$hash = md5($salt.$password)
原因是哈希现在映射的不是原来的密码,而是密码和盐的组合。但是输入$salt=foo和$password=bar和$hash=3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f。现在有一张彩虹表的人可以反向哈希,得到输入“foobar”。然后他们可以尝试所有的密码组合(f, fo, foo,…)Oobar, obar, bar, ar)获取密码可能还需要几毫秒的时间,但仅此而已。
To understand the first one, imagine a single password file that contains hundreds of usernames and passwords. Without a salt, I could compute "md5(attempt[0])", and then scan through the file to see if that hash shows up anywhere. If salts are present, then I have to compute "md5(salt[a] . attempt[0])", compare against entry A, then "md5(salt[b] . attempt[0])", compare against entry B, etc. Now I have n times as much work to do, where n is the number of usernames and passwords contained in the file.
To understand the second one, you have to understand what a rainbow table is. A rainbow table is a large list of pre-computed hashes for commonly-used passwords. Imagine again the password file without salts. All I have to do is go through each line of the file, pull out the hashed password, and look it up in the rainbow table. I never have to compute a single hash. If the look-up is considerably faster than the hash function (which it probably is), this will considerably speed up cracking the file.
Such attacks are ineffective in the case where passwords contain many more characters and do not conform to common word based formats. A user with a strong password to start with won't be vulnerable to this style of attack. Unfortunately, many people do not pick good passwords. But there's a compromise, you can improve a user's password by adding random junk to it. So now, instead of "hunter2" their password could become effectively "hunter2908!fld2R75{R7/;508PEzoz^U430", which is a much stronger password. However, because you now have to store this additional password component this reduces the effectiveness of the stronger composite password. As it turns out, there's still a net benefit to such a scheme since now each password, even the weak ones, are no longer vulnerable to the same pre-computed hash / rainbow table. Instead, each password hash entry is vulnerable only to a unique hash table.
Say you have a site which has weak password strength requirements. If you use no password salt at all your hashes are vulnerable to pre-computed hash tables, someone with access to your hashes would thus have access to the passwords for a large percentage of your users (however many used vulnerable passwords, which would be a substantial percentage). If you use a constant password salt then pre-computed hash tables are no longer valuable, so someone would have to spend the time to compute a custom hash table for that salt, they could do so incrementally though, computing tables which cover ever greater permutations of the problem space. The most vulnerable passwords (e.g. simple word based passwords, very short alphanumeric passwords) would be cracked in hours or days, less vulnerable passwords would be cracked after a few weeks or months. As time goes on an attacker would gain access to passwords for an ever growing percentage of your users. If you use a unique salt for every password then it would take days or months to gain access to each one of those vulnerable passwords.
As you can see, when you step up from no salt to a constant salt to a unique salt you impose a several orders of magnitude increase in effort to crack vulnerable passwords at each step. Without a salt the weakest of your users' passwords are trivially accessible, with a constant salt those weak passwords are accessible to a determined attacker, with a unique salt the cost of accessing passwords is raised so high that only the most determined attacker could gain access to a tiny subset of vulnerable passwords, and then only at great expense.