Is there a performance or code maintenance issue with using assert as part of the standard code instead of using it just for debugging purposes? Is assert x >= 0, 'x is less than zero' better or worse than if x < 0: raise Exception('x is less than zero') Also, is there any way to set a business rule like if x < 0 raise error that is always checked without the try/except/finally so, if at anytime throughout the code x is less than 0 an error is raised, like if you set assert x < 0 at the start of a function, anywhere within the function where x becomes less then 0 an exception is raised?
它们有两个目的,告诉读者,帮助我推理,并检查我在推理中没有犯错误。例如 :
k = 0
for i in range(n):
assert k == i * (i + 1) // 2
k += i
#do some things
def sorted(l):
return all(l1 <= l2 for l1, l2 in zip(l, l[1:]))
def mergesort(l):
if len(l) < 2: #python 3.10 will have match - case for this instead of checking length
return l
k = len(l // 2)
l1 = mergesort(l[:k])
l2 = mergesort(l[k:])
assert sorted(l1) # here the asserts allow me to explicit what properties my code should have
assert sorted(l2) # I expect them to be disabled in a production build
return merge(l1, l2)
# I solemnly swear that here I will tell the truth, the whole truth,
# and nothing but the truth, under pains and penalties of perjury, so help me FSM
assert answer == 42
Please remember to "make it work first before you make it work fast". Very few percent of any program are usually relevant for its speed. You can always kick out or simplify an assert if it ever proves to be a performance problem -- and most of them never will. Be pragmatic: Assume you have a method that processes a non-empty list of tuples and the program logic will break if those tuples are not immutable. You should write: def mymethod(listOfTuples): assert(all(type(tp)==tuple for tp in listOfTuples)) This is probably fine if your lists tend to be ten entries long, but it can become a problem if they have a million entries. But rather than discarding this valuable check entirely you could simply downgrade it to def mymethod(listOfTuples): assert(type(listOfTuples[0])==tuple) # in fact _all_ must be tuples! which is cheap but will likely catch most of the actual program errors anyway.
assert False
raise Exception('Python assertions are not working. This tool relies on Python assertions to do its job. Possible causes are running with the "-O" flag or running a precompiled (".pyo" or ".pyc") module.')
except AssertionError:
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