Is there a performance or code maintenance issue with using assert as part of the standard code instead of using it just for debugging purposes? Is assert x >= 0, 'x is less than zero' better or worse than if x < 0: raise Exception('x is less than zero') Also, is there any way to set a business rule like if x < 0 raise error that is always checked without the try/except/finally so, if at anytime throughout the code x is less than 0 an error is raised, like if you set assert x < 0 at the start of a function, anywhere within the function where x becomes less then 0 an exception is raised?
assert False
raise Exception('Python assertions are not working. This tool relies on Python assertions to do its job. Possible causes are running with the "-O" flag or running a precompiled (".pyo" or ".pyc") module.')
except AssertionError:
在诸如PTVS、PyCharm、Wing assert isinstance()等IDE中,可以使用isinstance语句对一些不清楚的对象启用代码补全。
# I solemnly swear that here I will tell the truth, the whole truth,
# and nothing but the truth, under pains and penalties of perjury, so help me FSM
assert answer == 42
Assertions are statements about the correctness of code addressed at developers: An assertion in the code informs readers of the code about conditions that have to be fulfilled for the code being correct. An assertion that fails at run-time informs developers that there is a defect in the code that needs fixing. Exceptions are indications about non-typical situations that can occur at run-time but can not be resolved by the code at hand, addressed at the calling code to be handled there. The occurence of an exception does not indicate that there is a bug in the code.
Normally assertions improve the maintainability of the code, since they improve readability by making assumptions explicit and during run-time regularly verifying these assumptions. This will also help catching regressions. There is one issue, however, that needs to be kept in mind: Expressions used in assertions should have no side-effects. As mentioned above, assertions can be eliminated at compile time - which means that also the potential side-effects would disappear. This can - unintendedly - change the behaviour of the code.
assert False
raise Exception('Python assertions are not working. This tool relies on Python assertions to do its job. Possible causes are running with the "-O" flag or running a precompiled (".pyo" or ".pyc") module.')
except AssertionError:
class LessThanZeroException(Exception):
class variable(object):
def __init__(self, value=0):
self.__x = value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if value < 0:
raise LessThanZeroException('x is less than zero')
self.__x = value
def __get__(self, obj, objType):
return self.__x
class MyClass(object):
x = variable()
>>> m = MyClass()
>>> m.x = 10
>>> m.x -= 20
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 7, in __set__
raise LessThanZeroException('x is less than zero')
LessThanZeroException: x is less than zero