
class Foo {
    public static interface Bar {
        /* snip */
    /* snip */




public class Baz implements Foo.Bar {






Typically I see static inner classes. Static inner classes cannot reference the containing classes wherease non-static classes can. Unless you're running into some package collisions (there already is an interface called Bar in the same package as Foo) I think I'd make it it's own file. It could also be a design decision to enforce the logical connection between Foo and Bar. Perhaps the author intended Bar to only be used with Foo (though a static inner interface won't enforce this, just a logical connection)






class Bob
  void FuncA ()
    Foo.Bar foobar;



上面例子中的static关键字是多余的(嵌套的接口是自动“静态”的),可以删除而不影响语义;我建议将其删除。接口方法上的“public”和接口字段上的“public final”也是如此——修饰符是多余的,只会给源代码增加混乱。



public class Foo {
    public interface Bar {
        void callback();
    public static void registerCallback(Bar bar) {...}
// ...elsewhere...
Foo.registerCallback(new Foo.Bar() {
    public void callback() {...}


The question has been answered, but one good reason to use a nested interface is if its function is directly related to the class it is in. A good example of this is a Listener. If you had a class Foo and you wanted other classes to be able to listen for events on it, you could declare an interface named FooListener, which is ok, but it would probably be more clear to declare a nested interface and have those other classes implement Foo.Listener (a nested class Foo.Event isn't bad along with this).

Jesse's answer is close, but I think that there is a better code to demonstrate why an inner interface may be useful. Look at the code below before you read on. Can you find why the inner interface is useful? The answer is that class DoSomethingAlready can be instantiated with any class that implements A and C; not just the concrete class Zoo. Of course, this can be achieved even if AC is not inner, but imagine concatenating longer names (not just A and C), and doing this for other combinations (say, A and B, C and B, etc.) and you easily see how things go out of control. Not to mention that people reviewing your source tree will be overwhelmed by interfaces that are meaningful only in one class.So to summarize, an inner interface enables the construction of custom types and improves their encapsulation.

class ConcreteA implements A {

class ConcreteB implements B {

class ConcreteC implements C {

class Zoo implements A, C {

class DoSomethingAlready {
  interface AC extends A, C { }

  private final AC ac;

  DoSomethingAlready(AC ac) {
    this.ac = ac;


在另一个接口中定义的接口将隐式公开 静态的。

1998年,Philip Wadler提出了静态接口和非静态接口之间的区别。

在我看来,唯一的区别是 接口非静态是指它现在可以包含非静态的内部 类;所以这个改变不会使任何现有的Java无效 项目。



// This code does NOT compile
class LangF<This extends LangF<This>> {
    interface Visitor<R> {
        public R forNum(int n);

    interface Exp {
        // since Exp is non-static, it can refer to the type bound to This
        public <R> R visit(This.Visitor<R> v);

他的建议从未出现在Java 1.5.0中。因此,所有其他答案都是正确的:静态和非静态嵌套接口没有区别。