ptr = malloc(MAXELEMS * sizeof(char *));
ptr = calloc(MAXELEMS, sizeof(char*));
ptr = malloc(MAXELEMS * sizeof(char *));
ptr = calloc(MAXELEMS, sizeof(char*));
摘自Georg Hager的博客上的一篇文章,用calloc()进行有趣的基准测试
When allocating memory using calloc(), the amount of memory requested is not allocated right away. Instead, all pages that belong to the memory block are connected to a single page containing all zeroes by some MMU magic (links below). If such pages are only read (which was true for arrays b, c and d in the original version of the benchmark), the data is provided from the single zero page, which – of course – fits into cache. So much for memory-bound loop kernels. If a page gets written to (no matter how), a fault occurs, the “real” page is mapped and the zero page is copied to memory. This is called copy-on-write, a well-known optimization approach (that I even have taught multiple times in my C++ lectures). After that, the zero-read trick does not work any more for that page and this is why performance was so much lower after inserting the – supposedly redundant – init loop.
void *malloc(size_t size)只能分配到SIZE_MAX。
Void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);可以分配大约SIZE_MAX*SIZE_MAX。
在许多具有线性寻址的平台中,不经常使用此功能。这样的系统用nmemb * size <= SIZE_MAX限制calloc()。
考虑一种名为disk_sector的512字节类型,代码希望使用大量扇区。在这里,代码最多只能使用SIZE_MAX/sizeof disk_sector扇区。
size_t count = SIZE_MAX/sizeof disk_sector;
disk_sector *p = malloc(count * sizeof *p);
size_t count = something_in_the_range(SIZE_MAX/sizeof disk_sector + 1, SIZE_MAX)
disk_sector *p = calloc(count, sizeof *p);
现在,这样一个系统能否提供如此大的分配是另一回事。今天大多数人都不会。然而,当SIZE_MAX为65535时,这种情况已经发生了很多年。根据摩尔定律,这种情况将在2030年左右发生,某些内存模型SIZE_MAX == 4294967295,内存池为100 gb。
摘自Georg Hager的博客上的一篇文章,用calloc()进行有趣的基准测试
When allocating memory using calloc(), the amount of memory requested is not allocated right away. Instead, all pages that belong to the memory block are connected to a single page containing all zeroes by some MMU magic (links below). If such pages are only read (which was true for arrays b, c and d in the original version of the benchmark), the data is provided from the single zero page, which – of course – fits into cache. So much for memory-bound loop kernels. If a page gets written to (no matter how), a fault occurs, the “real” page is mapped and the zero page is copied to memory. This is called copy-on-write, a well-known optimization approach (that I even have taught multiple times in my C++ lectures). After that, the zero-read trick does not work any more for that page and this is why performance was so much lower after inserting the – supposedly redundant – init loop.
有两个不同之处。 首先,是参数的数量。Malloc()接受一个参数(以字节为单位的内存需求),而calloc()需要两个参数。 其次,malloc()不会初始化分配的内存,而calloc()会将分配的内存初始化为ZERO。
语法:ptr_var = calloc(no_of_blocks, size_of_each_block); 即ptr_var = calloc(n, s);
malloc()分配REQUSTED SIZE的单个内存块,并返回指向第一个字节的指针。如果它无法找到所请求的内存量,它返回一个空指针。
语法:ptr_var = malloc(Size_in_bytes); malloc()函数有一个参数,即分配的字节数,而calloc()函数有两个参数,一个是元素的数量,另一个是为每个元素分配的字节数。另外,calloc()将分配的空间初始化为0,而malloc()不会。
然而,从学究的角度来看,calloc(以及memset(…, 0,…))只能保证正确地初始化unsigned char类型的对象(使用0)。其他所有内容都不能保证被正确初始化,并且可能包含所谓的陷阱表示,这会导致未定义的行为。换句话说,对于除unsigned char以外的任何类型,前面提到的全零位模式可能表示非法值,即陷阱表示。
后来,在C99标准的一个技术更正中,为所有整数类型定义了行为(这是有意义的)。也就是说,在当前的C语言中,你只能用calloc(和memset(…, 0,…))。从C语言的角度来看,在一般情况下使用它来初始化其他任何东西都会导致未定义的行为。