







I had worked on a project, where my aim was finding Trending Topics from Live Twitter Stream and also doing sentimental analysis on the trending topics (finding if Trending Topic positively/negatively talked about). I've used Storm for handling twitter stream. I've published my report as a blog: http://sayrohan.blogspot.com/2013/06/finding-trending-topics-and-trending.html I've used Total Count and Z-Score for the ranking. The approach that I've used is bit generic, and in the discussion section, I've mentioned that how we can extend the system for non-Twitter Application. Hope the information helps.




例如,假设你的历史数据告诉你,布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)通常获得10万次搜索,帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)通常获得5万次搜索。如果有一天她们的搜索量都比平时多了1万次,那么你应该认为帕里斯比布兰妮更“热”,因为她的搜索量比平时多了20%,而布兰妮的搜索量只增加了10%。




z-score = ([current trend] - [average historic trends]) / [standard deviation of historic trends]




from math import sqrt

def zscore(obs, pop):
    # Size of population.
    number = float(len(pop))
    # Average population value.
    avg = sum(pop) / number
    # Standard deviation of population.
    std = sqrt(sum(((c - avg) ** 2) for c in pop) / number)
    # Zscore Calculation.
    return (obs - avg) / std


>>> zscore(12, [2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9])
>>> zscore(20, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20])
>>> zscore(20, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1])
>>> zscore(2, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1])
>>> zscore(9, [1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 5, 2, 4, 1, 1, 0])


You can use this method with a sliding window (i.e. last 30 days) if you wish not to take to much history into account, which will make short term trends more pronounced and can cut down on the processing time. You could also use a z-score for values such as change in views from one day to next day to locate the abnormal values for increasing/decreasing views per day. This is like using the slope or derivative of the views per day graph. If you keep track of the current size of the population, the current total of the population, and the current total of x^2 of the population, you don't need to recalculate these values, only update them and hence you only need to keep these values for the history, not each data value. The following code demonstrates this. from math import sqrt class zscore: def __init__(self, pop = []): self.number = float(len(pop)) self.total = sum(pop) self.sqrTotal = sum(x ** 2 for x in pop) def update(self, value): self.number += 1.0 self.total += value self.sqrTotal += value ** 2 def avg(self): return self.total / self.number def std(self): return sqrt((self.sqrTotal / self.number) - self.avg() ** 2) def score(self, obs): return (obs - self.avg()) / self.std() Using this method your work flow would be as follows. For each topic, tag, or page create a floating point field, for the total number of days, sum of views, and sum of views squared in your database. If you have historic data, initialize these fields using that data, otherwise initialize to zero. At the end of each day, calculate the z-score using the day's number of views against the historic data stored in the three database fields. The topics, tags, or pages, with the highest X z-scores are your X "hotest trends" of the day. Finally update each of the 3 fields with the day's value and repeat the process next day.


Normal z-scores as discussed above do not take into account the order of the data and hence the z-score for an observation of '1' or '9' would have the same magnitude against the sequence [1, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9]. Obviously for trend finding, the most current data should have more weight than older data and hence we want the '1' observation to have a larger magnitude score than the '9' observation. In order to achieve this I propose a floating average z-score. It should be clear that this method is NOT guaranteed to be statistically sound but should be useful for trend finding or similar. The main difference between the standard z-score and the floating average z-score is the use of a floating average to calculate the average population value and the average population value squared. See code for details:


class fazscore:
    def __init__(self, decay, pop = []):
        self.sqrAvg = self.avg = 0
        # The rate at which the historic data's effect will diminish.
        self.decay = decay
        for x in pop: self.update(x)
    def update(self, value):
        # Set initial averages to the first value in the sequence.
        if self.avg == 0 and self.sqrAvg == 0:
            self.avg = float(value)
            self.sqrAvg = float((value ** 2))
        # Calculate the average of the rest of the values using a 
        # floating average.
            self.avg = self.avg * self.decay + value * (1 - self.decay)
            self.sqrAvg = self.sqrAvg * self.decay + (value ** 2) * (1 - self.decay)
        return self
    def std(self):
        # Somewhat ad-hoc standard deviation calculation.
        return sqrt(self.sqrAvg - self.avg ** 2)
    def score(self, obs):
        if self.std() == 0: return (obs - self.avg) * float("infinity")
        else: return (obs - self.avg) / self.std()


>>> fazscore(0.8, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]).score(1)
>>> fazscore(0.8, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9]).score(9)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9]).score(12)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9]).score(22)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20]).score(20)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1]).score(20)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [21, 22, 19, 18, 17, 22, 20, 20, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1]).score(2)
>>> fazscore(0.9, [1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 9, 8, 7, 10, 9, 5, 2, 4, 1, 1, 0]).score(9)
>>> fazscore(0.8, [40] * 200).score(1)


正如David Kemp所正确指出的那样,如果给定一系列常数值,然后要求一个与其他值不同的观测值的zscore,那么结果应该是非零的。事实上,返回的值应该是无穷大。我改变了这条线,

if self.std() == 0: return 0


if self.std() == 0: return (obs - self.avg) * float("infinity")


if self.std() == 0: return obs - self.avg




One technique you'll need to do is to normalize all your data. For each topic you are following, keep a very low pass filter that defines that topic's baseline. Now every data point that comes in about that topic should be normalized - subtract its baseline and you'll get ALL of your topics near 0, with spikes above and below the line. You may instead want to divide the signal by its baseline magnitude, which will bring the signal to around 1.0 - this not only brings all signals in line with each other (normalizes the baseline), but also normalizes the spikes. A britney spike is going to be magnitudes larger than someone else's spike, but that doesn't mean you should pay attention to it - the spike may be very small relative to her baseline.





The article is about topic trending, but it's not about how to calculate what's hot and what's not, it's about how to process the huge amount of information that such an algorithm must process at places like Lycos and Google. The space and time required to give each topic a counter, and find each topic's counter when a search on it goes through is huge. This article is about the challenges one faces when attempting such a task. It does mention the Brittney effect, but it doesn't talk about how to overcome it.



v2-v1/t or dv/dt




通常情况下,“嗡嗡声”是通过某种形式的指数/对数衰减机制计算出来的。有关Hacker News、Reddit和其他网站如何简单处理这个问题的概述,请参阅这篇文章。
