Lambda vs闭包
interface Runnable {
void run();
class MyClass {
void foo(Runnable r) {
void lambdaExample() {
foo(() -> {});
String s = "hello";
void closureExample() {
foo(() -> { s = "world";});
class MyClass {
func foo(r:() -> Void) {}
func lambdaExample() {
foo(r: {})
var s = "hello"
func closureExample() {
foo(r: {s = "world"})
function foo() { return "This string is returned from the 'foo' function"; }
foo(); //returns the string above
@foo = lambda() {return "This is returned from a function without a name";}
function filter(list, predicate)
{ @filteredList = [];
for-each (@x in list) if (predicate(x)) filteredList.add(x);
return filteredList;
//filter for even numbers
filter([0,1,2,3,4,5,6], lambda(x) {return (x mod 2 == 0)});
@x = 0;
function incrementX() { x = x + 1;}
incrementX(); // x now equals 1
function foo()
{ @x = 0;
function incrementX()
{ x = x + 1;
return x;
return incrementX;
@y = foo(); // y = closure of incrementX over foo.x
y(); //returns 1 (y.x == 0 + 1)
y(); //returns 2 (y.x == 1 + 1)
function foo()
{ @x = 0;
return lambda()
{ x = x + 1;
return x;
Lambda提供了一种将计算过程抽象出来的方法。 例如,要计算两个数字的和,可以抽象出一个接受两个参数x、y并返回x+y的过程。在scheme中,可以写成
(lambda (x y) (+ x y))
您可以重命名参数,但它完成的任务不会改变。 在几乎所有的编程语言中,您都可以为lambda表达式指定一个名称,即命名函数。但是没有太大的区别,它们在概念上可以被认为只是语法糖。
((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 3)
We can simply substitute the parameters with the expression to be evaluated. This model is already very powerful. But this model doesn't enable us to change the values of symbols, e.g. We can't mimic the change of status. Thus we need a more complex model. To make it short, whenever we want to calculate the meaning of the lambda expression, we put the pair of symbol and the corresponding value into an environment(or table). Then the rest (+ x y) is evaluated by looking up the corresponding symbols in the table. Now if we provide some primitives to operate on the environment directly, we can model the changes of status!
(lambda (x y) (+ x y z))
我们知道,当我们求lambda表达式的值时,x y将被绑定到一个新的表中。但是我们怎样才能查到z呢?实际上z是一个自由变量。一定有一个外在的 否则,表达式的含义不能仅通过绑定x和y来确定。为了清楚地说明这一点,可以在scheme中这样写:
((lambda (z) (lambda (x y) (+ x y z))) 1)
所以z在外层表中被绑定为1。我们仍然得到一个接受两个参数的函数,但它的真正含义也取决于外部环境。 换句话说,外部环境对自由变量关闭。在set的帮助下!,我们可以使函数有状态,也就是说,它不是数学意义上的函数。它的返回值不仅取决于输入,还取决于z。
Lambda表达式是无状态的,因为它依赖于参数、内部变量或常量来执行操作。 函数<Integer,Integer> lambda = t -> { Int n = 2 返回t * n } 闭包保持状态,因为它使用外部变量(即函数体范围之外定义的变量)以及参数和常量来执行操作。 Int n = 2 函数<Integer,Integer>闭包= t -> { 返回t * n }
$input = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$output = array_filter($input, function ($v) { return $v > 2; });
函数($v){返回$v > 2}是lambda函数定义。我们甚至可以将它存储在一个变量中,这样它就可以被重用:
$max = function ($v) { return $v > 2; };
$input = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$output = array_filter($input, $max);
现在,如果您想更改筛选数组中允许的最大数量,该怎么办?你必须编写另一个lambda函数或创建一个闭包(PHP 5.3):
$max_comp = function ($max) {
return function ($v) use ($max) { return $v > $max; };
$input = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$output = array_filter($input, $max_comp(2));
$string = "Hello World!";
$closure = function() use ($string) { echo $string; };
关于lambda和闭包有很多困惑,甚至在这个StackOverflow问题的答案中也是如此。与其询问那些从某些编程语言的实践中学习闭包的随机程序员或其他一无所知的程序员,不如去寻找源头(一切开始的地方)。因为Lambda和闭包来自于Lambda微积分,由Alonzo Church在30年代发明,那时第一台电子计算机还不存在,这就是我说的来源。
Lambda Calculus是世界上最简单的编程语言。你唯一能做的事情是:►
APPLICATION: Applying one expression to another, denoted f x.(Think of it as a function call, where f is the function and x is its only parameter) ABSTRACTION: Binds a symbol occurring in an expression to mark that this symbol is just a "slot", a blank box waiting to be filled with value, a "variable" as it were. It is done by prepending a Greek letter λ (lambda), then the symbolic name (e.g. x), then a dot . before the expression. This then converts the expression into a function expecting one parameter.For example: λx.x+2 takes the expression x+2 and tells that the symbol x in this expression is a bound variable – it can be substituted with a value you supply as a parameter. Note that the function defined this way is anonymous – it doesn't have a name, so you can't refer to it yet, but you can immediately call it (remember application?) by supplying it the parameter it is waiting for, like this: (λx.x+2) 7. Then the expression (in this case a literal value) 7 is substituted as x in the subexpression x+2 of the applied lambda, so you get 7+2, which then reduces to 9 by common arithmetics rules.
所以我们解开了其中一个谜团: 是上面例子中的匿名函数,λx.x+2。 在不同的编程语言中,函数抽象(lambda)的语法可能不同。例如,在JavaScript中是这样的:
function(x) { return x+2; }
(function(x) { return x+2; })(7)
var f = function(x) { return x+2; }
alert( f(7) + f(10) ); // should print 21 in the message box
alert( function(x) { return x+2; } (7) ); // should print 9 in the message box
(lambda (x) (+ x 2))
( (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) 7 )
好了,现在是时候解决另一个谜团了:什么是闭包。 为了做到这一点,让我们讨论一下lambda表达式中的符号(变量)。
As I said, what the lambda abstraction does is binding a symbol in its subexpression, so that it becomes a substitutible parameter. Such a symbol is called bound. But what if there are other symbols in the expression? For example: λx.x/y+2. In this expression, the symbol x is bound by the lambda abstraction λx. preceding it. But the other symbol, y, is not bound – it is free. We don't know what it is and where it comes from, so we don't know what it means and what value it represents, and therefore we cannot evaluate that expression until we figure out what y means.
CLOSED表达式:出现在这些表达式中的每个符号都被一些lambda抽象绑定。换句话说,它们是独立的;它们不需要任何周围的上下文来计算。它们也被称为组合子。 OPEN表达式:这些表达式中的一些符号是不绑定的——也就是说,其中出现的一些符号是自由的,它们需要一些外部信息,因此在您提供这些符号的定义之前,它们不能被求值。
下面是结尾部分: lambda表达式的闭包是在外部上下文(环境)中定义的一组特定的符号,这些符号为表达式中的自由符号赋值,使它们不再是自由的。它将一个仍然包含一些“未定义的”自由符号的开放lambda表达式转换为一个不再包含任何自由符号的封闭lambda表达式。
例如,如果你有这样的λ表达式:λx。X /y+2,符号X是有界的,而符号y是自由的,因此表达式是开放的,除非你说出y的意思,否则无法计算(+和2也是一样,它们也是自由的)。但假设你也有一个这样的环境:
{ y: 3,
+: [built-in addition],
2: [built-in number],
q: 42,
w: 5 }
这个环境为lambda表达式(y, +, 2)中的所有“未定义”(自由)符号和几个额外的符号(q, w)提供定义。我们需要定义的符号是环境的这个子集:
{ y: 3,
+: [built-in addition],
2: [built-in number] }
换句话说,它关闭了一个开lambda表达式。这就是名称闭包最初的来源,这也是为什么在这个帖子中有那么多人的答案不太正确的原因:P 那么,他们为什么错了呢?为什么这么多人说闭包是内存中的一些数据结构,或者他们使用的语言的一些特性,或者为什么他们把闭包和lambdas混淆?: P
Well, the corporate marketoids of Sun/Oracle, Microsoft, Google etc. are to blame, because that's what they called these constructs in their languages (Java, C#, Go etc.). They often call "closures" what are supposed to be just lambdas. Or they call "closures" a particular technique they used to implement lexical scoping, that is, the fact that a function can access the variables that were defined in its outer scope at the time of its definition. They often say that the function "encloses" these variables, that is, captures them into some data structure to save them from being destroyed after the outer function finishes executing. But this is just made-up post factum "folklore etymology" and marketing, which only makes things more confusing, because every language vendor uses its own terminology.
If you want to implement a language that uses lambdas as first-class citizens, you need to allow them to use symbols defined in their surrounding context (that is, to use free variables in your lambdas). And these symbols must be there even when the surrounding function returns. The problem is that these symbols are bound to some local storage of the function (usually on the call stack), which won't be there anymore when the function returns. Therefore, in order for a lambda to work the way you expect, you need to somehow "capture" all these free variables from its outer context and save them for later, even when the outer context will be gone. That is, you need to find the closure of your lambda (all these external variables it uses) and store it somewhere else (either by making a copy, or by preparing space for them upfront, somewhere else than on the stack). The actual method you use to achieve this goal is an "implementation detail" of your language. What's important here is the closure, which is the set of free variables from the environment of your lambda that need to be saved somewhere.
Closure {
[pointer to the lambda function's machine code],
[pointer to the lambda function's environment]