


At the moment I plan to use the MySQLi features in PHP5. However how should I setup the databases in relation to users and content? Do I actually need multiple databases? At the moment everything's jumbled into one database - although I've been considering spreading user data to one, actual content to another and finally core site content (template masters etc.) to another. My reasoning behind this is that sending queries to different databases will ease up the load on them as one database = 3 load sources. Also would this still be effective if they were all on the same server?












Don't use MySQLi -- PDO is the 'modern' OO database access layer. The most important feature to use is placeholders in your queries. It's smart enough to use server side prepares and other optimizations for you as well. You probably don't want to break your database up at this point. If you do find that one database isn't cutting, there are several techniques to scale up, depending on your app. Replicating to additional servers typically works well if you have more reads than writes. Sharding is a technique to split your data over many machines.


You probably don't want to cache in your database. The database is typically your bottleneck, so adding more IO's to it is typically a bad thing. There are several PHP caches out there that accomplish similar things like APC and Zend. Measure your system with caching on and off. I bet your cache is heavier than serving the pages straight. If it takes a long time to build your comments and article data from the db, integrate memcache into your system. You can cache the query results and store them in a memcached instance. It's important to remember that retrieving the data from memcache must be faster than assembling it from the database to see any benefit. If your articles aren't dynamic, or you have simple dynamic changes after it's generated, consider writing out html or php to the disk. You could have an index.php page that looks on disk for the article, if it's there, it streams it to the client. If it isn't, it generates the article, writes it to the disk and sends it to the client. Deleting files from the disk would cause pages to be re-written. If a comment is added to an article, delete the cached copy -- it would be regenerated.






Don't use MySQLi -- PDO is the 'modern' OO database access layer. The most important feature to use is placeholders in your queries. It's smart enough to use server side prepares and other optimizations for you as well. You probably don't want to break your database up at this point. If you do find that one database isn't cutting, there are several techniques to scale up, depending on your app. Replicating to additional servers typically works well if you have more reads than writes. Sharding is a technique to split your data over many machines.


You probably don't want to cache in your database. The database is typically your bottleneck, so adding more IO's to it is typically a bad thing. There are several PHP caches out there that accomplish similar things like APC and Zend. Measure your system with caching on and off. I bet your cache is heavier than serving the pages straight. If it takes a long time to build your comments and article data from the db, integrate memcache into your system. You can cache the query results and store them in a memcached instance. It's important to remember that retrieving the data from memcache must be faster than assembling it from the database to see any benefit. If your articles aren't dynamic, or you have simple dynamic changes after it's generated, consider writing out html or php to the disk. You could have an index.php page that looks on disk for the article, if it's there, it streams it to the client. If it isn't, it generates the article, writes it to the disk and sends it to the client. Deleting files from the disk would cause pages to be re-written. If a comment is added to an article, delete the cached copy -- it would be regenerated.


一般来说,Simple是快速的。 模板会降低您的速度。数据库会降低您的速度。复杂的库会降低您的速度。从数据库中检索模板并在一个复杂的库中解析它们——>时间延迟相互相乘。






模式 首先,去规范化您的模式。这意味着您不应该使用多个关系表,而应该选择使用一个大表。通常,连接会浪费宝贵的DB资源,因为多次准备和排序会消耗磁盘I/O。尽量避免使用。


索引 确保您的查询使用了至少一个索引。但是要注意的是,如果频繁地编写或更新索引将会使您付出代价。有一些实验性的技巧可以避免这种情况。



缓存 我强烈推荐Memcached。它已经被PHP堆栈上最大的玩家(Facebook)证明了,而且非常灵活。有两种方法可以做到这一点,一种是在数据库层缓存,另一种是在业务逻辑层缓存。



数据分片 复制只能让你到此为止。很快,写操作就会成为瓶颈。为了弥补这一点,请确保尽早支持数据分片。如果你不这样做,以后你可能会想开枪自杀。



离线处理 不要让用户等待你的后端,如果他们没有必要的话。构建一个作业队列,并将任何处理移至脱机状态,将其与用户的请求分开。

回复: PDO / MySQLi / MySQLND


你不能说“不要使用MySQLi”,因为他们有不同的目标。PDO几乎就像一个抽象层(尽管实际上不是),它的设计目的是为了方便使用多个数据库产品,而MySQLi则专门针对MySQL连接。在将PDO与MySQLi进行比较的情况下,说PDO是现代访问层是错误的,因为你的声明暗示了进程已经是mysql -> MySQLi -> PDO,而事实并非如此。




You are correct about MySQLnd which is the newest MySQL core language level library, however it is not a replacement for MySQLi. MySQLi (as with PDO) remains the way you would interact with MySQL through your PHP code. Both of these use libmysql as the C client behind the PHP code. The problem is that libmysql is outside of the core PHP engine and that is where mysqlnd comes in i.e. it is a Native Driver which makes use of the core PHP internals to maximise efficiency, specifically where memory usage is concerned.

MySQLnd是由MySQL自己开发的,最近已经登陆到PHP 5.3分支,该分支正在RC测试中,准备在今年晚些时候发布。然后你将能够使用mysqnd与MySQLi…但PDO不行。这将使MySQLi在许多方面(不是所有方面)都有性能提升,如果你不需要像PDO那样的抽象功能,它将成为MySQL交互的最佳选择。

也就是说,mysqnd现在可以在PHP 5.3中用于PDO,因此您可以从ND到PDO的性能增强中获得优势,然而,PDO仍然是一个通用的数据库层,因此不太可能像MySQLi那样从ND的增强中获益。



这不是哪一个最好的简单问题,因为每一个都有优点和缺点。您需要阅读我提供的链接,然后做出自己的决定,然后测试并找出答案。我在过去的项目中使用过PDO,它是一个很好的扩展,但我对纯性能的选择是MySQLi与新的MySQLND选项编译(当PHP 5.3发布时)。