pugixml——轻量级、简单、快速的c++ XML解析器 非常小(可与RapidXML媲美),非常快(可与RapidXML媲美),非常容易使用(优于RapidXML)。
试试这个: http://www.applied-mathematics.net/tools/xmlParser.html 它比RapidXML或PUGXML更容易和更快。 TinyXML是最糟糕的“简单解析器”。
How about gSOAP? It is open source and freely available under the GPL license. Despite its name, the gSOAP toolkit is a generic XML data binding tool and allows you to bind your C and C++ data to XML automatically. There is no need to use an XML parser API, just let it read/write your data in XML format for you. If you really need a super-simple C++ XML parser then gSOAP may be an overkill. But for everything else it has worked well as testimonials show for many industrial applications since gSOAP was introduced in 2001.
Portable: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, VxWorks, Symbian, Palm OS, WinCE, etc. Small footprint: 73KB code and less than 2K data to implement an XML web service client app (no DOM to limit memory usage). Fast: do not believe what other tools claim, the true speed should be measured with I/O. For gSOAP it is over 3000 roundtrip XML messages over TCP/IP. XML parsing overhead is negligible as it is a simple linear scan of the input/output while (de)serialization takes place. XML support: XML schema (XSD) import/export, WSDL import/export, XML namespaces, XML canonicalization, XML with attachments (MIME), optional use of DOM, many options to produce XML with indentation, use UTF8 strings, etc. XML validation: partial and full (option) WS support: WS-Security, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-SecurityPolicy, and other. Debugging: integrated memory management with leak detection, logging. API: no API to learn, only "soap" engine context initialization, then use the read/write interface for your data, and "soap" engine context destruction.
class Address
std::string name;
std::vector<LONG64> number;
time_t date;
然后在上面的Address类声明上运行"soapcpp2"来生成soap_read_Address和soap_write_Address XML读取器和写入器,例如:
Address *a = new Address();
a = ...;
soap ctx = soap_new();
soap_write_Address(ctx, a);
这将生成Address a对象的XML表示形式。通过用XML名称空间细节注释头文件声明(这里没有显示),这些工具还生成模式。这是一个简单的例子。gSOAP工具可以处理非常广泛的C和c++数据类型,包括基于指针的链接结构,甚至(循环)图(而不仅仅是树)。
我喜欢Gnome xml解析器。它是开源的(MIT许可,所以你可以在商业产品中使用它),速度快,并且有基于DOM和SAX的接口。
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