| +- | Shared(dynamic) | Static Library (Linkages) |
|Pros: | less memory use | an executable, using own libraries|
| | | ,coming with the program, |
| | | doesn't need to worry about its |
| | | compilebility subject to libraries|
|Cons: | implementations of | bigger memory uses |
| | libraries may be altered | |
| | subject to OS and its | |
| | version, which may affect| |
| | the compilebility and | |
| | runnability of the code | |
| +- | Shared(dynamic) | Static Library (Linkages) |
|Pros: | less memory use | an executable, using own libraries|
| | | ,coming with the program, |
| | | doesn't need to worry about its |
| | | compilebility subject to libraries|
|Cons: | implementations of | bigger memory uses |
| | libraries may be altered | |
| | subject to OS and its | |
| | version, which may affect| |
| | the compilebility and | |
| | runnability of the code | |
| properties | Static library | Shared library |
| Linking time | It happens as the | Shared libraries |
| | last step of the | are added during |
| | compilation process. | linking process |
| | After the program | when executable |
| | is placed | file and libraries |
| | in the memory | are added to the memory. |
| Means | Performed by linkers | Performed by operating System|
| Size | Static libraries are | Dynamic libraries are |
| | much bigger in size, | much smaller, because |
| | because external | there is only one copy |
| | programs are built | of dynamic library |
| | in the executable file. | that is kept in memory. |
| External file | Executable file will | In shared libraries, |
| changes | have to be recompiled | no need to recompile |
| | if any changes were | the executable. |
| | applied to external files.| |
| Time | Takes longer to execute | It is faster |
| | because loading into the | because shared |
| | memory happens every time | library code is |
| | while executing. | already in the memory. |
| Compatibility | Never has a compatibility | Programs are dependent |
| | issue,since all code is | on having a compatible |
| | in one executable module. | library.Dependent program |
| | | will not work if library |
| | | gets removed from the system |
静态链接:一个大型可执行文件 动态链接:一个小的可执行文件加上一个或多个库文件(Windows上是.dll文件,Linux上是.so文件,macOS上是.dylib文件)
静态库是作为应用程序的一部分编译的,而共享库不是。当您分发依赖于共享库的应用程序时,库,例如。需要安装MS Windows上的dll文件。