




public class PolymorphismExample {

    public static abstract class Vehicle
        public int wheels(){
            return 0;

    public static class Bike extends Vehicle
        public int wheels()
            return 2;

    public static class Car extends Vehicle
        public int wheels()
            return 4;

    public static class Truck extends Vehicle
        public int wheels()
            return 18;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Vehicle bike = new Bike();
        Vehicle car = new Car();
        Vehicle truck = new Truck();

        System.out.println("Bike has "+bike.wheels()+" wheels");
        System.out.println("Car has "+car.wheels()+" wheels");
        System.out.println("Truck has "+truck.wheels()+" wheels");





面向对象编程中的多态性 类型多态性


从理解和应用PHP多态性,感谢Steve Guidetti。

Polymorphism is a long word for a very simple concept. Polymorphism describes a pattern in object oriented programming in which classes have different functionality while sharing a common interface. The beauty of polymorphism is that the code working with the different classes does not need to know which class it is using since they’re all used the same way. A real world analogy for polymorphism is a button. Everyone knows how to use a button: you simply apply pressure to it. What a button “does,” however, depends on what it is connected to and the context in which it is used — but the result does not affect how it is used. If your boss tells you to press a button, you already have all the information needed to perform the task. In the programming world, polymorphism is used to make applications more modular and extensible. Instead of messy conditional statements describing different courses of action, you create interchangeable objects that you select based on your needs. That is the basic goal of polymorphism.



Dog* dog = new Dog;
Animal* animal = dog;





public interface Musician {
  public void play(Work work);

public interface Work {
  public String getScript();

public class FugaAndToccata implements Work {
  public String getScript() {
    return Bach.getFugaAndToccataScript();

public class AnnHalloway implements Musician {
  public void play(Work work) {
    // plays in her own style, strict, disciplined
    String script = work.getScript()

public class VictorBorga implements Musician {
  public void play(Work work) {
    // goofing while playing with superb style
    String script = work.getScript()

public class Listener {
  public void main(String[] args) {
    Musician musician;
    if (args!=null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("C")) {
      musician = new AnnHalloway();
    } else {
      musician = new TerryGilliam();
    musician.play(new FugaAndToccata());