我是安卓系统的新手。我想知道Looper类做什么,以及如何使用它。我已经阅读了Android Looper类文档,但我无法完全理解它。 我在很多地方见过它,但无法理解它的目的。谁能帮我定义一下Looper的目的,如果可能的话,也给我一个简单的例子?
I will try to explain the purpose of looper class as simple as possible. With a normal thread of Java when the run method completes the execution we say the thread has done it's job and thread lives no longer after that. what if we want to execute more tasks throughout our program with that same thread which is not living anymore? Oh there is a problem now right? Yes because we want to execute more tasks but the thread in not alive anymore. It is where the Looper comes in to rescue us. Looper as the name suggests loops. Looper is nothing more than an infinite loop inside your thread. So, it keeps the thread alive for an infinite time until we explicitly calls quit() method. Calling quit() method on the infinitely alive thread will make the condition false in the infinite loop inside the thread thus, infinite loop will exit. so, the thread will die or will no longer be alive. And it's critical to call the quit() method on our Thread to which looper is attached otherwise they will be there in your system just like Zombies. So, for example if we want to create a background thread to do some multiple tasks over it. we will create a simple Java's thread and will use Looper class to prepare a looper and attach the prepared looper with that thread so that our thread can live as longer as we want them because we can always call quit() anytime whenever we want to terminate our thread. So our the looper will keep our thread alive thus we will be able to execute multiple tasks with the same thread and when we are done we will call quit() to terminate the thread. What if we want our Main thread or UI thread to display the results computed by the background thread or non-UI thread on some UI elements? for that purpose there comes in the concept of Handlers; via handlers we can do inter-process communication or say via handlers two threads can communicate with each other. So, the main thread will have an associated Handler and Background thread will communicate with Main Thread via that handler to get the task done of displaying the results computed by it on some UI elements on Main thread. I know I am explaining only theory here but try to understand the concept because understanding the concept in depth is very important. And I am posting a link below which will take you to a small video series about Looper, Handler and HandlerThread and I will highly recommend watching it and all these concepts will get cleared with examples there.
Android Looper是一个包装器,用于将messagqueuue附加到线程,并管理队列处理。它在Android文档中看起来非常神秘,很多时候我们可能会面临与Looper相关的UI访问问题。如果我们不了解基础知识,就很难处理。
当应用程序启动时,系统创建一个线程 应用程序的执行,称为“main”。这个帖子非常 重要是因为它负责将事件调度到 适当的用户界面小部件,包括绘图事件。
答案是Looper类:Looper是一个用于保持线程活动并管理消息队列以在其上执行任务的类 该线程。
默认情况下,线程没有关联的消息循环,但你可以通过在run方法中调用loop .prepare()来分配一个消息循环,然后调用loop .loop()。
循环器的目的是保持一个线程活着,并等待下一个周期 input消息对象来执行计算,否则将得到 在第一个循环执行后销毁。
class LooperThread : Thread() {
// sendMessage success result on UI
private fun sendServerResult(result: String) {
val resultIntent = Intent(ServerService.ACTION)
resultIntent.putExtra(ServerService.RESULT_CODE, Activity.RESULT_OK)
resultIntent.putExtra(ServerService.RESULT_VALUE, result)
override fun run() {
val looperIsNotPreparedInCurrentThread = Looper.myLooper() == null
// Prepare Looper if not already prepared
if (looperIsNotPreparedInCurrentThread) {
// Create a handler to handle messaged from Activity
handler = Handler(Handler.Callback { message ->
// Messages sent to Looper thread will be visible here
Log.e(TAG, "Received Message" + message.data.toString())
//message from Activity
val result = message.data.getString(MainActivity.BUNDLE_KEY)
// Send Result Back to activity
// Keep on looping till new messages arrive
if (looperIsNotPreparedInCurrentThread) {
//Create and send a new message to looper
fun sendMessage(messageToSend: String) {
//Create and post a new message to handler
// Bundle Data in message object
private fun createMessage(messageToSend: String): Message {
val message = Message()
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(MainActivity.BUNDLE_KEY, messageToSend)
message.data = bundle
return message
companion object {
var handler: Handler? = null // in Android Handler should be static or leaks might occur
private val TAG = javaClass.simpleName
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var looperThread: LooperThread? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// start looper thread
// Send messages to Looper Thread
sendMessage.setOnClickListener {
// send random messages to looper thread
val messageToSend = "" + Math.random()
// post message
override fun onResume() {
//Register to Server Service callback
val filterServer = IntentFilter(ServerService.ACTION)
LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(serverReceiver, filterServer)
override fun onPause() {
//Stop Server service callbacks
// Define the callback for what to do when data is received
private val serverReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
val resultCode = intent.getIntExtra(ServerService.RESULT_CODE, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED)
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val resultValue = intent.getStringExtra(ServerService.RESULT_VALUE)
Log.e(MainActivity.TAG, "Server result : $resultValue")
serverOutput.text =
+ "\n"
+ "Received : " + resultValue)
serverScrollView.post( { serverScrollView.fullScroll(View.FOCUS_DOWN) })
private fun startLooperThread() {
// create and start a new LooperThread
looperThread = LooperThread()
looperThread!!.name = "Main Looper Thread"
companion object {
val BUNDLE_KEY = "handlerMsgBundle"
private val TAG = javaClass.simpleName
Async tasks are designed to perform a short operation in background and give progres & results on UI thread. Async tasks have limits like you cant create more than 128 Async tasks and ThreadPoolExecutor will allow only upto 5 Async tasks. IntentServices are also designed to do background task for a little longer duration and you can use LocalBroadcast to communicate with Activity. But services get destroyed after task execution. If you want to keep it running for a long time than you need to do hecks like while(true){...}.
Looper Thread的其他有意义的用例:
用于双向套接字通信,服务器继续监听客户端套接字并写回确认 位图处理在后台。将图像url传递给循环线程,它将应用过滤器效果,并将其存储在临时位置,然后广播图像的临时路径。
循环程序在后台处理线程相关队列中的任务(Runnables, Futures) -即使没有用户交互或显示UI(应用程序在调用期间在后台下载文件)。
A Looper is a message handling loop: An important character of Looper is that it's associated with the thread within which the Looper is created The Looper class maintains a MessageQueue, which contains a list messages. An important character of Looper is that it's associated with the thread within which the Looper is created. The Looper is named so because it implements the loop – takes the next task, executes it, then takes the next one and so on. The Handler is called a handler because someone could not invent a better name Android Looper is a Java class within the Android user interface that together with the Handler class to process UI events such as button clicks, screen redraws and orientation switches.
线程通过在运行后调用loop .prepare()来获得Looper和MessageQueue。loop .prepare()标识调用线程,创建一个Looper和MessageQueue对象并关联线程
class MyLooperThread extends Thread {
public Handler mHandler;
public void run() {
// preparing a looper on current thread
mHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
// process incoming messages here
// this will run in non-ui/background thread
在Android中,Looper, Handler和MessageQueue之间是什么关系? Android内脏:环形器和处理程序的介绍 理解Android核心:Looper, Handler和HandlerThread Android中的Handler 什么是Android Looper? Android: Looper, Handler, HandlerThread。我一部分。 Android中的MessageQueue和Looper
首先,我们需要实例化handler(提供的循环程序而不是默认的循环程序)中的变量处理程序,它要求主线程(loop . getmainlooper())。
class RemoteDataSource private constructor(private val jsonHelper: JsonHelper) {
private val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
companion object {
private const val SERVICE_LATENCY_IN_MILLIS: Long = 2000
private var instance: RemoteDataSource? = null
fun getInstance(helper: JsonHelper): RemoteDataSource =
instance ?: synchronized(this) {
RemoteDataSource(helper).apply { instance = this }
fun getAllCourses(): LiveData<ApiResponse<List<CourseResponse>>> {
val resultCourse = MutableLiveData<ApiResponse<List<CourseResponse>>>()
resultCourse.value = ApiResponse.success(jsonHelper.loadCourses())
return resultCourse
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