I find myself frequently using Python's interpreter to work with databases, files, etc -- basically a lot of manual formatting of semi-structured data. I don't properly save and clean up the useful bits as often as I would like. Is there a way to save my input into the shell (db connections, variable assignments, little for loops and bits of logic) -- some history of the interactive session? If I use something like script I get too much stdout noise. I don't really need to pickle all the objects -- though if there is a solution that does that, it would be OK. Ideally I would just be left with a script that ran as the one I created interactively, and I could just delete the bits I didn't need. Is there a package that does this, or a DIY approach?


你可以用内置函数打开:我用它在我的所有 我需要存储一些历史的程序(包括计算器等) 例如:

#gk-test.py or anything else would do
try: # use the try loop only if you haven't created the history file outside program
    username = open("history.txt").readline().strip("\n")
    user_age = open("history.txt").readlines()[1].strip("\n")
except FileNotFoundError:
    username = input("Enter Username: ")
    user_age = input("Enter User's Age: ")
    open("history.txt", "w").write(f"{username}\n{user_age}")
#Rest of the code is secret! try it your own!



%history命令非常棒,但不幸的是,它不能让您将%paste 'd保存到sesh中。要做到这一点,我认为你必须在开头执行%logstart(尽管我还没有确认这是有效的)。


%history -o -n -p -f filename.txt

它将在每个输入(o, n和p选项)之前保存输出,行号和'>>>'。请在这里查看文档中的%history。

就Linux而言,人们可以使用脚本命令来记录整个会话。它是util-linux包的一部分,所以应该在大多数Linux系统上。你可以创建一个别名或函数,调用script -c python,并保存到typescript文件中。例如,这里有一个这样的文件的再版。

$ cat typescript                                                                                                      
Script started on Sat 14 May 2016 08:30:08 AM MDT
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print 'Hello Pythonic World'
Hello Pythonic World

Script done on Sat 14 May 2016 08:30:42 AM MDT

这里的一个小缺点是,脚本会记录所有内容,甚至换行,无论何时点击退格等等。所以你可能想使用col来清理输出(参见这篇关于Unix&Linux Stackexchange的文章)。


import readline


这种方法的优点: 您可以从任何其他设备连接到此会话(如果您可以SSH您的pc)

这种方法的缺点: 在python解释器真正存在之前,此方法不会放弃被打开的python会话所使用的资源。
