我需要做一些相当简单的事情:在我的ASP。NET MVC应用程序,我想设置自定义IIdentity / IPrincipal。哪一个更容易/更合适。我想扩展默认值,这样我就可以调用User.Identity.Id和User.Identity.Role之类的东西。没什么特别的,只是一些额外的属性。
I've read tons of articles and questions but I feel like I'm making it harder than it actually is. I thought it would be easy. If a user logs on, I want to set a custom IIdentity. So I thought, I will implement Application_PostAuthenticateRequest in my global.asax. However, that is called on every request, and I don't want to do a call to the database on every request which would request all the data from the database and put in a custom IPrincipal object. That also seems very unnecessary, slow, and in the wrong place (doing database calls there) but I could be wrong. Or where else would that data come from?
我已经为此工作了一天了,我觉得我遗漏了一些东西。这应该不难,对吧?我也对随之而来的所有(半)相关的东西感到困惑。MembershipProvider, MembershipUser, RoleProvider, ProfileProvider, IPrincipal, IIdentity, FormsAuthentication....难道只有我一个人对这一切感到困惑吗?