

id | val
 1    4
 2    7
 3    2
 4    2
 5    9
 6    8
 7    3

对val排序得到2 2 3 4 7 8 9,因此中位数应该是4,而SELECT AVG(val) == 5。



第一个得到count, min, Max和avg 第二个语句(预处理语句)使用“LIMIT @count/ 2,1”和“ORDER BY ..”子句来获得中值





set @ct := (select count(1) from station);
set @row := 0;

select avg(a.val) as median from 
(select * from  table order by val) a
where (select @row := @row + 1)
between @ct/2.0 and @ct/2.0 +1;



SELECT median(val) FROM data;


CREATE TABLE transactions (
  transaction_id int , user_id int , merchant_name varchar(255), transaction_date date , amount int

INSERT INTO transactions (transaction_id, user_id, merchant_name, transaction_date, amount)  
VALUES (1, 1 ,'abc', '2015-08-17', 100),(2, 2, 'ced', '2015-2-17', 100),(3, 1, 'def', '2015-2-16', 121),
(4, 1 ,'ced', '2015-3-17', 110),(5, 1, 'ced', '2015-3-17', 150),(6, 2 ,'abc', '2015-4-17', 130), 
(7, 3 ,'ced', '2015-12-17', 10),(8, 3 ,'abc', '2015-8-17', 100),(9, 2 ,'abc', '2015-12-17', 140),(10, 1,'abc', '2015-9-17', 100),
(11, 1 ,'abc', '2015-08-17', 121),(12, 2 ,'ced', '2015-12-23', 130),(13, 1 ,'def', '2015-12-23', 13),(3, 4, 'abc', '2015-2-16', 120),(3, 4, 'def', '2015-2-16', 121),(3, 4, 'ced', '2015-2-16', 121);


WITH Numbered AS 
SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER () AS TotatRecords,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY amount) AS RowNum
FROM transactions
SELECT Avg(amount)
FROM Numbered
WHERE RowNum IN ( FLOOR((TotatRecords+1)/2), FLOOR((TotatRecords+2)/2) )

TotalRecords = 16 and Median = 120.5000


MariaDB / MySQL:

SELECT AVG(dd.val) as median_val
SELECT d.val, @rownum:=@rownum+1 as `row_number`, @total_rows:=@rownum
  FROM data d, (SELECT @rownum:=0) r
  WHERE d.val is NOT NULL
  -- put some where clause here
  ORDER BY d.val
) as dd
WHERE dd.row_number IN ( FLOOR((@total_rows+1)/2), FLOOR((@total_rows+2)/2) );

Steve Cohen指出,在第一次传递之后,@rownum将包含总行数。这可用于确定中值,因此不需要第二次传递或连接。

此外,AVG(dd.val)和dd.row_number IN(…)用于在有偶数条记录时正确地产生中位数。推理:

SELECT FLOOR((3+1)/2),FLOOR((3+2)/2); -- when total_rows is 3, avg rows 2 and 2
SELECT FLOOR((4+1)/2),FLOOR((4+2)/2); -- when total_rows is 4, avg rows 2 and 3

最后,MariaDB 10.3.3+包含一个MEDIAN函数




select case MOD(count(lat_n),2) 
when 1 then (select round(S.LAT_N,4) from station S where (select count(Lat_N) from station where Lat_N < S.LAT_N ) = (select count(Lat_N) from station where Lat_N > S.LAT_N))
else (select round(AVG(S.LAT_N),4) from station S where 1 = (select count(Lat_N) from station where Lat_N < S.LAT_N ) - (select count(Lat_N) from station where Lat_N > S.LAT_N))
end from station;




In above query for every S.LAT_N of S table I am creating two tables. One for number of LAT_N values less than S.LAT_N and another for number of LAT_N values greater than S.LAT_N. Later I am comparing these two tables and if they are matched then I am selecting that S.LAT_N value. When I check for 51st records there are 50 values less than 51st record and there 50 records greater than 51st record. As you see, there are 50 records in both tables. So this is our answer. For every other record there are different number of records in two tables created for comparison. So, only 51st record meets the condition.


Same as odd logic I am creating two tables. One for number of LAT_N values less than S.LAT_N and another for number of LAT_N values greater than S.LAT_N. Later I am comparing these two tables and if their difference is equal to 1 then I am selecting that S.LAT_N value and find the average. When I check for 50th records there are 49 values less than 50th record and there 51 records greater than 50th record. As you see, there is difference of 1 record in both tables. So this(50th record) is our 1st record for average. Similarly, When I check for 51st records there are 50 values less than 51st record and there 49 records greater than 51st record. As you see, there is difference of 1 record in both tables. So this(51st record) is our 2nd record for average. For every other record there are different number of records in two tables created for comparison. So, only 50th and 51st records meet the condition.