




mydict = { 'mydict2': { 'val': ... } }



class DotDict(dict):

    __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
    __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__

    def __getattr__(self, key):

        def typer(candidate):
            if isinstance(candidate, dict):
                return DotDict(candidate)

            if isinstance(candidate, str):  # iterable but no need to iter
                return candidate

            try:  # other iterable are processed as list
                return [typer(item) for item in candidate]
            except TypeError:
                return candidate

            return candidate

        return typer(dict.get(self, key))



In [1]: from minydra import MinyDict

In [2]: args = MinyDict({"foo": "bar", "yes.no.maybe": "idontknow"}).pretty_print(); args
│ foo          : bar           │
│ yes.no.maybe : idontknow     │
Out[2]: {'foo': 'bar', 'yes.no.maybe': 'idontknow'}

In [3]: args.resolve().pretty_print(); args
│ foo : bar                │
│ yes                      │
│ │no                      │
│ │ │maybe : idontknow     │
Out[3]: {'foo': 'bar', 'yes': {'no': {'maybe': 'idontknow'}}}

In [4]: args.yes.no.maybe
Out[4]: "idontknow"

In [5]: "foo" in args
Out[5]: True

In [6]: "rick" in args
Out[6]: False

In [7]: args.morty is None
Out[7]: True

In [8]: args.items()
Out[8]: dict_items([('foo', 'bar'), ('yes', {'no': {'maybe': 'idontknow'}})])

它通过向json yaml和pickle添加转储/加载方法来上瘾,并且在MinyDict.update()中也有一个严格的模式来防止创建新键(这对于防止命令行中的错字很有用)

I ended up trying BOTH the AttrDict and the Bunch libraries and found them to be way to slow for my uses. After a friend and I looked into it, we found that the main method for writing these libraries results in the library aggressively recursing through a nested object and making copies of the dictionary object throughout. With this in mind, we made two key changes. 1) We made attributes lazy-loaded 2) instead of creating copies of a dictionary object, we create copies of a light-weight proxy object. This is the final implementation. The performance increase of using this code is incredible. When using AttrDict or Bunch, these two libraries alone consumed 1/2 and 1/3 respectively of my request time(what!?). This code reduced that time to almost nothing(somewhere in the range of 0.5ms). This of course depends on your needs, but if you are using this functionality quite a bit in your code, definitely go with something simple like this.

class DictProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return wrap(self.obj[key])

    def __getattr__(self, key):
            return wrap(getattr(self.obj, key))
        except AttributeError:
                return self[key]
            except KeyError:
                raise AttributeError(key)

    # you probably also want to proxy important list properties along like
    # items(), iteritems() and __len__

class ListProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return wrap(self.obj[key])

    # you probably also want to proxy important list properties along like
    # __iter__ and __len__

def wrap(value):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
        return DictProxy(value)
    if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
        return ListProxy(value)
    return value




from collections import defaultdict

class AttributeDict(defaultdict):
    def __init__(self):
        super(AttributeDict, self).__init__(AttributeDict)

    def __getattr__(self, key):
            return self[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(key)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        self[key] = value


keys = AttributeDict()
keys.abc.xyz.x = 123
keys.abc.xyz.a.b.c = 234



from types import SimpleNamespace
# Assign values
args = SimpleNamespace()
args.username = 'admin'

# Retrive values
print(args.username)  # output: admin

语言本身不支持这一点,但有时这仍然是一个有用的需求。除了Bunch recipe,你还可以写一个小方法,可以使用虚线字符串访问字典:

def get_var(input_dict, accessor_string):
    """Gets data from a dictionary using a dotted accessor-string"""
    current_data = input_dict
    for chunk in accessor_string.split('.'):
        current_data = current_data.get(chunk, {})
    return current_data


>> test_dict = {'thing': {'spam': 12, 'foo': {'cheeze': 'bar'}}}
>> output = get_var(test_dict, 'thing.spam.foo.cheeze')
>> print output