

|ID| DocumentID | Status | DateCreated |
| 2| 1          | S1     | 7/29/2011   |
| 3| 1          | S2     | 7/30/2011   |
| 6| 1          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |
| 1| 2          | S1     | 7/28/2011   |
| 4| 2          | S2     | 7/30/2011   |
| 5| 2          | S3     | 8/01/2011   |
| 6| 3          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |



| DocumentID | Status | DateCreated |
| 1          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |
| 2          | S3     | 8/01/2011   |
| 3          | S1     | 8/02/2011   |

Is there any aggregate function to get only the top from each group? See pseudo-code GetOnlyTheTop below: SELECT DocumentID, GetOnlyTheTop(Status), GetOnlyTheTop(DateCreated) FROM DocumentStatusLogs GROUP BY DocumentID ORDER BY DateCreated DESC If such function doesn't exist, is there any way I can achieve the output I want? Or at the first place, could this be caused by unnormalized database? I'm thinking, since what I'm looking for is just one row, should that status also be located in the parent table?



| DocumentID | Title  | Content  | DateCreated |
| 1          | TitleA | ...      | ...         |
| 2          | TitleB | ...      | ...         |
| 3          | TitleC | ...      | ...         |


| DocumentID | Title  | Content  | DateCreated | CurrentStatus |
| 1          | TitleA | ...      | ...         | s1            |
| 2          | TitleB | ...      | ...         | s3            |
| 3          | TitleC | ...      | ...         | s1            |

更新 我刚刚学会了如何使用“apply”,它可以更容易地解决这类问题。



Select distinct DocumentID
  , first_value(status) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as Status
  , first_value(DateCreated) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as DateCreated
From DocumentStatusLogs

这应该工作在Sql Server 2008及更高。First_value可以被认为是在使用over子句时实现Select Top 1的一种方法。Over允许在选择列表中分组,而不是编写嵌套的子查询(像许多现有的答案那样),这以一种更可读的方式进行。希望这能有所帮助。


我知道这是一个旧的线程,但TOP 1与TIES解决方案是相当不错的,可能有助于阅读一些解决方案。

select top 1 with ties
from DocumentStatusLogs
order by row_number() over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated desc)

select top 1 with ties子句告诉SQL Server要返回每个组的第一行。但是SQL Server如何知道如何对数据进行分组呢?这就是按row_number()的顺序除以(按documententid分区的顺序除以DateCreated desc的顺序。分区后的列定义了SQL Server如何对数据进行分组。在每个组中,行将根据列的顺序进行排序。排序之后,查询中将返回每个组中的第一行。



select ds.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
from DocumentStatusLogs ds
left join DocumentStatusLogs filter 
    ON ds.DocumentID = filter.DocumentID
    -- Match any row that has another row that was created after it.
    AND ds.DateCreated < filter.DateCreated
-- then filter out any rows that matched 
where filter.DocumentID is null 

对于示例模式,你也可以使用"not in subquery",它通常编译到与左连接相同的输出:

select ds.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
from DocumentStatusLogs ds
    SELECT filter.ID 
    FROM DocumentStatusLogs filter
    WHERE ds.DocumentID = filter.DocumentID
        AND ds.DateCreated < filter.DateCreated)


这两个查询往往比row_count()查询(由query Analyzer衡量)更“昂贵”。但是,您可能会遇到它们更快地返回结果或启用其他优化的情况。


 select d.DocumentID, ds.Status, ds.DateCreated 
 from Documents as d 
 cross apply 
     (select top 1 Status, DateCreated
      from DocumentStatusLogs 
      where DocumentID = d.DocumentId
      order by DateCreated desc) as ds


Select distinct DocumentID
  , first_value(status) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as Status
  , first_value(DateCreated) over (partition by DocumentID order by DateCreated Desc) as DateCreated
From DocumentStatusLogs

这应该工作在Sql Server 2008及更高。First_value可以被认为是在使用over子句时实现Select Top 1的一种方法。Over允许在选择列表中分组,而不是编写嵌套的子查询(像许多现有的答案那样),这以一种更可读的方式进行。希望这能有所帮助。

这是一个相当老的话题,但我想我要发表我的意见,就像公认的答案对我来说并不是特别有效一样。我在一个大型数据集上尝试了gbn的解决方案,发现它非常慢(在SQL Server 2012中500多万条记录上>45秒)。看一下执行计划,很明显问题在于它需要一个SORT操作,这会大大降低速度。

下面是我从实体框架中提取的一个替代方案,它不需要SORT操作,只进行非聚集索引搜索。这将在前面提到的记录集中将执行时间减少到< 2秒。

[Limit1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
[Limit1].[Status] AS [Status], 
[Limit1].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
FROM   (SELECT DISTINCT [Extent1].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID] FROM [dbo].[DocumentStatusLogs] AS [Extent1]) AS [Distinct1]
OUTER APPLY  (SELECT TOP (1) [Project2].[ID] AS [ID], [Project2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], [Project2].[Status] AS [Status], [Project2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
        [Extent2].[ID] AS [ID], 
        [Extent2].[DocumentID] AS [DocumentID], 
        [Extent2].[Status] AS [Status], 
        [Extent2].[DateCreated] AS [DateCreated]
        FROM [dbo].[DocumentStatusLogs] AS [Extent2]
        WHERE ([Distinct1].[DocumentID] = [Extent2].[DocumentID])
    )  AS [Project2]
    ORDER BY [Project2].[ID] DESC) AS [Limit1]

Now I'm assuming something that isn't entirely specified in the original question, but if your table design is such that your ID column is an auto-increment ID, and the DateCreated is set to the current date with each insert, then even without running with my query above you could actually get a sizable performance boost to gbn's solution (about half the execution time) just from ordering on ID instead of ordering on DateCreated as this will provide an identical sort order and it's a faster sort.