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在这个帖子中有几个答案告诉你如何去做 通过Array对象的原型扩展Array对象。这很糟糕 IDEA,因为它破坏了语句中的for (i)。

如果你不使用for (i in a) 代码中的任何地方?除非你自己的代码是 只有您正在运行的代码,这是不太可能的 在浏览器内部。我担心如果人们开始扩张 他们的数组对象像这样,堆栈溢出将启动 充斥着一堆神秘的JavaScript错误。





alert(prompt('',something.innerHTML ));


var x = 1;
   var x = 2;
alert(x); // outputs 2

生成器和迭代器(仅适用于Firefox 2+和Safari)。

function fib() {
  var i = 0, j = 1;
  while (true) {
    yield i;
    var t = i;
    i = j;
    j += t;

var g = fib();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  document.write(g.next() + "<br>\n");

The function containing the yield keyword is a generator. When you call it, its formal parameters are bound to actual arguments, but its body isn't actually evaluated. Instead, a generator-iterator is returned. Each call to the generator-iterator's next() method performs another pass through the iterative algorithm. Each step's value is the value specified by the yield keyword. Think of yield as the generator-iterator version of return, indicating the boundary between each iteration of the algorithm. Each time you call next(), the generator code resumes from the statement following the yield. In normal usage, iterator objects are "invisible"; you won't need to operate on them explicitly, but will instead use JavaScript's for...in and for each...in statements to loop naturally over the keys and/or values of objects.

var objectWithIterator = getObjectSomehow();

for (var i in objectWithIterator)
  document.write(objectWithIterator[i] + "<br>\n");




var user = 
   fname: 'Rocket', 
   mname: 'Aloysus',
   lname: 'Squirrel', 
   city: 'Fresno', 
   state: 'California'

// ...

with (user)
   mname = 'J';
   city = 'Frostbite Falls';
   state = 'Minnesota';

Alan Storm指出,这可能有点危险:如果用作上下文的对象没有被赋值的属性之一,它将在外部作用域被解析,可能会创建或覆盖一个全局变量。如果你习惯了用默认值或空值未定义的对象编写代码,这是特别危险的:

var user = 
   fname: "John",
// mname definition skipped - no middle name
   lname: "Doe"

with (user)
   mname = "Q"; // creates / modifies global variable "mname"




在下面的例子中,我们创建了一个类Pet并定义了一些属性。我们还重写了继承自Object的. tostring()方法。

在此之后,我们创建了一个Dog类,它扩展了Pet并重写了. tostring()方法,再次改变了它的行为(多态性)。此外,我们还向子类添加了一些其他属性。


// Defines a Pet class constructor 
function Pet(name) 
    this.getName = function() { return name; };
    this.setName = function(newName) { name = newName; };

// Adds the Pet.toString() function for all Pet objects
Pet.prototype.toString = function() 
    return 'This pets name is: ' + this.getName();
// end of class Pet

// Define Dog class constructor (Dog : Pet) 
function Dog(name, breed) 
    // think Dog : base(name) 
    Pet.call(this, name);
    this.getBreed = function() { return breed; };

// this makes Dog.prototype inherit from Pet.prototype
Dog.prototype = new Pet();

// Currently Pet.prototype.constructor
// points to Pet. We want our Dog instances'
// constructor to point to Dog.
Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;

// Now we override Pet.prototype.toString
Dog.prototype.toString = function() 
    return 'This dogs name is: ' + this.getName() + 
        ', and its breed is: ' + this.getBreed();
// end of class Dog

var parrotty = new Pet('Parrotty the Parrot');
var dog = new Dog('Buddy', 'Great Dane');
// test the new toString()

// Testing instanceof (similar to the `is` operator)
alert('Is dog instance of Dog? ' + (dog instanceof Dog)); //true
alert('Is dog instance of Pet? ' + (dog instanceof Pet)); //true
alert('Is dog instance of Object? ' + (dog instanceof Object)); //true

这个问题的两个答案都是从Ray Djajadinata的一篇很棒的MSDN文章中修改的代码。