



规则1:将未检查异常视为代码执行前的可测试条件。 例如……

x.doSomething(); // the code throws a NullPointerException

其中x为空… 代码应该有以下内容

if (x==null)
    //do something below to make sure when x.doSomething() is executed, it won’t throw a NullPointerException.
    x = new X();


Socket s = new Socket(“google.com”, 80);
InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();

在上面的例子中,URL (google.com)可能由于DNS服务器宕机而不可用。即使在DNS服务器工作并将“google.com”名称解析为IP地址的瞬间,如果连接到google.com,在任何时候,网络都可能瘫痪。你不能在读写流之前一直测试网络。


一般来说,几乎所有的Java api都遵循上述2条规则。如果尝试写入文件,磁盘可能会在完成写入之前被填满。可能是其他进程导致磁盘已满。根本没有办法测试这种情况。对于那些随时与硬件交互的人来说,使用硬件可能会失败,受控异常似乎是解决这个问题的一个优雅的解决方案。

这是一个灰色地带。在需要许多测试的情况下(一个带有大量&&和||的令人震惊的if语句),抛出的异常将是一个CheckedException,因为要正确处理它太痛苦了——你不能简单地说这个问题是一个编程错误。如果测试少于10个(例如' If (x == null) '),那么程序员错误应该是UncheckedException。


The 2 rules above will probably remove 90% of your concern over which to choose from. To summarize the rules, follow this pattern… 1) if the code to be execute can be tested before it’s executed for it to run correctly and if an Exception occurs — a.k.a. a programmer error, the Exception should be an UncheckedException (a subclass of RuntimeException). 2) if the code to be executed can not be tested before it’s executed for it to run correctly, the Exception should be a Checked Exception (a subclass of Exception).





规则1:将未检查异常视为代码执行前的可测试条件。 例如……

x.doSomething(); // the code throws a NullPointerException

其中x为空… 代码应该有以下内容

if (x==null)
    //do something below to make sure when x.doSomething() is executed, it won’t throw a NullPointerException.
    x = new X();


Socket s = new Socket(“google.com”, 80);
InputStream in = s.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();

在上面的例子中,URL (google.com)可能由于DNS服务器宕机而不可用。即使在DNS服务器工作并将“google.com”名称解析为IP地址的瞬间,如果连接到google.com,在任何时候,网络都可能瘫痪。你不能在读写流之前一直测试网络。


一般来说,几乎所有的Java api都遵循上述2条规则。如果尝试写入文件,磁盘可能会在完成写入之前被填满。可能是其他进程导致磁盘已满。根本没有办法测试这种情况。对于那些随时与硬件交互的人来说,使用硬件可能会失败,受控异常似乎是解决这个问题的一个优雅的解决方案。

这是一个灰色地带。在需要许多测试的情况下(一个带有大量&&和||的令人震惊的if语句),抛出的异常将是一个CheckedException,因为要正确处理它太痛苦了——你不能简单地说这个问题是一个编程错误。如果测试少于10个(例如' If (x == null) '),那么程序员错误应该是UncheckedException。


The 2 rules above will probably remove 90% of your concern over which to choose from. To summarize the rules, follow this pattern… 1) if the code to be execute can be tested before it’s executed for it to run correctly and if an Exception occurs — a.k.a. a programmer error, the Exception should be an UncheckedException (a subclass of RuntimeException). 2) if the code to be executed can not be tested before it’s executed for it to run correctly, the Exception should be a Checked Exception (a subclass of Exception).

以下是我的“最终经验法则”。 我使用:

方法代码中由于调用者导致的失败而出现的未检查的异常(这涉及一个显式和完整的文档) 检查异常失败由于被调用,我需要明确的任何人想要使用我的代码



例如,下面这个特定函数的目标是创建(如果已经存在,则获取)一个对象, 意义:

the container of the object to make/get MUST exist (responsibility of the CALLER => unchecked exception, AND clear javadoc comment for this called function) the other parameters can not be null (choice of the coder to put that on the CALLER: the coder will not check for null parameter but the coder DOES DOCUMENT IT) the result CAN NOT BE NULL (responsibility and choice of the code of the callee, choice which will be of great interest for the caller => checked exception because every callers MUST take a decision if the object can not be created/found, and that decision must be enforced at the compilation time: they can not use this function without having to deal with this possibility, meaning with this checked exception).


 * Build a folder. <br />
 * Folder located under a Parent Folder (either RootFolder or an existing Folder)
 * @param aFolderName name of folder
 * @param aPVob project vob containing folder (MUST NOT BE NULL)
 * @param aParent parent folder containing folder 
 * @param aComment comment for folder (MUST NOT BE NULL)
 * @return a new folder or an existing one
 * @throws CCException if any problems occurs during folder creation
 * @throws AssertionFailedException if aParent is not in the same PVob
 * @throws NullPointerException if aPVob or aParent or aComment is null
static public Folder makeOrGetFolder(final String aFoldername, final Folder aParent,
    final IPVob aPVob, final Comment aComment) throws CCException {
    Folder aFolderRes = null;
    if (aPVob.equals(aParent.getPVob() == false) { 
       // UNCHECKED EXCEPTION because the caller failed to live up
       // to the documented entry criteria for this function
       Assert.isLegal(false, "parent Folder must be in the same PVob than " + aPVob); }

    final String ctcmd = "mkfolder " + aComment.getCommentOption() + 
        " -in " + getPNameFromRepoObject(aParent) + " " + aPVob.getFullName(aFolderName);

    final Status st = getCleartool().executeCmd(ctcmd);

    if (st.status || StringUtils.strictContains(st.message,"already exists.")) {
        aFolderRes = Folder.getFolder(aFolderName, aPVob);
    else {
        // CHECKED EXCEPTION because the callee failed to respect his contract
        throw new CCException.Error("Unable to make/get folder '" + aFolderName + "'");
    return aFolderRes;


When an exception occurs, you have to either catch and handle the exception, or tell compiler that you can't handle it by declaring that your method throws that exception, then the code that uses your method will have to handle that exception (even it also may choose to declare that it throws the exception if it can't handle it). Compiler will check that we have done one of the two things (catch, or declare). So these are called Checked exceptions. But Errors, and Runtime Exceptions are not checked for by compiler (even though you can choose to catch, or declare, it is not required). So, these two are called Unchecked exceptions. Errors are used to represent those conditions which occur outside the application, such as crash of the system. Runtime exceptions are usually occur by fault in the application logic. You can't do anything in these situations. When runtime exception occur, you have to re-write your program code. So, these are not checked by compiler. These runtime exceptions will uncover in development, and testing period. Then we have to refactor our code to remove these errors.

受控异常非常好,只要你知道什么时候应该使用它们。对于SQLException(有时对于IOException), Java核心API无法遵循这些规则,这就是它们如此糟糕的原因。




Predictable but unpreventable: The caller did everything within their power to validate the input parameters, but some condition outside their control has caused the operation to fail. For example, you try reading a file but someone deletes it between the time you check if it exists and the time the read operation begins. By declaring a checked exception, you are telling the caller to anticipate this failure. Reasonable to recover from: There is no point telling callers to anticipate exceptions that they cannot recover from. If a user attempts to read from an non-existing file, the caller can prompt them for a new filename. On the other hand, if the method fails due to a programming bug (invalid method arguments or buggy method implementation) there is nothing the application can do to fix the problem in mid-execution. The best it can do is log the problem and wait for the developer to fix it at a later time.


Reevaluate at every level: Sometimes the method catching the checked exception isn't the right place to handle the error. In that case, consider what is reasonable for your own callers. If the exception is predictable, unpreventable and reasonable for them to recover from then you should throw a checked exception yourself. If not, you should wrap the exception in an unchecked exception. If you follow this rule you will find yourself converting checked exceptions to unchecked exceptions and vice versa depending on what layer you are in.
