


At the moment I plan to use the MySQLi features in PHP5. However how should I setup the databases in relation to users and content? Do I actually need multiple databases? At the moment everything's jumbled into one database - although I've been considering spreading user data to one, actual content to another and finally core site content (template masters etc.) to another. My reasoning behind this is that sending queries to different databases will ease up the load on them as one database = 3 load sources. Also would this still be effective if they were all on the same server?












Don't use MySQLi -- PDO is the 'modern' OO database access layer. The most important feature to use is placeholders in your queries. It's smart enough to use server side prepares and other optimizations for you as well. You probably don't want to break your database up at this point. If you do find that one database isn't cutting, there are several techniques to scale up, depending on your app. Replicating to additional servers typically works well if you have more reads than writes. Sharding is a technique to split your data over many machines.


You probably don't want to cache in your database. The database is typically your bottleneck, so adding more IO's to it is typically a bad thing. There are several PHP caches out there that accomplish similar things like APC and Zend. Measure your system with caching on and off. I bet your cache is heavier than serving the pages straight. If it takes a long time to build your comments and article data from the db, integrate memcache into your system. You can cache the query results and store them in a memcached instance. It's important to remember that retrieving the data from memcache must be faster than assembling it from the database to see any benefit. If your articles aren't dynamic, or you have simple dynamic changes after it's generated, consider writing out html or php to the disk. You could have an index.php page that looks on disk for the article, if it's there, it streams it to the client. If it isn't, it generates the article, writes it to the disk and sends it to the client. Deleting files from the disk would cause pages to be re-written. If a comment is added to an article, delete the cached copy -- it would be regenerated.


查看mod_cache, Apache web服务器的输出缓存,类似于ASP.NET中的输出缓存。




另外,如果真的需要性能,可以准备PHP 5.3中的MysqLnd驱动程序,它将与PHP更加紧密地集成,具有更好的性能和改进的内存使用(以及用于性能调优的统计数据)。



Cache, cache, cache. Caching is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce load on your webserver and database. Cache page content, queries, expensive computation, anything that is I/O bound. Memcache is dead simple and effective. Use multiple servers once you are maxed out. You can have multiple web servers and multiple database servers (with replication). Reduce overall # of request to your webservers. This entails caching JS, CSS and images using expires headers. You can also move your static content to a CDN, which will speed up your user's experience. Measure & benchmark. Run Nagios on your production machines and load test on your dev/qa server. You need to know when your server will catch on fire so you can prevent it.


看看我关于可伸缩性的博客文章,它有很多关于多种语言和平台可伸缩性的演示文稿的链接: http://www.ryandoherty.net/2008/07/13/unicorns-and-scalability/

谢谢你关于PHP缓存扩展的建议——你能解释一下为什么要使用一个而不是另一个吗?我听说过通过IRC的memcached很棒,但从来没有听说过APC -你对它们有什么看法?我认为使用多个缓存系统会适得其反。


如果您正在处理大量数据,而缓存无法解决问题,请查看Sphinx。我们使用SphinxSearch取得了很好的结果,不仅可以更好地进行文本搜索,还可以在处理较大的表时作为MySQL的数据检索替代品。如果你使用SphinxSE (MySQL插件),它所获得的性能收益超过了我们从缓存中获得的几倍,并且应用程序实现是一个麻烦。