} is associated with.
         * @param fuzzOverride
         *            The number of pixels of &quot;fuzz&quot; that should be
         *            included to account for the size of a finger.
        public BottomDrawableClickListener( final TextView view, final int fuzz )
            super( view, DrawableClickListener.DRAWABLE_INDEX_BOTTOM, fuzz );

        /* PUBLIC METHODS */
        public boolean isClickOnDrawable( final int x, final int y, final View view, final Rect drawableBounds, final int fuzz )
            if ( x >= ( view.getPaddingLeft() - fuzz ) )
                if ( x <= ( view.getWidth() - view.getPaddingRight() + fuzz ) )
                    if ( y >= ( view.getHeight() - view.getPaddingBottom() - drawableBounds.height() - fuzz ) )
                        if ( y <= ( view.getHeight() - view.getPaddingBottom() + fuzz ) )
                            return true;
            return false;








另外app:endIconMode = "custom"允许自定义图标的点击功能


    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

        Drawable drawableObj = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.search_btn);
        int drawableWidth = drawableObj.getIntrinsicWidth();

        int x = (int) event.getX();
        int y = (int) event.getY();

        if (event != null && event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            if (x >= (searchPanel_search.getWidth() - drawableWidth - searchPanel_search.getPaddingRight())
                    && x <= (searchPanel_search.getWidth() - searchPanel_search.getPaddingRight())

                    && y >= searchPanel_search.getPaddingTop() && y <= (searchPanel_search.getHeight() - searchPanel_search.getPaddingBottom())) {


            else {
                InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
                imm.showSoftInput(searchPanel_search, InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);
        return super.onTouchEvent(event);
