



I find checked exceptions useful at the lower-level, as implementation detail. It often seems like a better flow of control mechanism than having to manage a specified error "return code". It can sometimes help see the impact of an idea for a low level code change too... declare a checked exception downstream and see who would need to adjust. This last point doesn't apply if there are a lot of generic: catch(Exception e) or throws Exception which is usually not too well-thought out anyway.






You can call it a checked or unchecked exception; however, both types of exception can be caught by the programmer, so the best answer is: write all of your exceptions as unchecked and document them. That way the developer who uses your API can choose whether he or she wants to catch that exception and do something. Checked exceptions are a complete waste of everyone's time and it makes your code a shocking nightmare to look at. Proper unit testing will then bring up any exceptions that you may have to catch and do something with.


Checked exception. This is a part of business use case or call flow, this is a part of application logic we expect or not expect. For example connection rejected, condition is not satisfied etc. We need to handle it and show corresponding message to user with instructions what happened and what to do next (try again later etc). I usually call it post-processing exception or "user" exception. Unchecked exception. This is a part of programming exception, some mistake in software code programming (bug, defect) and reflects a way how programmers must use API as per documentation. If an external lib/framework doc says it expects to get data in some range and non null, because NPE or IllegalArgumentException will be thrown, programmer should expect it and use API correctly as per documentation. Otherwise the exception will be thrown. I usually call it pre-processing exception or "validation" exception.


检查异常。目标受众是用户/客户。 未经检查的异常。目标受众是开发人员。换句话说,未检查异常仅是为开发人员设计的。


受控异常被设计为在整个生产生命周期中存在,作为应用程序处理异常情况的正常和预期机制。 未检查异常被设计为只存在于应用程序开发/测试生命周期期间,所有这些异常都应该在这段时间内得到修复,并且当应用程序已经在生产环境中运行时不应该抛出。



I find checked exceptions useful at the lower-level, as implementation detail. It often seems like a better flow of control mechanism than having to manage a specified error "return code". It can sometimes help see the impact of an idea for a low level code change too... declare a checked exception downstream and see who would need to adjust. This last point doesn't apply if there are a lot of generic: catch(Exception e) or throws Exception which is usually not too well-thought out anyway.


If an error is a programmer error, it must be an Unchecked Exception. For example: SQLException/IOException/NullPointerException. These exceptions are programming errors. They should be handled by programmer. While in JDBC API, SQLException is Checked Exception, In Spring JDBCTemplate it is an Unchecked Exception.Programmer doesn't worry about SqlException, when use Spring. If an error is not a programmer error and the reason is coming from external, it must be a Checked Exception. For example: if the file is deleted or file permission is changed by someone else, It should be recovered.

FileNotFoundException是理解细微差别的好例子。在找不到文件的情况下抛出FileNotFoundException。这种例外有两个原因。如果文件路径是由开发人员定义的或通过GUI从最终用户获取的,那么它应该是一个未检查的异常。如果文件被其他人删除,它应该是一个Checked Exception。

