如何在Java中杀死Java .lang. thread ?




class TaskThread implements Runnable {

    boolean shouldStop;

    public TaskThread(boolean shouldStop) {
        this.shouldStop = shouldStop;

    public void run() {

        System.out.println("Thread has started");

        while (!shouldStop) {
            // do something

        System.out.println("Thread has ended");


    public void stop() {
        shouldStop = true;



public class ThreadStop {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


        // Start the thread
        TaskThread task = new TaskThread(false);
        Thread t = new Thread(task);

        // Stop the thread





请参阅Sun的这篇文章,了解他们为什么弃用thread .stop()。它将详细说明为什么这是一个糟糕的方法,以及应该做些什么来安全地停止线程。



你可以使用Thread.interrupt() (javadoc link)命令它中断正在做的事情。

在javadoc中有一个很好的解释(java technote链接)


Thread.stop() will stop a thread if the security manager allows it. Thread.stop() is dangerous. Having said that, if you are working in a JEE environment and you have no control over the code being called, it may be necessary; see Why is Thread.stop deprecated? You should never stop stop a container worker thread. If you want to run code that tends to hang, (carefully) start a new daemon thread and monitor it, killing if necessary. stop() creates a new ThreadDeathError error on the calling thread and then throws that error on the target thread. Therefore, the stack trace is generally worthless. In JRE 6, stop() checks with the security manager and then calls stop1() that calls stop0(). stop0() is native code. As of Java 13 Thread.stop() has not been removed (yet), but Thread.stop(Throwable) was removed in Java 11. (mailing list, JDK-8204243)


Class Outer {
    public static volatile flag = true;

    Outer() {
        new Test().start();
    class Test extends Thread {

        public void run() {
            while (Outer.flag) {
                //do stuff here


设置一个外部类变量,如上面例子中的flag = true。将其设置为false以“杀死”线程。

There is of course the case where you are running some kind of not-completely-trusted code. (I personally have this by allowing uploaded scripts to execute in my Java environment. Yes, there are security alarm bell ringing everywhere, but it's part of the application.) In this unfortunate instance you first of all are merely being hopeful by asking script writers to respect some kind of boolean run/don't-run signal. Your only decent fail safe is to call the stop method on the thread if, say, it runs longer than some timeout.
