#define DEBUG 1
#define debug_print(args ...) if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, args)
#define DEBUG 1
#define debug_print(args ...) if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, args)
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) ((void)0)
#define Dputs(MSG) ((void)0)
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "%s() in %s, line %i: " FORMAT "\n", \
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Dputs(MSG) Dprintf("%s", MSG)
根据http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Variadic-Macros.html, __VA_ARGS__之前应该有##。
否则,宏#define dbg_print(format,…)printf(format, __VA_ARGS__)将不会编译以下示例:dbg_print("hello world");
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) ((void)0)
#define Dputs(MSG) ((void)0)
#define Dprintf(FORMAT, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "%s() in %s, line %i: " FORMAT "\n", \
__func__, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define Dputs(MSG) Dprintf("%s", MSG)
int doDebug = DEBUG; // Where DEBUG may be supplied in compiler command
#define trace if (doDebug) printf
trace("whatever %d, %i\n", arg1, arg2);
#ifdef DEBUG
#define D if(1)
#define D if(0)
D printf("x=%0.3f\n",x);
#ifdef DEBUG
#define D
#define D for(;0;)
My solution provides for levels of debug detail also; and if you set it to the highest level, they all compile. If you've been using a high debug detail level recently, they all were able to compile at that time. Final updates should be pretty easy. I've never needed more than three levels, but Jonathan says he's used nine. This method (like Leffler's) can be extended to any number of levels. The usage of my method may be simpler; requiring just two statements when used in your code. I am, however, coding the CLOSE macro too - although it doesn't do anything. It might if I were sending to a file.
You must trust them to get optimized out, which admittedly SHOULD happen if you have a sufficient optimization level. Furthermore, they probably won't if you make a release compile with optimization turned off for testing purposes (which is admittedly rare); and they almost certainly won't at all during debug - thereby executing dozens or hundreds of "if (DEBUG)" statements at runtime; thus slowing execution (which is my principle objection) and less importantly, increasing your executable or dll size; and hence execution and compile times. Jonathan, however, informs me his method can be made to also not compile statements at all.
// FILE: DebugLog.h
// REMARKS: This is a generic pair of files useful for debugging. It provides three levels of
// debug logging, currently; in addition to disabling it. Level 3 is the most information.
// Levels 2 and 1 have progressively more. Thus, you can write:
// DEBUGLOG_LOG(1, "a number=%d", 7);
// and it will be seen if DEBUG is anything other than undefined or zero. If you write
// DEBUGLOG_LOG(3, "another number=%d", 15);
// it will only be seen if DEBUG is 3. When not being displayed, these routines compile
// to NOTHING. I reject the argument that debug code needs to always be compiled so as to
// keep it current. I would rather have a leaner and faster app, and just not be lazy, and
// maintain debugs as needed. I don't know if this works with the C preprocessor or not,
// but the rest of the code is fully C compliant also if it is.
#define DEBUG 1
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUGLOG_INIT(filename) debuglog_init(filename)
#define debuglog_init(...)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUGLOG_CLOSE debuglog_close
#define debuglog_close(...)
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG(level, fmt, ...) DEBUGLOG_LOG ## level (fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#if DEBUG == 0
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG0(...)
#if DEBUG >= 1
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG1(fmt, ...) debuglog_log (fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG1(...)
#if DEBUG >= 2
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG2(fmt, ...) debuglog_log (fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG2(...)
#if DEBUG == 3
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG3(fmt, ...) debuglog_log (fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUGLOG_LOG3(...)
void debuglog_init(char *filename);
void debuglog_close(void);
void debuglog_log(char* format, ...);
// FILE: DebugLog.h
// REMARKS: This is a generic pair of files useful for debugging. It provides three levels of
// debug logging, currently; in addition to disabling it. See DebugLog.h's remarks for more
// info.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "DebugLog.h"
FILE *hndl;
char *savedFilename;
void debuglog_init(char *filename)
savedFilename = filename;
hndl = fopen(savedFilename, "wt");
void debuglog_close(void)
void debuglog_log(char* format, ...)
hndl = fopen(savedFilename,"at");
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, format);
vfprintf(hndl, format, argptr);
DEBUGLOG_LOG(1, "the value is: %d", anint);
#define DEBUG 1
#define DEBUG 0
DEBUGLOG_LOG(3, "the value is: %d", anint);
As to the do-while loop, since this evaluates to either a single function or nothing, instead of an if statement, the loop is not needed. OK, castigate me for using C instead of C++ IO (and Qt's QString::arg() is a safer way of formatting variables when in Qt, too — it's pretty slick, but takes more code and the formatting documentation isn't as organized as it might be - but still I've found cases where its preferable), but you can put whatever code in the .cpp file you want. It also might be a class, but then you would need to instantiate it and keep up with it, or do a new() and store it. This way, you just drop the #include, init and optionally close statements into your source, and you are ready to begin using it. It would make a fine class, however, if you are so inclined.
It can be extended to do as many levels as you like. It compiles to nothing if not printing. It centralizes IO in one easy-to-edit place. It's flexible, using printf formatting. Again, it does not slow down debug runs, whereas always-compiling debug prints are always executed in debug mode. If you are doing computer science, and not easier to write information processing, you may find yourself running a CPU-consuming simulator, to see e.g. where the debugger stops it with an index out of range for a vector. These run extra-slowly in debug mode already. The mandatory execution of hundreds of debug prints will necessarily slow such runs down even further. For me, such runs are not uncommon.
它不需要hack就能输出不带参数(例如DEBUGLOG_LOG(3, "got here!"););从而允许您使用,例如Qt更安全的.arg()格式。它可以在MSVC上工作,因此,可能是gcc。它在#定义中使用##,正如Leffler指出的,这是非标准的,但得到了广泛的支持。(如果有必要,你可以重新编码,不使用##,但你必须使用他提供的黑客。)
我希望这能让你们中的许多人不再为寻找调试日志的最佳方法而烦恼;或者给你看你可能更喜欢的。几十年来,我一直在半心半意地研究这个问题。工作在MSVC 2012和2015,因此可能在gcc;可能也适用于其他很多人,但我还没有在他们身上测试过。