


<script type="text/javascript">
    if (!console) console = {log: function() {}};




维尼修斯·莫赖斯 曾国藩


Internet Explorer (ie10) Safari(2012。07. 23)。 Firefox(2013。05. 20)。 Chrome(2013。01. 25.)和Chrome(2012。10. 04)。 还有我的一些知识


例如,对于IE6/7,你可以用alert代替日志记录(愚蠢但有效),然后包括下面的怪物(我称之为console.js): [请随意删除你认为合适的评论,我把它们留作参考,最小化可以解决它们]:

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
    (window.console = window.console || {}).log = function() { return window.alert.apply(window, arguments); };
<script type="text/javascript" src="console.js"></script>


     * Protect window.console method calls, e.g. console is not defined on IE
     * unless dev tools are open, and IE doesn't define console.debug
    (function() {
        var console = (window.console = window.console || {});
        var noop = function () {};
        var log = console.log || noop;
        var start = function(name) { return function(param) { log("Start " + name + ": " + param); } };
        var end = function(name) { return function(param) { log("End " + name + ": " + param); } };

        var methods = {
            // Internet Explorer (IE 10): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh772169(v=vs.85).aspx#methods
            // assert(test, message, optionalParams), clear(), count(countTitle), debug(message, optionalParams), dir(value, optionalParams), dirxml(value), error(message, optionalParams), group(groupTitle), groupCollapsed(groupTitle), groupEnd([groupTitle]), info(message, optionalParams), log(message, optionalParams), msIsIndependentlyComposed(oElementNode), profile(reportName), profileEnd(), time(timerName), timeEnd(timerName), trace(), warn(message, optionalParams)
            // "assert", "clear", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group", "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "info", "log", "msIsIndependentlyComposed", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "trace", "warn"

            // Safari (2012. 07. 23.): https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/Safari_Developer_Guide/DebuggingYourWebsite/DebuggingYourWebsite.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007874-CH8-SW20
            // assert(expression, message-object), count([title]), debug([message-object]), dir(object), dirxml(node), error(message-object), group(message-object), groupEnd(), info(message-object), log(message-object), profile([title]), profileEnd([title]), time(name), markTimeline("string"), trace(), warn(message-object)
            // "assert", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group", "groupEnd", "info", "log", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "markTimeline", "trace", "warn"

            // Firefox (2013. 05. 20.): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/console
            // debug(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]), debug(msg [, subst1, ..., substN]), dir(object), error(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]), error(msg [, subst1, ..., substN]), group(), groupCollapsed(), groupEnd(), info(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]), info(msg [, subst1, ..., substN]), log(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]), log(msg [, subst1, ..., substN]), time(timerName), timeEnd(timerName), trace(), warn(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]), warn(msg [, subst1, ..., substN])
            // "debug", "dir", "error", "group", "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "info", "log", "time", "timeEnd", "trace", "warn"

            // Chrome (2013. 01. 25.): https://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/console-api
            // assert(expression, object), clear(), count(label), debug(object [, object, ...]), dir(object), dirxml(object), error(object [, object, ...]), group(object[, object, ...]), groupCollapsed(object[, object, ...]), groupEnd(), info(object [, object, ...]), log(object [, object, ...]), profile([label]), profileEnd(), time(label), timeEnd(label), timeStamp([label]), trace(), warn(object [, object, ...])
            // "assert", "clear", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group", "groupCollapsed", "groupEnd", "info", "log", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "timeStamp", "trace", "warn"
            // Chrome (2012. 10. 04.): https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/speedtracer/logging-api
            // markTimeline(String)
            // "markTimeline"

            assert: noop, clear: noop, trace: noop, count: noop, timeStamp: noop, msIsIndependentlyComposed: noop,
            debug: log, info: log, log: log, warn: log, error: log,
            dir: log, dirxml: log, markTimeline: log,
            group: start('group'), groupCollapsed: start('groupCollapsed'), groupEnd: end('group'),
            profile: start('profile'), profileEnd: end('profile'),
            time: start('time'), timeEnd: end('time')

        for (var method in methods) {
            if ( methods.hasOwnProperty(method) && !(method in console) ) { // define undefined methods as best-effort methods
                console[method] = methods[method];


注意到OP在IE中使用Firebug,所以假设它是Firebug Lite。当调试器窗口打开时,在IE中定义控制台,这是一种奇怪的情况,但是当Firebug已经在运行时会发生什么呢?不确定,但在这种情况下,"firebugx.js"方法可能是一个很好的测试方法:



    if (!window.console || !console.firebug) {
        var names = [
            "log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert",
        window.console = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
            window.console[names[i]] = function() {}


如果你在IE8中打开了开发人员工具,你可以使用Console .log(),也可以使用脚本选项卡上的控制台文本框。


如果console或console.log未定义:为 控制台函数(跟踪,调试,日志,…) 窗口。控制台= { Debug: function(){},…}; 否则,如果console.log被定义(IE8)和console.debug(任何其他)没有定义:重定向所有日志功能到console.log,这允许保留这些日志! 窗口。控制台= { 调试:window.console.log,…};

不确定在各种IE版本中的assert支持,但欢迎任何建议。也在这里发布了这个答案:我如何在Internet Explorer中使用控制台登录?


// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console.
(function() {
    var method;
    var noop = function () {};
    var methods = [
        'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error',
        'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log',
        'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd',
        'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
    var length = methods.length;
    var console = (window.console = window.console || {});

    while (length--) {
        method = methods[length];

        // Only stub undefined methods.
        if (!console[method]) {
            console[method] = noop;
