







Apache Kafka is a popular choice for powering data pipelines. Apache kafka added kafka stream to support popular etl use cases. KSQL makes it simple to transform data within the pipeline, readying messages to cleanly land in another system. KSQL is the streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka. It provides an easy-to-use yet powerful interactive SQL interface for stream processing on Kafka, without the need to write code in a programming language such as Java or Python. KSQL is scalable, elastic, fault-tolerant, and real-time. It supports a wide range of streaming operations, including data filtering, transformations, aggregations, joins, windowing, and sessionization.




另一方面,Apache Kafka不仅仅是一个消息代理。它最初是由LinkedIn设计和实现的,用于作为消息队列。自2011年以来,Kafka已经开源,并迅速发展成为一个分布式流媒体平台,用于实现实时数据管道和流媒体应用程序。

它具有水平可扩展性、容错性、极快的速度和可磨合性 在数千家公司生产。


The architecture becomes complex since various integrations are required in order to enable the inter-communication of these services. More precisely, for an architecture that encompasses m source and n target services, n x m distinct integrations need to be written. Also, every integration comes with a different specification, meaning that one might require a different protocol (HTTP, TCP, JDBC, etc.) or a different data representation (Binary, Apache Avro, JSON, etc.), making things even more challenging. Furthermore, source services might address increased load from connections that could potentially impact latency.

通过解耦数据管道,Apache Kafka带来了更简单、更易管理的体系结构。Kafka充当了一个高吞吐量的分布式系统,源服务在其中推送数据流,使它们可供目标服务实时提取。

另外,现在有很多开源的和企业级的用户界面来管理Kafka集群。有关更多详细信息,请参阅我的文章Apache Kafka集群的UI监控工具概述和为什么Apache Kafka?

使用RabbitMQ还是Kafka取决于项目的需求。一般来说,如果你想要一个简单的/传统的发布-订阅消息代理,那么选择RabbitMQ。如果你想构建一个事件驱动的体系结构,在此基础上你的组织将实时处理事件,那么选择Apache Kafka,因为它为这种体系结构类型提供了更多的功能(例如Kafka Streams或ksqlDB)。

Scaling both is hard in a distributed fault tolerant way but I'd make a case that it's much harder at massive scale with RabbitMQ. It's not trivial to understand Shovel, Federation, Mirrored Msg Queues, ACK, Mem issues, Fault tollerance etc. Not to say you won't also have specific issues with Zookeeper etc on Kafka but there are less moving parts to manage. That said, you get a Polyglot exchange with RMQ which you don't with Kafka. If you want streaming, use Kafka. If you want simple IoT or similar high volume packet delivery, use Kafka. It's about smart consumers. If you want msg flexibility and higher reliability with higher costs and possibly some complexity, use RMQ.


