When a long-running Python script (e.g, web application) is started from within the ssh session and backgounded, and the ssh session is closed, the application will raise IOError and fail the moment it tries to write to stdout. I needed to find a way to make the application and modules output to a file rather than stdout to prevent failure due to IOError. Currently, I employ nohup to redirect output to a file, and that gets the job done, but I was wondering if there was a way to do it without using nohup, out of curiosity.
我已经试过了。Stdout = open('somefile', 'w'),但这似乎并没有阻止一些外部模块仍然输出到终端(或者sys. exe)。Stdout =…Line根本没有开火)。我知道它应该在我测试过的更简单的脚本上工作,但我还没有时间在web应用程序上进行测试。
我很惊讶Ryan Amos对原始问题的一个小评论是唯一一个比其他所有问题都更可取的解决方案,不管蟒蛇的诡计有多聪明,他们得到了多少点赞。根据Ryan的评论,tmux是GNU屏幕的一个很好的替代品。
But the principle is the same: if you ever find yourself wanting to leave a terminal job running while you log-out, head to the cafe for a sandwich, pop to the bathroom, go home (etc) and then later, reconnect to your terminal session from anywhere or any computer as though you'd never been away, terminal multiplexers are the answer. Think of them as VNC or remote desktop for terminal sessions. Anything else is a workaround. As a bonus, when the boss and/or partner comes in and you inadvertently ctrl-w / cmd-w your terminal window instead of your browser window with its dodgy content, you won't have lost the last 18 hours-worth of processing!