

SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor = myPrefs.edit();
prefsEditor.putString("BusinessUnit", strBusinessUnit);


使用delegate Kotlin,我们可以轻松地从共享首选项中放置和获取数据。

    inline fun <reified T> Context.sharedPrefs(key: String) = object : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> {

        val sharedPrefs by lazy { this@sharedPrefs.getSharedPreferences("APP_DATA", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) }
        val gson by lazy { Gson() }
        var newData: T = (T::class.java).newInstance()

        override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
            return getPrefs()

        override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
            this.newData = value

        fun putPrefs(value: T?) {
            sharedPrefs.edit {
                when (value) {
                    is Int -> putInt(key, value)
                    is Boolean -> putBoolean(key, value)
                    is String -> putString(key, value)
                    is Long -> putLong(key, value)
                    is Float -> putFloat(key, value)
                    is Parcelable -> putString(key, gson.toJson(value))
                    else          -> throw Throwable("no such type exist to put data")

        fun getPrefs(): T {
            return when (newData) {
                       is Int -> sharedPrefs.getInt(key, 0) as T
                       is Boolean -> sharedPrefs.getBoolean(key, false) as T
                       is String -> sharedPrefs.getString(key, "") as T ?: "" as T
                       is Long -> sharedPrefs.getLong(key, 0L) as T
                       is Float -> sharedPrefs.getFloat(key, 0.0f) as T
                       is Parcelable -> gson.fromJson(sharedPrefs.getString(key, "") ?: "", T::class.java)
                       else          -> throw Throwable("no such type exist to put data")
                   } ?: newData


    //use this delegation in activity and fragment in following way
        var ourData by sharedPrefs<String>("otherDatas")




    public class AppPersistence {
    public enum keys {
        DOB, MRG_Anniversary, COMPANY, USER_TYPE, support_phone

    private static AppPersistence mAppPersistance;
    private SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;

    public static AppPersistence start(Context context) {
        if (mAppPersistance == null) {
            mAppPersistance = new AppPersistence(context);
        return mAppPersistance;

    private AppPersistence(Context context) {
        sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getString(R.string.prefrence_file_name),

    public Object get(Enum key) {
        Map<String, ?> all = sharedPreferences.getAll();
        return all.get(key.toString());

    void save(Enum key, Object val) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
        if (val instanceof Integer) {
            editor.putInt(key.toString(), (Integer) val);
        } else if (val instanceof String) {
            editor.putString(key.toString(), String.valueOf(val));
        } else if (val instanceof Float) {
            editor.putFloat(key.toString(), (Float) val);
        } else if (val instanceof Long) {
            editor.putLong(key.toString(), (Long) val);
        } else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
            editor.putBoolean(key.toString(), (Boolean) val);

    void remove(Enum key) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();

    public void removeAll() {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();


public static void setPreference(Context context, Enum Name, String Value) {
        AppPersistence.start(context).save(Name, Value);

    public static String getPreference(Context context, Enum Name) {
        return (String) AppPersistence.start(context).get(Name);

    public static void removePreference(Context context, Enum Name) {



AppPreference.setPreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID, userID);


AppPreference.removePreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID);


 AppPreference.getPreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID);



dependencies {
 implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6'
 //Other dependencies of our project


 * Saves object into the Preferences.
 * @param `object` Object of model class (of type [T]) to save
 * @param key Key with which Shared preferences to
fun <T> put(`object`: T, key: String) {
    //Convert object to JSON String.
    val jsonString = GsonBuilder().create().toJson(`object`)
    //Save that String in SharedPreferences
    preferences.edit().putString(key, jsonString).apply()

 * Used to retrieve object from the Preferences.
 * @param key Shared Preference key with which object was saved.
inline fun <reified T> get(key: String): T? {
    //We read JSON String which was saved.
    val value = preferences.getString(key, null)
    //JSON String was found which means object can be read.
    //We convert this JSON String to model object. Parameter "c" (of
    //type Class < T >" is used to cast.
    return GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(value, T::class.java)

我知道这个帖子有点旧了。 但我还是要把这个贴出来,希望它能帮助到一些人。 通过将对象序列化为String,可以将任何Object的字段存储为共享首选项。 这里我使用GSON存储共享首选项的任何对象。


public static void saveObjectToSharedPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String serializedObjectKey, Object object) {
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(preferenceFileName, 0);
    SharedPreferences.Editor sharedPreferencesEditor = sharedPreferences.edit();
    final Gson gson = new Gson();
    String serializedObject = gson.toJson(object);
    sharedPreferencesEditor.putString(serializedObjectKey, serializedObject);


public static <GenericClass> GenericClass getSavedObjectFromPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String preferenceKey, Class<GenericClass> classType) {
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(preferenceFileName, 0);
    if (sharedPreferences.contains(preferenceKey)) {
        final Gson gson = new Gson();
        return gson.fromJson(sharedPreferences.getString(preferenceKey, ""), classType);
    return null;


记得在gradle的dependencies中添加compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.6.2'。


//assume SampleClass exists
SampleClass mObject = new SampleObject();

//to store an object
saveObjectToSharedPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", mObject);

//to retrive object stored in preference
mObject = getSavedObjectFromPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", SampleClass.class);



稍微修改一下getSavedObjectFromPreference()的签名——从Class<GenericClass> classType到Type classType将使这个解决方案一般化。修改后的函数签名

public static <GenericClass> GenericClass getSavedObjectFromPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String preferenceKey, Type classType)


getSavedObjectFromPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", (Type) SampleClass.class)


下面是我从这里获得的Kotlin Delegated Properties的使用方法,但扩展了它,并允许使用一种简单的机制来获取/设置SharedPreference属性。

对于String, Int, Long, Float或Boolean,它使用标准的SharePreference getter和setter。然而,对于所有其他数据类,它使用GSON序列化为一个String,用于setter。然后为getter反序列化为数据对象。


implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6'


data class User(val first: String, val last: String)


object UserPreferenceProperty : PreferenceProperty<User>(
    key = "USER_OBJECT",
    defaultValue = User(first = "Jane", last = "Doe"),
    clazz = User::class.java)

object NullableUserPreferenceProperty : NullablePreferenceProperty<User?, User>(
    defaultValue = null,
    clazz = User::class.java)

object FirstTimeUser : PreferenceProperty<Boolean>(
        key = "FIRST_TIME_USER",
        defaultValue = false,
        clazz = Boolean::class.java

sealed class PreferenceProperty<T : Any>(key: String,
                                         defaultValue: T,
                                         clazz: Class<T>) : NullablePreferenceProperty<T, T>(key, defaultValue, clazz)

sealed class NullablePreferenceProperty<T : Any?, U : Any>(private val key: String,
                                                           private val defaultValue: T,
                                                           private val clazz: Class<U>) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {

    override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T = HandstandApplication.appContext().getPreferences()
            .run {
                when {
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(String::class.java) -> getString(key, defaultValue as String?) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Int::class.java) -> getInt(key, defaultValue as Int) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Long::class.java) -> getLong(key, defaultValue as Long) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Float::class.java) -> getFloat(key, defaultValue as Float) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Boolean::class.java) -> getBoolean(key, defaultValue as Boolean) as T
                    else -> getObject(key, defaultValue, clazz)

    override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) = HandstandApplication.appContext().getPreferences()
            .apply {
                when {
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(String::class.java) -> putString(key, value as String?) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Int::class.java) -> putInt(key, value as Int) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Long::class.java) -> putLong(key, value as Long) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Float::class.java) -> putFloat(key, value as Float) as T
                    clazz.isAssignableFrom(Boolean::class.java) -> putBoolean(key, value as Boolean) as T
                    else -> putObject(key, value)

    private fun Context.getPreferences(): SharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(APP_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

    private fun <T, U> SharedPreferences.getObject(key: String, defValue: T, clazz: Class<U>): T =
            Gson().fromJson(getString(key, null), clazz) as T ?: defValue

    private fun <T> SharedPreferences.Editor.putObject(key: String, value: T) = putString(key, Gson().toJson(value))

    companion object {
        private const val APP_PREF_NAME = "APP_PREF"

注意:您不需要更新密封类中的任何内容。委托的属性是对象/单例的UserPreferenceProperty, NullableUserPreferenceProperty和FirstTimeUser。


object NewPreferenceProperty : PreferenceProperty<String>(
        key = "NEW_PROPERTY",
        defaultValue = "",
        clazz = String::class.java)


private var user: User by UserPreferenceProperty
private var nullableUser: User? by NullableUserPreferenceProperty
private var isFirstTimeUser: Boolean by 

Log.d("TAG", user) // outputs the `defaultValue` for User the first time
user = User(first = "John", last = "Doe") // saves this User to the Shared Preferences
Log.d("TAG", user) // outputs the newly retrieved User (John Doe) from Shared Preferences

使用delegate Kotlin,我们可以轻松地从共享首选项中放置和获取数据。

    inline fun <reified T> Context.sharedPrefs(key: String) = object : ReadWriteProperty<Any?, T> {

        val sharedPrefs by lazy { this@sharedPrefs.getSharedPreferences("APP_DATA", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) }
        val gson by lazy { Gson() }
        var newData: T = (T::class.java).newInstance()

        override fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
            return getPrefs()

        override fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
            this.newData = value

        fun putPrefs(value: T?) {
            sharedPrefs.edit {
                when (value) {
                    is Int -> putInt(key, value)
                    is Boolean -> putBoolean(key, value)
                    is String -> putString(key, value)
                    is Long -> putLong(key, value)
                    is Float -> putFloat(key, value)
                    is Parcelable -> putString(key, gson.toJson(value))
                    else          -> throw Throwable("no such type exist to put data")

        fun getPrefs(): T {
            return when (newData) {
                       is Int -> sharedPrefs.getInt(key, 0) as T
                       is Boolean -> sharedPrefs.getBoolean(key, false) as T
                       is String -> sharedPrefs.getString(key, "") as T ?: "" as T
                       is Long -> sharedPrefs.getLong(key, 0L) as T
                       is Float -> sharedPrefs.getFloat(key, 0.0f) as T
                       is Parcelable -> gson.fromJson(sharedPrefs.getString(key, "") ?: "", T::class.java)
                       else          -> throw Throwable("no such type exist to put data")
                   } ?: newData


    //use this delegation in activity and fragment in following way
        var ourData by sharedPrefs<String>("otherDatas")