
public class GenSet<E> {
    private E a[];

    public GenSet() {
        a = new E[INITIAL_ARRAY_LENGTH]; // error: generic array creation



import java.lang.reflect.Array;

class Stack<T> {
    public Stack(Class<T> clazz, int capacity) {
        array = (T[])Array.newInstance(clazz, capacity);

    private final T[] array;




List<?>[] chars = new List[3];




import java.lang.reflect.Array;

class Stack<T> {
    private T[] array = null;
    private final int capacity = 10; // fixed or pass it in the constructor
    private int pos = 0;

    public void push(T value) {
        if (value == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack does not accept nulls");
        if (array == null)
            array = (T[]) Array.newInstance(value.getClass(), capacity);
        // put logic: e.g.
        if(pos == capacity)
             throw new IllegalStateException("push on full stack");
        array[pos++] = value;

    public T pop() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (pos == 0)
            throw new IllegalStateException("pop on empty stack");
        return array[--pos];

在这种情况下,您使用java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance来创建数组,它将不是Object[],而是一个真正的T[]。 您不应该担心它不是最终的,因为它是在类中管理的。 注意,在push()上需要一个非空对象才能获得要使用的类型,因此我添加了一个对您所推送的数据的检查,并在那里抛出异常。



import java.lang.reflect.Array;  

public class GenSet<E> {  
    private E[] a;  

    public GenSet(Class<E[]> clazz, int length) {  
        a = clazz.cast(Array.newInstance(clazz.getComponentType(), length));  

    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        GenSet<String> foo = new GenSet<String>(String[].class, 1);  
        String[] bar = foo.a;  
        foo.a[0] = "xyzzy";  
        String baz = foo.a[0];  


它通过使用类文字作为运行时类型标记来工作,如Java教程中讨论的那样。类字面量被编译器视为java.lang.Class的实例。要使用它,只需在类名后面加上.class。因此,String. Class充当了表示类String的Class对象。这也适用于接口、枚举、任何维度的数组(例如String[].class)、原语(例如int.class)和关键字void(例如void.class)。

Class本身是泛型的(声明为Class<T>,其中T代表Class对象所表示的类型),这意味着String. Class的类型是Class<String>。

因此,无论何时调用GenSet的构造函数,您都要传入一个类字面量作为表示GenSet实例声明类型的数组的第一个参数(例如String[].class for GenSet<String>)。请注意,您将无法获得一个原语数组,因为原语不能用于类型变量。

Inside the constructor, calling the method cast returns the passed Object argument cast to the class represented by the Class object on which the method was called. Calling the static method newInstance in java.lang.reflect.Array returns as an Object an array of the type represented by the Class object passed as the first argument and of the length specified by the int passed as the second argument. Calling the method getComponentType returns a Class object representing the component type of the array represented by the Class object on which the method was called (e.g. String.class for String[].class, null if the Class object doesn't represent an array).


String foo = String[].class.getComponentType().cast("bar"); // won't compile


关于Joachim Sauer对这个答案的评论(我自己没有足够的声誉来评论它),使用转换为T[]的示例将导致一个警告,因为在这种情况下编译器不能保证类型安全。


public static <T> T[] newArray(Class<T[]> type, int size) {
   return type.cast(Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), size));

我必须反过来问一个问题:你的发电机组是“检查”还是“未检查”? 这是什么意思?

Checked: strong typing. GenSet knows explicitly what type of objects it contains (i.e. its constructor was explicitly called with a Class<E> argument, and methods will throw an exception when they are passed arguments that are not of type E. See Collections.checkedCollection. -> in that case, you should write: public class GenSet<E> { private E[] a; public GenSet(Class<E> c, int s) { // Use Array native method to create array // of a type only known at run time @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final E[] a = (E[]) Array.newInstance(c, s); this.a = a; } E get(int i) { return a[i]; } } Unchecked: weak typing. No type checking is actually done on any of the objects passed as argument. -> in that case, you should write public class GenSet<E> { private Object[] a; public GenSet(int s) { a = new Object[s]; } E get(int i) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final E e = (E) a[i]; return e; } } Note that the component type of the array should be the erasure of the type parameter: public class GenSet<E extends Foo> { // E has an upper bound of Foo private Foo[] a; // E erases to Foo, so use Foo[] public GenSet(int s) { a = new Foo[s]; } ... }




进来的就是你需要的。 你所返回的就是消费者所需要的。


