


同样在python3中,你可能会发现使用Extended Iterable Unpacking来处理可选的位置参数很方便,没有额外的依赖关系:

   _, arg1, arg2, arg3, *_ = sys.argv + [None] * 2
except ValueError:
   print("Not enough arguments", file=sys.stderr) # unhandled exception traceback is meaningful enough also


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 3, in <module>
    _, arg1, arg2, arg3, *_ = sys.argv + [None] * 2
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected at least 4, got 3)




argparse module can handle positional and optional arguments, while optparse can handle only optional arguments argparse isn’t dogmatic about what your command line interface should look like - options like -file or /file are supported, as are required options. Optparse refuses to support these features, preferring purity over practicality argparse produces more informative usage messages, including command-line usage determined from your arguments, and help messages for both positional and optional arguments. The optparse module requires you to write your own usage string, and has no way to display help for positional arguments. argparse supports action that consume a variable number of command-line args, while optparse requires that the exact number of arguments (e.g. 1, 2, or 3) be known in advance argparse supports parsers that dispatch to sub-commands, while optparse requires setting allow_interspersed_args and doing the parser dispatch manually


Argparse允许类型和 add_argument()的操作参数 用simple指定 调用对象,而optparse需要 破解类属性,比如 获取STORE_ACTIONS或CHECK_METHODS 正确的参数检查


from entrypoint2 import entrypoint
def add(file, quiet=True): 
    ''' This function writes report.

    :param file: write report to FILE
    :param quiet: don't print status messages to stdout
    print file,quiet


usage: report.py [-h] [-q] [--debug] file

This function writes report.

positional arguments:
  file         write report to FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet  don't print status messages to stdout
  --debug      set logging level to DEBUG

标准库中的规范解决方案是argparse (docs):


from argparse import ArgumentParser

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
                    help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet",
                    action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                    help="don't print status messages to stdout")

args = parser.parse_args()


任意顺序的多个选项。 选择做空和做多。 默认值。 生成使用帮助消息。

import sys




import sys


如何将Python脚本作为命令执行? 当Python脚本作为命令执行时,我们如何将输入值传递给它?


# file name: test.py
# input values: data  - location of data to be processed
#               date  - date data were delivered for processing
#               study - name of the study where data originated
#               logs  - location where log files should be written 
# macOS usage: 
#   python3 test.py "/Users/lawrence/data" "20220518" "XYZ123" "/Users/lawrence/logs"
# Windows usage: 
#   python test.py "D:\data" "20220518" "XYZ123" "D:\logs"
# import needed modules...
import sys
import datetime

def main(argv):

   # print message that process is starting...
   print("test process starting at", datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M"))

   # set local values from input values...
   data = sys.argv[1]
   date = sys.argv[2]
   study = sys.argv[3]
   logs = sys.argv[4]

   # print input arguments...
   print("data value is", data)
   print("date value is", date)
   print("study value is", study)
   print("logs value is", logs)

   # print message that process is ending...
   print("test process ending at", datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M"))

# call main() to begin processing...

if __name__ == '__main__':


该脚本可以在macOS计算机上的Terminal shell中执行,如下所示,结果将被打印到标准输出(确保当前目录包括test.py文件):

$ python3 test.py "/Users/lawrence/data" "20220518" "XYZ123" "/Users/lawrence/logs"
test process starting at 20220518 16:51
data value is /Users/lawrence/data
date value is 20220518
study value is XYZ123
logs value is /Users/lawrence/logs
test process ending at 20220518 16:51


D:\scripts>python test.py "D:\data" "20220518" "XYZ123" "D:\logs"
test process starting at 20220518 17:20
data value is D:\data
date value is 20220518
study value is XYZ123
logs value is D:\logs
test process ending at 20220518 17:20
