




def func(): return h
def anotherfunc(h):
   return func()

这将导致一个错误,因为func不会在另一个环境中关闭func - h是undefined。Func只在全局环境下关闭。这是可行的:

def anotherfunc(h):
    def func(): return h
    return func()

因为这里,func是在anotherfunc中定义的,而在python 2.3及以上版本(或类似这样的数字)中,当他们几乎正确地获得闭包时(突变仍然无效),这意味着它在anotherfunc的环境中关闭,并可以访问其中的变量。在Python 3.1+中,使用nonlocal关键字时也可以使用突变。


def anotherfunc(h):
    def func(): return h
    return func

print anotherfunc(10)()








例如,通过ISO c++(从c++ 11开始):



NOTE To make things generally clearer and more precise, I'd seldom deliberately use some language-neutral terms (usually specific to the PL theory instead of the language-defined terminology. For instance, type inhabitant used above covers the language-specific "(r)values" and "lvalues" in a broader sense. (Since the syntactic essence of C++'s value category definition is irrelevant, avoiding "(l/r)values" may reduce confusion). (Disclaimer: lvalues and rvalues are common enough in many other contexts.) Terms not defined formally among different PLs may be in quotes. Verbatim copy from referenced materials may be also in quotes, with typos unchanged.

这甚至与“lambda”更相关。(小写)字母lambda (λ)是希腊字母表中的一个元素。通过比较“lambda”和“闭包”,人们当然不是在谈论字母本身,而是使用“lambda”派生概念的语法背后的某些东西。





这样的构造源自lambda抽象,它是A. Church开发的(无类型的)lambda演算的三个语法类别(“表达式的种类”)之一。



Every terms ("expressions") in the lambda calculus (lambda terms) are either variable, abstraction or application. "Variable" here is the syntax (just the variable's name) of symbol, which can refer to an existing "variable" (semantically, an entity which may reduce to some other lambda term) introduced previously. The ability to introduce a variable is provided by the abstraction syntax, which has a leading letter λ, followed by a bound variable, a dot and a lambda term. The bound variable is similar to the formal parameter name both in the syntax and semantic among many languages, and the followed lambda term inside the lambda abstraction is just like the function body. The application syntax combines a lambda term ("actual argument") to some abstraction, like the function call expression in many PLs.


The ability of introducing variables makes lambda calculus a typical high-level language (albeit simple). On the other hand, combinatory logics can be treated as PLs by remove away the variable and abstraction features from the lambda calculus. Combinatory logics are low-level exactly in this sense: they are like plain-old assembly languages which do not allow to introduce variables named by the user (despite macros, which requires additional preprocessing). (... If not more low-level... typically assembly languages can at least introduce user-named labels.)

注意,lambda抽象可以构建在任何其他lambda术语中,而不需要指定名称来表示抽象。因此,lambda抽象整体上形成了匿名函数(可能是嵌套的)。这是一个相当高级的特性(与ISO C相比,后者不允许匿名或嵌套函数)。

非类型化lambda演算的继承者包括各种类型化lambda演算(如lambda cube)。它们更像是静态类型语言,需要在函数的形式参数上添加类型注释。尽管如此,lambda抽象在这里仍然具有相同的角色。

Although lambda calculi are not intended to be directly used as PLs implemented in computers, they do have affected PLs in practice. Notably, J. McCarthy introduced the LAMBDA operator in LISP to provide functions exactly following the idea of Church's untyped lambda calculus. Apparently, the name LAMBDA comes from the letter λ. LISP (later) has a different syntax (S-expression), but all programmable elements in the LAMBDA expressions can be directly mapped to the lambda abstractions in the untyped lambda calculus by trivial syntactic conversions.

On the other hand, many other PLs express similar functionalities by other means. A slightly different way to introduce reusable computations are named functions (or more exactly, named subroutines), which are supported by earlier PLs like FORTRAN, and languages derived from ALGOL. They are introduced by syntaxes specifying a named entity being a function at the same time. This is simpler in some sense compared to LISP dialects (esp. in the aspect of implementation), and it seems more popular than LISP dialects for decades. Named functions may also allow extensions not shared by anonymous functions like function overloading.

Nevertheless, more and more industrial programmers finally find the usefulness of first-class functions, and demands of the ability to introduce function definitions in-place (in the expressions in the arbitrary contexts, say, as an argument of some other function) are increasing. It is natural and legitimate to avoid naming a thing not required to be, and any named functions fail here by definition. (You may know, naming things correctly is one of the well-known hard problems in the computer science.) To address the problem, anonymous functions are introduced to languages traditionally only providing named functions (or function-like constructs like "methods", whatsoever), like C++ and Java. Many of them name the feature as "lambda expressions" or similar lambda things, because they are basically reflecting the essentially same idea in lambda calculi. Renaissance.




在后一种情况下,该术语是由P. J. Landin于1964年创造的,用于在评估“Church's λ notation建模”的PLs时提供一级函数的支持。




NOTE AE is abbreviated for applicative expression in the paper. This is the syntax exposing more or less the same functionality of application in the lambda calculus. There are also some additional pieces of details like "applicative" not that interesting in the lambda calculus (because it is purely functional), though. SECD is not consistent with the original lambda calculus for these minor differences. For example, SECD halts on arbitrary single lambda abstraction whether the subterm ("body") has a normal form, because it will not reduce the subterm ("evaluate the body") without the abstraction has been applied ("called"). However, such behavior may be more like the PLs today than the lambda calculus. SECD is also not the only abstract machine can evaluate lambda terms; although most other abstract machines for the similar purpose may also have environments. Contrast to the lambda calculus (which is pure), these abstract machines can support mutation in some degrees.


The discipline of accessing the variables in closures reflects lexical scoping, first used in early 1960s by the imperative language ALGOL 60. ALGOL 60 does support nested procedures and passing procedures to parameters, but not returning procedures as results. For languages has full support of first-class functions which can be returned by functions, the static chain in ALGOL 60-style implementations does not work because free variables used by the function being returned may be no longer present on the call stack. This is the upwards funarg problem. Closures resolve the problem by capturing the free variable in the environment parts and avoiding allocating them on the stack.

On the other hand, early LISP implementations all use dynamic scope. This makes the variable bindings referenced all reachable in the global store, and name hiding (if any) is implemented as per-variable basis: once a variable is created with an existing name, the old one is backed by a LIFO structure; in other words, each variable's name can access a corresponding global stack. This effectively cancels the need of the per-function environments because no free variables are ever captured in the function (they are already "captured" by the stacks).

Despite imitating the lambda notation at the first, LISP is very different to the lambda calculus here. The lambda calculus is statically scoped. That is, each variable denotes to the instance bounded by the nearest same named-formal parameter of a lambda abstraction which contains the variable before its reduction. In the semantics of lambda calculus, reducing an application substitute the term ("argument") to the bound variable ("formal parameter") in the abstraction. Since all values can be represented as lambda terms in the lambda calculus, this can be done by direct rewriting by replacing specific subterms in each step of the reducing.


LISP is quite different, because its underlying semantic rules are based on neither lambda calculus nor term rewriting. Therefore, LISP needs some different mechanism to maintaining the scoping discipline. It adopted the mechanism based on the environment data structures saving the variable to value mappings (i.e. variable bindings). There may be more sophisticated structure in an environment in new variants of LISP (e.g. lexically scoped Lisp allows mutations), but the simplest structure conceptually equivalent to the environment defined by the Landin's paper, discussed below.


深度绑定近似于静态(词法)绑定,是在1962年左右的LISP 1.5中通过FUNARG设备引入的。这最终使这个问题以“funarg问题”的名字闻名于世。




The original paper of Landin first defines an environment being a mathematical function mapping the name ("constant") to the named object ("primitive"). Then, it specifies the environment as "a list-structure made up of name/value pairs". The latter is also implemented in early Lisp implementation as alists (associative lists), but modern language implementations do not necessarily follow such detail. In particular, environments can be linked to support nested closures, which is unlikely directly supported by abstract machines like SECD.

除了环境,Landin论文中“环境部分”的另一个组件用于保存lambda抽象(函数的形式参数)的绑定变量的名称。对于不需要反映源信息的现代实现来说,这也是可选的(而且很可能没有),在现代实现中,参数的名称可以被静态优化(由lambda calculi的alpha-重命名规则精神上授予)。


此外,环境部分可以为lambda演算保存其他不用于求值的信息。例如,它可以保留一个额外的标识符,以提供额外的绑定来命名调用站点上的环境。这可以实现基于lambda calculi扩展的语言。




"objects" are redirected to "instance of classes" (in Java/CLR/"OOP" languages) instead of traditional "typed storage" (in C and C++) or just "values" (in many Lisps); "variables" are redirected to something traditional called "objects" (in Golang) as well as mutable states (in many new languages), so it is no longer compatible to mathematics and pure functional languages; "polymorphism" is restricted to inclusion polymorphism (in C++/"OOP" languages) even these languages do have other kinds of polymorphism (parametric polymorphism and ad-hoc polymorphism).





In C++, resources of entities captured in closures are allowed being managed explicitly by users, by specifying how to capture each variable in the lambda-expression's capture list (by value copy, by reference, or even by an explicit initializer) and the exact type of each variable (smart pointers or other types). This can be unsafe, but it gains more flexibility when used correctly. In Rust, resources are captured with different capture modes (by immutable borrow, by borrow, by move) tried in turn (by the implementation), and users can specify explicit move. This is more conservative than C++, but safer in some sense (since borrows are statically checked, compared to unchecked by-reference captures in C++).


So, (although not seen here,) the claim of the necessity of graph tracing for closures by Thomas Lord at LtU is also technically incorrect. Closures can solve the funarg problem because it allows preventing invalid accesses to the activation record (the stack), but the fact does not magically assert every operations on the resources comprising the closure will be valid. Such mechanism depend on the external execution environment. It should be clear, even in traditional implementations, the implicit owner (GC) is not a component in the closures, and the existence of the owner is the implementation detail of SECD machine (so it is one of the "high-order" details to the users). Whether such detail supports graph tracing or not has no effects on the qualification of closures. Besides, AFAIK, the language constructs let combined with rec is first introduced (again by P. Landin) in ISWIM in 1966, which could not have effects to enforce the original meaning of the closures invented earlier than itself.










The implementation can check the set of the free variables to be captured in the lambda expression, and when the set is empty, it can avoid introducing the environment part, so the function-like entity will not require a closure to be maintained. Such strategy is usually mandated in the rules of static languages. Otherwise, the implementation may or may not always create a closure for a function-like entity resulted by evaluating the lambda expression whether there are variables to be captured.







Named functions may have a slightly more problems. Functions may denote the entity of the name themselves (the "symbols"), as well as the evaluated values of these names. Given that the fact that most PLs don't have unevaluated context to differentiate a function with some other entities carrying interesting meaning (e.g. sizeof(a_plain_cxx_function) in C++ just ill-formed), users may not observe the differences of the misinterpretation between unevaluated operand and evaluated values. That will be problematic with some Lisp dialects having QUOTE. Even experienced PL specialists can easily miss something important; this is also why I emphasize to distinguish syntactic constructs with other entities.



def func(): return h
def anotherfunc(h):
   return func()

这将导致一个错误,因为func不会在另一个环境中关闭func - h是undefined。Func只在全局环境下关闭。这是可行的:

def anotherfunc(h):
    def func(): return h
    return func()

因为这里,func是在anotherfunc中定义的,而在python 2.3及以上版本(或类似这样的数字)中,当他们几乎正确地获得闭包时(突变仍然无效),这意味着它在anotherfunc的环境中关闭,并可以访问其中的变量。在Python 3.1+中,使用nonlocal关键字时也可以使用突变。


def anotherfunc(h):
    def func(): return h
    return func

print anotherfunc(10)()









“匿名函数起源于阿朗佐·丘奇(Alonzo Church)发明的lambda微积分,其中所有函数都是匿名的”——维基百科


Peter J. Landin在1964年将闭包定义为拥有一个环境部分和一个控制部分,由他的SECD机器用于计算表达式


对于c++背景的人来说,Lambda表达式是在c++ 11中引入的。可以把Lambdas看作是一种创建匿名函数和函数对象的方便方法。

"The distinction between a lambda and the corresponding closure is precisely equivalent to the distinction between a class and an instance of the class. A class exists only in source code; it doesn’t exist at runtime. What exists at runtime are objects of the class type. Closures are to lambdas as objects are to classes. This should not be a surprise, because each lambda expression causes a unique class to be generated (during compilation) and also causes an object of that class type, a closure to be created (at runtime)." - Scott Myers



void register_func(void(*f)(int val))   // Works only with an EMPTY capture list
    int val = 3;
int main() 
    int env = 5;
    register_func( [](int val){ /* lambda body can access only val variable*/ } );


    register_func( [env](int val){ /* lambda body can access val and env variables*/ } );

由于这不再是一个普通的函数,而是一个闭包,因此会产生编译错误。 不存在从"lambda []void (int val)->void"到"void (*)(int val)"的合适转换函数


void register_func(std::function<void(int val)> f)




Lambda提供了一种将计算过程抽象出来的方法。 例如,要计算两个数字的和,可以抽象出一个接受两个参数x、y并返回x+y的过程。在scheme中,可以写成

(lambda (x y) (+ x y))

您可以重命名参数,但它完成的任务不会改变。 在几乎所有的编程语言中,您都可以为lambda表达式指定一个名称,即命名函数。但是没有太大的区别,它们在概念上可以被认为只是语法糖。


((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 3)

We can simply substitute the parameters with the expression to be evaluated. This model is already very powerful. But this model doesn't enable us to change the values of symbols, e.g. We can't mimic the change of status. Thus we need a more complex model. To make it short, whenever we want to calculate the meaning of the lambda expression, we put the pair of symbol and the corresponding value into an environment(or table). Then the rest (+ x y) is evaluated by looking up the corresponding symbols in the table. Now if we provide some primitives to operate on the environment directly, we can model the changes of status!


(lambda (x y) (+ x y z))

我们知道,当我们求lambda表达式的值时,x y将被绑定到一个新的表中。但是我们怎样才能查到z呢?实际上z是一个自由变量。一定有一个外在的 否则,表达式的含义不能仅通过绑定x和y来确定。为了清楚地说明这一点,可以在scheme中这样写:

((lambda (z) (lambda (x y) (+ x y z))) 1)

所以z在外层表中被绑定为1。我们仍然得到一个接受两个参数的函数,但它的真正含义也取决于外部环境。 换句话说,外部环境对自由变量关闭。在set的帮助下!,我们可以使函数有状态,也就是说,它不是数学意义上的函数。它的返回值不仅取决于输入,还取决于z。


