
我正在考虑非常小的数据集,很好地映射到JSON,它将很容易回答查询,如“X的所有值是什么,Y > 3”或做通常的SUM / COUNT类型操作。


[{"x": 2, "y": 0}}, {"x": 3, "y": 1}, {"x": 4, "y": 1}]

SUM(X) WHERE Y > 0     (would equate to 7)
LIST(X) WHERE Y > 0    (would equate to [3,4])




Edit: This may indeed be a bad idea or JSON may be too generic a format for what I'm thinking.. The reason for wanting a query language instead of just doing the summing/etc functions directly as needed is that I hope to build the queries dynamically based on user-input. Kinda like the argument that "we don't need SQL, we can just write the functions we need". Eventually that either gets out of hand or you end up writing your own version of SQL as you push it further and further. (Okay, I know that is a bit of a silly argument, but you get the idea..)



Dollar Q is a nice lightweight library. It has a familiar feel to the chaining syntax made popular by jQuery and is only 373 SLOC. SpahQL is a fully featured query language with a syntax similar to XPath (Homepage, Github jFunk is an in progress query language, with a syntax similar to CSS/jQuery selectors. It looked promising, but hasn't had any development beyond its in initial commit. (added 2014): the jq command line tool has a neat syntax, but unfortunately it is a c library. Example usage: < package.json jq '.dependencies | to_entries | .[] | select(.value | startswith("git")) | .key'


谷歌有一个项目叫lovefield;刚刚发现了它,它看起来很有趣,尽管它比键入下划线或lodash更复杂。 https://github.com/google/lovefield

Lovefield是一个用纯JavaScript编写的关系查询引擎。它 还提供了在浏览器端持久化数据的帮助。 使用IndexedDB本地存储数据。它提供了类似sql的语法和 跨浏览器工作(目前支持Chrome 37+, Firefox 31+, IE 10+, Safari 5.1+…

这个领域最近出现的另一个有趣的条目叫做jinqJs。 http://www.jinqjs.com/ 简单回顾一下示例,它看起来很有前途,API文档似乎写得很好。

function isChild(row) {
  return (row.Age < 18 ? 'Yes' : 'No');

var people = [
  {Name: 'Jane', Age: 20, Location: 'Smithtown'},
  {Name: 'Ken', Age: 57, Location: 'Islip'},
  {Name: 'Tom', Age: 10, Location: 'Islip'}

var result = new jinqJs()
  .select([{field: 'Name'}, 
     {field: 'Age', text: 'Your Age'}, 
     {text: 'Is Child', value: isChild}]);

jinqJs is a small, simple, lightweight and extensible javaScript library that has no dependencies. jinqJs provides a simple way to perform SQL like queries on javaScript arrays, collections and web services that return a JSON response. jinqJs is similar to Microsoft's Lambda expression for .Net, and it provides similar capabilities to query collections using a SQL like syntax and predicate functionality. jinqJs’s purpose is to provide a SQL like experience to programmers familiar with LINQ queries.

我使用SQLite: https://sqlite.org/json1.html



create temp table data as select value from json_each(readfile('data.json'))

然后使用SQLite JSON函数:

select value->'$.foo' foo, count(value->'$.bar') nbar from data group by foo 


它既是一种完全用JSON编写的jsql语言,也是一种参考实现。你可以说,“我想在数组中找到所有对象,其name==="John" && age===25 as:



npm install searchjs






jq是一种JSON查询语言,主要用于命令行,但绑定到广泛的编程语言(Java, node.js, php,…),甚至可以通过jq-web在浏览器中使用。基于c语言的jq实现通常被称为“jq”,基于go语言的版本被称为“gojq”。


 [{"x": 2, "y": 0}}, {"x": 3, "y": 1}, {"x": 4, "y": 1}]

SUM(X) WHERE Y > 0(等于7)

map(select(.y > 0)) | add

LIST(X) WHERE Y > 0(等于[3,4])

map(.y > 0)


每个JSON表达式都是一个有效的jq表达式,像[1,(1+1)]和{"a":(1+1)} '这样的表达式说明了jq如何扩展JSON语法。


