我是c++ 11中移动语义的新手,我不太清楚如何在构造函数或函数中处理unique_ptr参数。考虑这个类引用自己:

#include <memory>

class Base

    typedef unique_ptr<Base> UPtr;

    Base(Base::UPtr n):next(std::move(n)){}

    virtual ~Base(){}

    void setNext(Base::UPtr n)
      next = std::move(n);

  protected :

    Base::UPtr next;




Base::UPtr b1;
Base::UPtr b2(new Base());

b1->setNext(b2); //should I write b1->setNext(std::move(b2)); instead?




struct node;
typedef std::unique_ptr<node> list;
struct node { int entry; list next; }

Instances of such list (which cannot be allowed to share parts with other instances or be circular) are entirely owned by whoever holds the initial list pointer. If client code knows that the list it stores will never be empty, it may also choose to store the first node directly rather than a list. No destructor for node needs to be defined: since the destructors for its fields are automatically called, the whole list will be recursively deleted by the smart pointer destructor once the lifetime of initial pointer or node ends.

This recursive type gives the occasion to discuss some cases that are less visible in the case of a smart pointer to plain data. Also the functions themselves occasionally provide (recursively) an example of client code as well. The typedef for list is of course biased towards unique_ptr, but the definition could be changed to use auto_ptr or shared_ptr instead without much need to change to what is said below (notably concerning exception safety being assured without the need to write destructors).





size_t length(const node* p)
{ size_t l=0; for ( ; p!=nullptr; p=p->next.get()) ++l; return l; }

持有变量list head的客户端可以调用这个函数length(head.get()), 而选择存储节点n表示非空列表的客户端可以调用length(&n)。



list copy(const node* p)
{ return list( p==nullptr ? nullptr : new node{p->entry,copy(p->next.get())} ); }

This code merits a close look, both for the question as to why it compiles at all (the result of the recursive call to copy in the initialiser list binds to the rvalue reference argument in the move constructor of unique_ptr<node>, a.k.a. list, when initialising the next field of the generated node), and for the question as to why it is exception-safe (if during the recursive allocation process memory runs out and some call of new throws std::bad_alloc, then at that time a pointer to the partly constructed list is held anonymously in a temporary of type list created for the initialiser list, and its destructor will clean up that partial list). By the way one should resist the temptation to replace (as I initially did) the second nullptr by p, which after all is known to be null at that point: one cannot construct a smart pointer from a (raw) pointer to constant, even when it is known to be null.


A function that takes a smart pointer value as argument takes possession of the object pointed to right away: the smart pointer that the caller held (whether in a named variable or an anonymous temporary) is copied into the argument value at function entrance and the caller's pointer has become null (in the case of a temporary the copy might have been elided, but in any case the caller has lost access to the pointed to object). I would like to call this mode call by cash: caller pays up front for the service called, and can have no illusions about ownership after the call. To make this clear, the language rules require the caller to wrap the argument in std::move if the smart pointer is held in a variable (technically, if the argument is an lvalue); in this case (but not for mode 3 below) this function does what its name suggests, namely move the value from the variable to a temporary, leaving the variable null.

For cases where the called function unconditionally takes ownership of (pilfers) the pointed-to object, this mode used with std::unique_ptr or std::auto_ptr is a good way of passing a pointer together with its ownership, which avoids any risk of memory leaks. Nonetheless I think that there are only very few situations where mode 3 below is not to be preferred (ever so slightly) over mode 1. For this reason I shall provide no usage examples of this mode. (But see the reversed example of mode 3 below, where it is remarked that mode 1 would do at least as well.) If the function takes more arguments than just this pointer, it may happen that there is in addition a technical reason to avoid mode 1 (with std::unique_ptr or std::auto_ptr): since an actual move operation takes place while passing a pointer variable p by the expression std::move(p), it cannot be assumed that p holds a useful value while evaluating the other arguments (the order of evaluation being unspecified), which could lead to subtle errors; by contrast, using mode 3 assures that no move from p takes place before the function call, so other arguments can safely access a value through p.

When used with std::shared_ptr, this mode is interesting in that with a single function definition it allows the caller to choose whether to keep a sharing copy of the pointer for itself while creating a new sharing copy to be used by the function (this happens when an lvalue argument is provided; the copy constructor for shared pointers used at the call increases the reference count), or to just give the function a copy of the pointer without retaining one or touching the reference count (this happens when a rvalue argument is provided, possibly an lvalue wrapped in a call of std::move). For instance

void f(std::shared_ptr<X> x) // call by shared cash
{ container.insert(std::move(x)); } // store shared pointer in container

void client()
{ std::shared_ptr<X> p = std::make_shared<X>(args);
  f(p); // lvalue argument; store pointer in container but keep a copy
  f(std::make_shared<X>(args)); // prvalue argument; fresh pointer is just stored away
  f(std::move(p)); // xvalue argument; p is transferred to container and left null

同样可以通过分别定义void f(const std::shared_ptr<X>& X)(用于左值情况)和void f(std::shared_ptr<X>&& X)(用于右值情况)来实现,函数体的区别仅在于第一个版本调用复制语义(在使用X时使用复制构造/赋值),而第二个版本则调用移动语义(如示例代码所示,写入std::move(X))。因此,对于共享指针,模式1可以避免一些代码重复。


Here the function just requires having a modifiable reference to the smart pointer, but gives no indication of what it will do with it. I would like to call this method call by card: caller ensures payment by giving a credit card number. The reference can be used to take ownership of the pointed-to object, but it does not have to. This mode requires providing a modifiable lvalue argument, corresponding to the fact that the desired effect of the function may include leaving a useful value in the argument variable. A caller with an rvalue expression that it wishes to pass to such a function would be forced to store it in a named variable to be able to make the call, since the language only provides implicit conversion to a constant lvalue reference (referring to a temporary) from an rvalue. (Unlike the opposite situation handled by std::move, a cast from Y&& to Y&, with Y the smart pointer type, is not possible; nonetheless this conversion could be obtained by a simple template function if really desired; see https://stackoverflow.com/a/24868376/1436796). For the case where the called function intends to unconditionally take ownership of the object, stealing from the argument, the obligation to provide an lvalue argument is giving the wrong signal: the variable will have no useful value after the call. Therefore mode 3, which gives identical possibilities inside our function but asks callers to provide an rvalue, should be preferred for such usage.


void prepend (int x, list& l) { l = list( new node{ x, std::move(l)} ); }


Again it is interesting to observe what happens if the prepend call fails for lack of free memory. Then the new call will throw std::bad_alloc; at this point in time, since no node could be allocated, it is certain that the passed rvalue reference (mode 3) from std::move(l) cannot yet have been pilfered, as that would be done to construct the next field of the node that failed to be allocated. So the original smart pointer l still holds the original list when the error is thrown; that list will either be properly destroyed by the smart pointer destructor, or in case l should survive thanks to a sufficiently early catch clause, it will still hold the original list.


void remove_first(int x, list& l)
{ list* p = &l;
  while ((*p).get()!=nullptr and (*p)->entry!=x)
    p = &(*p)->next;
  if ((*p).get()!=nullptr)
    (*p).reset((*p)->next.release()); // or equivalent: *p = std::move((*p)->next); 

Again the correctness is quite subtle here. Notably, in the final statement the pointer (*p)->next held inside the node to be removed is unlinked (by release, which returns the pointer but makes the original null) before reset (implicitly) destroys that node (when it destroys the old value held by p), ensuring that one and only one node is destroyed at that time. (In the alternative form mentioned in the comment, this timing would be left to the internals of the implementation of the move-assignment operator of the std::unique_ptr instance list; the standard says;2 that this operator should act "as if by calling reset(u.release())", whence the timing should be safe here too.)



This is the preferred mode to use when simply taking ownership of the pointer. I would like to call this method call by check: caller must accept relinquishing ownership, as if providing cash, by signing the check, but the actual withdrawal is postponed until the called function actually pilfers the pointer (exactly as it would when using mode 2). The "signing of the check" concretely means callers have to wrap an argument in std::move (as in mode 1) if it is an lvalue (if it is an rvalue, the "giving up ownership" part is obvious and requires no separate code).

Note that technically mode 3 behaves exactly as mode 2, so the called function does not have to assume ownership; however I would insist that if there is any uncertainty about ownership transfer (in normal usage), mode 2 should be preferred to mode 3, so that using mode 3 is implicitly a signal to callers that they are giving up ownership. One might retort that only mode 1 argument passing really signals forced loss of ownership to callers. But if a client has any doubts about intentions of the called function, she is supposed to know the specifications of the function being called, which should remove any doubt.


void append (list& a, list&& b)
{ list* p=&a;
  while ((*p).get()!=nullptr) // find end of list a
  *p = std::move(b); // attach b; the variable b relinquishes ownership here


list reversed (list&& l) noexcept // pilfering reversal of list
{ list p(l.release()); // move list into temporary for traversal
  list result(nullptr);
  while (p.get()!=nullptr)
  { // permute: result --> p->next --> p --> (cycle to result)
  return result;

此函数的调用方法如下:l = reversed(std::move(l));将列表反转为列表本身,但反转的列表也可以以不同的方式使用。

Here the argument is immediately moved to a local variable for efficiency (one could have used the parameter l directly in the place of p, but then accessing it each time would involve an extra level of indirection); hence the difference with mode 1 argument passing is minimal. In fact using that mode, the argument could have served directly as local variable, thus avoiding that initial move; this is just an instance of the general principle that if an argument passed by reference only serves to initialise a local variable, one might just as well pass it by value instead and use the parameter as local variable.

Using mode 3 appears to be advocated by the standard, as witnessed by the fact that all provided library functions that transfer ownership of smart pointers using mode 3. A particular convincing case in point is the constructor std::shared_ptr<T>(auto_ptr<T>&& p). That constructor used (in std::tr1) to take a modifiable lvalue reference (just like the auto_ptr<T>& copy constructor), and could therefore be called with an auto_ptr<T> lvalue p as in std::shared_ptr<T> q(p), after which p has been reset to null. Due to the change from mode 2 to 3 in argument passing, this old code must now be rewritten to std::shared_ptr<T> q(std::move(p)) and will then continue to work. I understand that the committee did not like the mode 2 here, but they had the option of changing to mode 1, by defining std::shared_ptr<T>(auto_ptr<T> p) instead, they could have ensured that old code works without modification, because (unlike unique-pointers) auto-pointers can be silently dereferenced to a value (the pointer object itself being reset to null in the process). Apparently the committee so much preferred advocating mode 3 over mode 1, that they chose to actively break existing code rather than to use mode 1 even for an already deprecated usage.



It is slightly more efficient to pass a reference than to create a temporary and nix the old pointer (handling cash is somewhat laborious); in some scenarios the pointer may be passed several times unchanged to another function before it is actually pilfered. Such passing will generally require writing std::move (unless mode 2 is used), but note that this is just a cast that does not actually do anything (in particular no dereferencing), so it has zero cost attached. Should it be conceivable that anything throws an exception between the start of the function call and the point where it (or some contained call) actually moves the pointed-to object into another data structure (and this exception is not already caught inside the function itself), then when using mode 1, the object referred to by the smart pointer will be destroyed before a catch clause can handle the exception (because the function parameter was destructed during stack unwinding), but not so when using mode 3. The latter gives the caller has the option to recover the data of the object in such cases (by catching the exception). Note that mode 1 here does not cause a memory leak, but may lead to an unrecoverable loss of data for the program, which might be undesirable as well.



















struct node;
typedef std::unique_ptr<node> list;
struct node { int entry; list next; }

Instances of such list (which cannot be allowed to share parts with other instances or be circular) are entirely owned by whoever holds the initial list pointer. If client code knows that the list it stores will never be empty, it may also choose to store the first node directly rather than a list. No destructor for node needs to be defined: since the destructors for its fields are automatically called, the whole list will be recursively deleted by the smart pointer destructor once the lifetime of initial pointer or node ends.

This recursive type gives the occasion to discuss some cases that are less visible in the case of a smart pointer to plain data. Also the functions themselves occasionally provide (recursively) an example of client code as well. The typedef for list is of course biased towards unique_ptr, but the definition could be changed to use auto_ptr or shared_ptr instead without much need to change to what is said below (notably concerning exception safety being assured without the need to write destructors).





size_t length(const node* p)
{ size_t l=0; for ( ; p!=nullptr; p=p->next.get()) ++l; return l; }

持有变量list head的客户端可以调用这个函数length(head.get()), 而选择存储节点n表示非空列表的客户端可以调用length(&n)。



list copy(const node* p)
{ return list( p==nullptr ? nullptr : new node{p->entry,copy(p->next.get())} ); }

This code merits a close look, both for the question as to why it compiles at all (the result of the recursive call to copy in the initialiser list binds to the rvalue reference argument in the move constructor of unique_ptr<node>, a.k.a. list, when initialising the next field of the generated node), and for the question as to why it is exception-safe (if during the recursive allocation process memory runs out and some call of new throws std::bad_alloc, then at that time a pointer to the partly constructed list is held anonymously in a temporary of type list created for the initialiser list, and its destructor will clean up that partial list). By the way one should resist the temptation to replace (as I initially did) the second nullptr by p, which after all is known to be null at that point: one cannot construct a smart pointer from a (raw) pointer to constant, even when it is known to be null.


A function that takes a smart pointer value as argument takes possession of the object pointed to right away: the smart pointer that the caller held (whether in a named variable or an anonymous temporary) is copied into the argument value at function entrance and the caller's pointer has become null (in the case of a temporary the copy might have been elided, but in any case the caller has lost access to the pointed to object). I would like to call this mode call by cash: caller pays up front for the service called, and can have no illusions about ownership after the call. To make this clear, the language rules require the caller to wrap the argument in std::move if the smart pointer is held in a variable (technically, if the argument is an lvalue); in this case (but not for mode 3 below) this function does what its name suggests, namely move the value from the variable to a temporary, leaving the variable null.

For cases where the called function unconditionally takes ownership of (pilfers) the pointed-to object, this mode used with std::unique_ptr or std::auto_ptr is a good way of passing a pointer together with its ownership, which avoids any risk of memory leaks. Nonetheless I think that there are only very few situations where mode 3 below is not to be preferred (ever so slightly) over mode 1. For this reason I shall provide no usage examples of this mode. (But see the reversed example of mode 3 below, where it is remarked that mode 1 would do at least as well.) If the function takes more arguments than just this pointer, it may happen that there is in addition a technical reason to avoid mode 1 (with std::unique_ptr or std::auto_ptr): since an actual move operation takes place while passing a pointer variable p by the expression std::move(p), it cannot be assumed that p holds a useful value while evaluating the other arguments (the order of evaluation being unspecified), which could lead to subtle errors; by contrast, using mode 3 assures that no move from p takes place before the function call, so other arguments can safely access a value through p.

When used with std::shared_ptr, this mode is interesting in that with a single function definition it allows the caller to choose whether to keep a sharing copy of the pointer for itself while creating a new sharing copy to be used by the function (this happens when an lvalue argument is provided; the copy constructor for shared pointers used at the call increases the reference count), or to just give the function a copy of the pointer without retaining one or touching the reference count (this happens when a rvalue argument is provided, possibly an lvalue wrapped in a call of std::move). For instance

void f(std::shared_ptr<X> x) // call by shared cash
{ container.insert(std::move(x)); } // store shared pointer in container

void client()
{ std::shared_ptr<X> p = std::make_shared<X>(args);
  f(p); // lvalue argument; store pointer in container but keep a copy
  f(std::make_shared<X>(args)); // prvalue argument; fresh pointer is just stored away
  f(std::move(p)); // xvalue argument; p is transferred to container and left null

同样可以通过分别定义void f(const std::shared_ptr<X>& X)(用于左值情况)和void f(std::shared_ptr<X>&& X)(用于右值情况)来实现,函数体的区别仅在于第一个版本调用复制语义(在使用X时使用复制构造/赋值),而第二个版本则调用移动语义(如示例代码所示,写入std::move(X))。因此,对于共享指针,模式1可以避免一些代码重复。


Here the function just requires having a modifiable reference to the smart pointer, but gives no indication of what it will do with it. I would like to call this method call by card: caller ensures payment by giving a credit card number. The reference can be used to take ownership of the pointed-to object, but it does not have to. This mode requires providing a modifiable lvalue argument, corresponding to the fact that the desired effect of the function may include leaving a useful value in the argument variable. A caller with an rvalue expression that it wishes to pass to such a function would be forced to store it in a named variable to be able to make the call, since the language only provides implicit conversion to a constant lvalue reference (referring to a temporary) from an rvalue. (Unlike the opposite situation handled by std::move, a cast from Y&& to Y&, with Y the smart pointer type, is not possible; nonetheless this conversion could be obtained by a simple template function if really desired; see https://stackoverflow.com/a/24868376/1436796). For the case where the called function intends to unconditionally take ownership of the object, stealing from the argument, the obligation to provide an lvalue argument is giving the wrong signal: the variable will have no useful value after the call. Therefore mode 3, which gives identical possibilities inside our function but asks callers to provide an rvalue, should be preferred for such usage.


void prepend (int x, list& l) { l = list( new node{ x, std::move(l)} ); }


Again it is interesting to observe what happens if the prepend call fails for lack of free memory. Then the new call will throw std::bad_alloc; at this point in time, since no node could be allocated, it is certain that the passed rvalue reference (mode 3) from std::move(l) cannot yet have been pilfered, as that would be done to construct the next field of the node that failed to be allocated. So the original smart pointer l still holds the original list when the error is thrown; that list will either be properly destroyed by the smart pointer destructor, or in case l should survive thanks to a sufficiently early catch clause, it will still hold the original list.


void remove_first(int x, list& l)
{ list* p = &l;
  while ((*p).get()!=nullptr and (*p)->entry!=x)
    p = &(*p)->next;
  if ((*p).get()!=nullptr)
    (*p).reset((*p)->next.release()); // or equivalent: *p = std::move((*p)->next); 

Again the correctness is quite subtle here. Notably, in the final statement the pointer (*p)->next held inside the node to be removed is unlinked (by release, which returns the pointer but makes the original null) before reset (implicitly) destroys that node (when it destroys the old value held by p), ensuring that one and only one node is destroyed at that time. (In the alternative form mentioned in the comment, this timing would be left to the internals of the implementation of the move-assignment operator of the std::unique_ptr instance list; the standard says;2 that this operator should act "as if by calling reset(u.release())", whence the timing should be safe here too.)



This is the preferred mode to use when simply taking ownership of the pointer. I would like to call this method call by check: caller must accept relinquishing ownership, as if providing cash, by signing the check, but the actual withdrawal is postponed until the called function actually pilfers the pointer (exactly as it would when using mode 2). The "signing of the check" concretely means callers have to wrap an argument in std::move (as in mode 1) if it is an lvalue (if it is an rvalue, the "giving up ownership" part is obvious and requires no separate code).

Note that technically mode 3 behaves exactly as mode 2, so the called function does not have to assume ownership; however I would insist that if there is any uncertainty about ownership transfer (in normal usage), mode 2 should be preferred to mode 3, so that using mode 3 is implicitly a signal to callers that they are giving up ownership. One might retort that only mode 1 argument passing really signals forced loss of ownership to callers. But if a client has any doubts about intentions of the called function, she is supposed to know the specifications of the function being called, which should remove any doubt.


void append (list& a, list&& b)
{ list* p=&a;
  while ((*p).get()!=nullptr) // find end of list a
  *p = std::move(b); // attach b; the variable b relinquishes ownership here


list reversed (list&& l) noexcept // pilfering reversal of list
{ list p(l.release()); // move list into temporary for traversal
  list result(nullptr);
  while (p.get()!=nullptr)
  { // permute: result --> p->next --> p --> (cycle to result)
  return result;

此函数的调用方法如下:l = reversed(std::move(l));将列表反转为列表本身,但反转的列表也可以以不同的方式使用。

Here the argument is immediately moved to a local variable for efficiency (one could have used the parameter l directly in the place of p, but then accessing it each time would involve an extra level of indirection); hence the difference with mode 1 argument passing is minimal. In fact using that mode, the argument could have served directly as local variable, thus avoiding that initial move; this is just an instance of the general principle that if an argument passed by reference only serves to initialise a local variable, one might just as well pass it by value instead and use the parameter as local variable.

Using mode 3 appears to be advocated by the standard, as witnessed by the fact that all provided library functions that transfer ownership of smart pointers using mode 3. A particular convincing case in point is the constructor std::shared_ptr<T>(auto_ptr<T>&& p). That constructor used (in std::tr1) to take a modifiable lvalue reference (just like the auto_ptr<T>& copy constructor), and could therefore be called with an auto_ptr<T> lvalue p as in std::shared_ptr<T> q(p), after which p has been reset to null. Due to the change from mode 2 to 3 in argument passing, this old code must now be rewritten to std::shared_ptr<T> q(std::move(p)) and will then continue to work. I understand that the committee did not like the mode 2 here, but they had the option of changing to mode 1, by defining std::shared_ptr<T>(auto_ptr<T> p) instead, they could have ensured that old code works without modification, because (unlike unique-pointers) auto-pointers can be silently dereferenced to a value (the pointer object itself being reset to null in the process). Apparently the committee so much preferred advocating mode 3 over mode 1, that they chose to actively break existing code rather than to use mode 1 even for an already deprecated usage.



It is slightly more efficient to pass a reference than to create a temporary and nix the old pointer (handling cash is somewhat laborious); in some scenarios the pointer may be passed several times unchanged to another function before it is actually pilfered. Such passing will generally require writing std::move (unless mode 2 is used), but note that this is just a cast that does not actually do anything (in particular no dereferencing), so it has zero cost attached. Should it be conceivable that anything throws an exception between the start of the function call and the point where it (or some contained call) actually moves the pointed-to object into another data structure (and this exception is not already caught inside the function itself), then when using mode 1, the object referred to by the smart pointer will be destroyed before a catch clause can handle the exception (because the function parameter was destructed during stack unwinding), but not so when using mode 3. The latter gives the caller has the option to recover the data of the object in such cases (by catching the exception). Note that mode 1 here does not cause a memory leak, but may lead to an unrecoverable loss of data for the program, which might be undesirable as well.







Base(Base::UPtr &&n) : next(::std::move(n)) {} // Spaces for readability

void setNext(Base::UPtr &&n) { next = ::std::move(n); }


Base::UPtr objptr{ new Base; }
Base::UPtr objptr2{ new Base; }
Base fred(::std::move(objptr)); // objptr now loses ownership
fred.setNext(::std::move(objptr2)); // objptr2 now loses ownership




Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}


Base newBase(std::move(nextBase));
Base fromTemp(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base(...));



因为Base::Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> n)的参数是值,而不是r-value引用,所以c++会自动为我们构造一个临时变量。它从我们通过std::move(nextBase)给函数的Base&&中创建了一个std::unique_ptr<Base>。这个临时函数的构造实际上是将值从nextBase移到函数参数n中。

(B)通过非const l-value引用

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}


Base newBase(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base)); //Illegal in this case.


Base newBase(nextBase);

不能保证nextBase为空。它可能是空的;可能不会。这实际上取决于Base::Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &n)想要做什么。正因为如此,仅仅从函数的签名上看不出会发生什么;您必须阅读实现(或相关文档)。


(C)通过const l-value引用

Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> const &n);




Base(std::unique_ptr<Base> &&n)
  : next(std::move(n)) {}

这或多或少与“通过非const l-value引用”的情况相同。区别在于两点。

你可以通过一个临时: Base newBase(std::unique_ptr<Base>(new Base));/ /法律现在. . 当传递非临时参数时,必须使用std::move。


Base newBase(std::move(nextBase));




(A) By Value: If you mean for a function to claim ownership of a unique_ptr, take it by value. (C) By const l-value reference: If you mean for a function to simply use the unique_ptr for the duration of that function's execution, take it by const&. Alternatively, pass a & or const& to the actual type pointed to, rather than using a unique_ptr. (D) By r-value reference: If a function may or may not claim ownership (depending on internal code paths), then take it by &&. But I strongly advise against doing this whenever possible.




std::unique_ptr<Base> newPtr(std::move(oldPtr));


std::unique_ptr<Base> &&temporary = std::move(oldPtr);
std::unique_ptr<Base> newPtr(temporary);



