




互斥锁——互斥锁。这是一种锁。在某些语言中它是进程间机制,在某些语言中它是锁的同义词。例如,Java在synchronized和Java .util.concurrent.locks. lock中使用锁












有人能证实我的解释吗?我说的是Linux环境,特别是使用内核2.6.32的Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)版本6。

看一看John Kopplin的多线程教程。


A mutex can be owned by only one thread at a time, enabling threads to coordinate mutually exclusive access to a shared resource Critical section objects provide synchronization similar to that provided by mutex objects, except that critical section objects can be used only by the threads of a single process Another difference between a mutex and a critical section is that if the critical section object is currently owned by another thread, EnterCriticalSection() waits indefinitely for ownership whereas WaitForSingleObject(), which is used with a mutex, allows you to specify a timeout A semaphore maintains a count between zero and some maximum value, limiting the number of threads that are simultaneously accessing a shared resource.

大多数问题都可以用(i)锁,(ii)信号量来解决……,或(iii)两者的组合!正如您可能已经发现的,它们非常相似:都防止竞争条件,都有acquire()/release()操作,都导致零或多个线程被阻塞/怀疑…… 实际上,关键的区别仅仅在于它们如何锁定和解锁。

A lock (or mutex) has two states (0 or 1). It can be either unlocked or locked. They're often used to ensure only one thread enters a critical section at a time. A semaphore has many states (0, 1, 2, ...). It can be locked (state 0) or unlocked (states 1, 2, 3, ...). One or more semaphores are often used together to ensure that only one thread enters a critical section precisely when the number of units of some resource has/hasn't reached a particular value (either via counting down to that value or counting up to that value).






acquire()/release()应该被称为什么?—[变化很大] 您的锁/信号量是否使用“队列”或“集”来记住等待的线程? 你的锁/信号量可以与其他进程的线程共享吗? 你的锁是“可重入的”吗?——[通常是的]。 你的锁是“阻塞/非阻塞”吗?-[通常非阻塞锁被用作阻塞锁(又名自旋锁),导致繁忙等待]。 如何确保操作是“原子的”?

这取决于你的书/讲师/语言/图书馆/环境。 下面是一些语言是如何回答这些细节的。

C, C+ (pthreads)

A mutex is implemented via pthread_mutex_t. By default, they can't be shared with any other processes (PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE), however mutex's have an attribute called pshared. When set, so the mutex is shared between processes (PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED). A lock is the same thing as a mutex. A semaphore is implemented via sem_t. Similar to mutexes, semaphores can be shared between threasds of many processes or kept private to the threads of one single process. This depends on the pshared argument provided to sem_init.

python (threading.py)

A lock (threading.RLock) is mostly the same as C/C++ pthread_mutex_ts. Both are both reentrant. This means they may only be unlocked by the same thread that locked it. It is the case that sem_t semaphores, threading.Semaphore semaphores and theading.Lock locks are not reentrant -- for it is the case any thread can perform unlock the lock / down the semaphore. A mutex is the same as a lock (the term is not used often in python). A semaphore (threading.Semaphore) is mostly the same as sem_t. Although with sem_t, a queue of thread ids is used to remember the order in which threads became blocked when attempting to lock it while it is locked. When a thread unlocks a semaphore, the first thread in the queue (if there is one) is chosen to be the new owner. The thread identifier is taken off the queue and the semaphore becomes locked again. However, with threading.Semaphore, a set is used instead of a queue, so the order in which threads became blocked is not stored -- any thread in the set may be chosen to be the next owner.

Java (Java . util . concurrent)

A lock (java.util.concurrent.ReentrantLock) is mostly the same as C/C++ pthread_mutex_t's, and Python's threading.RLock in that it also implements a reentrant lock. Sharing locks between processes is harder in Java because of the JVM acting as an intermediary. If a thread tries to unlock a lock it doesn't own, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown. A mutex is the same as a lock (the term is not used often in Java). A semaphore (java.util.concurrent.Semaphore) is mostly the same as sem_t and threading.Semaphore. The constructor for Java semaphores accept a fairness boolean parameter that control whether to use a set (false) or a queue (true) for storing the waiting threads.



X(支持所有权?):no(0) / yes(1) Y(#共享进程):> 1(∞)/ 1 Z (#processes/threads in CA): > 1(∞)/ 1

  X   Y   Z          Name
 --- --- --- ------------------------
  0   ∞   ∞   Semaphore              
  0   ∞   1   Binary Semaphore       
  0   1   ∞   SemaphoreSlim          
  0   1   1   Binary SemaphoreSlim(?)
  1   ∞   ∞   Recursive-Mutex(?)     
  1   ∞   1   Mutex                  
  1   1   ∞   N/A(?)                 
  1   1   1   Lock/Monitor           
