我在阅读Agner Fog的优化手册时,看到了这个例子:

double data[LEN];

void compute()
    const double A = 1.1, B = 2.2, C = 3.3;

    int i;
    for(i=0; i<LEN; i++) {
        data[i] = A*i*i + B*i + C;





void compute()
    const double A = 1.1, B = 2.2, C = 3.3;
    const double A2 = A+A;
    double Z = A+B;
    double Y = C;

    int i;
    for(i=0; i<LEN; i++) {
        data[i] = Y;
        Y += Z;
        Z += A2;



unsigned long long ts2ns(const struct timespec *ts)
    return ts->tv_sec * 1e9 + ts->tv_nsec;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned long long mini = 1e9;
    for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) {
        struct timespec t1, t2;
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &t1);
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &t2);
        unsigned long long diff = ts2ns(&t2) - ts2ns(&t1);
        if (mini > diff) mini = diff;
    printf("[-] Took: %lld ns.\n", mini);


gcc -O3 -o 1 ./code1.c

gcc -O3 -o 2 ./code2.c


[-] Took: 405858 ns.


[-] Took: 791652 ns.


for i in {1..10} ; do ./1 ; done

[-] Took: 406886 ns.
[-] Took: 413798 ns.
[-] Took: 405856 ns.
[-] Took: 405848 ns.
[-] Took: 406839 ns.
[-] Took: 405841 ns.
[-] Took: 405853 ns.
[-] Took: 405844 ns.
[-] Took: 405837 ns.
[-] Took: 406854 ns.

for i in {1..10} ; do ./2 ; done

[-] Took: 791797 ns.
[-] Took: 791643 ns.
[-] Took: 791640 ns.
[-] Took: 791636 ns.
[-] Took: 791631 ns.
[-] Took: 791642 ns.
[-] Took: 791642 ns.
[-] Took: 791640 ns.
[-] Took: 791647 ns.
[-] Took: 791639 ns.


objdump -d - s显示了compute的第一个版本——“愚蠢的”,但以某种方式快速的代码——有一个像这样的循环:




你知道我错过了什么吗?我在这里犯了什么错误,可以解释速度上的差异吗?请注意,我已经在Xeon W5580和Xeon E5-1620上进行了测试-在这两个版本中,第一个(哑)版本比第二个版本快得多。





您将a[i] = f(i)的计算更改为两个加法。将其修改为使用两个加法计算a[4i] = f(4i),使用两个加法计算a[4i+1] = f(4i+1),依此类推。现在你有四个计算可以并行完成。









The main difference here is loop dependencies. The loop in the second case is dependent—operations in the loop depend on the previous iteration. This means that each iteration can't even start until the previous iteration finishes. In the first case, the loop body is fully independent—everything in the loop body is self contained, depending solely on the iteration counter and constant values. This means that the loop can be computed in parallel—multiple iterations can all work at the same time. This then allows the loop to be trivially unrolled and vectorized, overlapping many instructions.

如果您要查看性能计数器(例如,perf stat ./1),您将看到第一个循环除了运行得更快之外,每个周期(IPC)还运行了更多的指令。相比之下,第二个循环有更多的依赖周期——当CPU无所事事,等待指令完成,然后才能发出更多指令时。

第一个可能会导致内存带宽瓶颈,特别是如果你让编译器在Sandy Bridge (gcc -O3 -march=native)上使用AVX自动向量化,如果它设法使用256位向量的话。此时,IPC将会中断,特别是对于一个对于L3缓存来说太大的输出数组。


This method of finite differences strength-reduction optimization can give a speedup over the best you can do re-evaluating the polynomial separately for each i. But only if you generalize it to a larger stride, to still have enough parallelism in the loop. My version stores one vector (four doubles) per clock cycle on my Skylake, for a small array that fits in L1d cache; otherwise it's a bandwidth test. On earlier Intel, it should also max out SIMD FP-add throughput, including your Sandy Bridge with AVX (1x 256-bit add/clock, and 1x 256-bit store per two clocks, if you align the output.)



原始版本在每个输出元素之间都具有数据并行性:每个输出元素只依赖于常量和它自己的i值。编译器可以使用SIMD(如果使用-O3 -march=native,则可以使用SSE2或AVX)自动向量化,cpu可以跨循环迭代与无序执行重叠工作。尽管有大量的额外工作,但在编译器的帮助下,CPU能够应用足够的蛮力。

但是用poly(i)来计算poly(i+1)的版本并行度非常有限;没有SIMD向量化,你的CPU只能运行两个标量加法每四个周期,例如,四个周期是FP加法从英特尔Skylake到Tiger Lake的延迟。(https://uops.info/)。

huseyin tugrul buyukisik的回答展示了如何在更现代的CPU上接近于最大化原始版本的吞吐量,使用两个FMA操作来计算多项式(Horner的方案),加上整数到浮点数的转换或浮点数增量。(后者会创建一个FP依赖链,您需要展开来隐藏它。)

So best case you have three floating point math operations per SIMD vector of output. (Plus a store). Current Intel CPUs only have two floating point execution units that can run FP math operations including int-to-double. (With 512-bit vectors, current CPUs shut down the vector ALU on port 1 so there are only two SIMD ALU ports at all, so non-FP-math operations, like SIMD-integer increment, will also compete for SIMD throughput. Except for CPUs with only one 512-bit FMA unit, then port 5 is free for other work.)

AMD因为Zen 2在两个端口上有两个FMA/mul单元,在两个不同的端口上有两个FP添加/子单元,所以如果使用FMA进行添加,理论上每个时钟周期最多有四个SIMD添加。

Haswell/Broadwell有2个时钟FMA,但只有1个时钟FP add/sub(延迟较低)。这对于简单的代码来说很好,但对于那些优化为具有大量并行性的代码来说就不太好了。这可能就是英特尔在Skylake上改名字的原因。(Alder Lake重新引入了低延迟的FP add/sub,但2/时钟吞吐量与乘法相同。有趣的是,非交换延迟:目的地只有2个周期,另一个操作数只有3个周期,所以它非常适合较长的依赖链。)

您的Sandy Bridge (E5-1620)和Nehalem (W5580) cpu在单独的端口上有1/clock FP add/sub, 1/clock FP mul。这就是哈斯威尔的基础。为什么添加额外的乘法不是一个大问题:它们可以与现有的加法并行运行。(Sandy Bridge的是256位宽,但你编译时没有启用AVX:使用-march=native。)




poly(i)   = A i^2           + B i       + C

poly(i+s) = A (i+s)^2       + B (i+s)   + C
          = A*i^2 + A*2*s*i + A*s^2 +  B*i + B*s + C
          = poly(i) + A*2*s*i + A*s^2 + B*s + C




# method of differences for stride=1, A=1, B=0, C=0
poly(i) 1st    2nd  difference from this poly(i) to poly(i+1)
0       1
1       3       2        # 4-1 = 3   | 3-1 = 2
4       5       2        # 9-4 = 5   | 5-3 = 2
9       7       2        # ...
16      9       2
25      11      2


# for stride of 3, printing in groups. A=1, B=0, C=0
poly(i)  1st   2nd  difference from this poly(i) to poly(i+3)
0        9
1       15
4       21

9       27      18     # 36- 9 = 27 | 27-9  = 18
16      33      18     # 49-16 = 33 | 33-15 = 18
25      39      18     # ...

36      45      18     # 81-36 = 45 | 45-27 = 18
49      51      18
64      57      18

81      63      18
100     69      18
121     75      18


The initial Y[j] = poly(j) because it has to get stored to the output at the corresponding position (data[i+j] = Y[j]). The initial Z[j] will get added to Y[j], and needs to make it into poly(j+stride). Thus the initial Z[j] = poly(j+stride) - Y[j], which we can then simplify algebraically if we want. (For compile-time constant A,B,C, the compiler will constant-propagate either way.) Z[j] holds the first-order differences in striding through poly(x), for starting points of poly(0..stride-1). This is the middle column in the above table. The necessary update to Z[j] += second_difference is a scalar constant, as we can see from the second-order differences being the same. By playing around with a couple different stride and A values (coefficient of i^2), we can see that it's A * 2 * (stride * stride). (Using non-coprime values like 3 and 5 helps to disentangle things.) With more algebra, you could show this symbolically. The factor of 2 makes sense from a calculus PoV: d(A*x^2)/dx = 2Ax, and the 2nd derivative is 2A.

// Tested and correct for a few stride and coefficient values.

#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LEN 1024
alignas(64) double data[LEN];

//static const double A = 1, B = 0, C = 0; // for easy testing
static const double A = 5, B = 3, C = 7; // can be function args

void compute2(double * const __restrict__ data)
    const int stride = 16; // unroll factor.  1 reduces to the original
    const double diff2 = (stride * stride) * 2 * A; // 2nd-order differences
    double Z[stride], Y[stride];
    for (int j = 0 ; j<stride ; j++){ // this loop will fully unroll
          Y[j] = j*j*A + j*B + C; // poly(j) starting values to increment
        //Z[j] = (j+stride)*(j+stride)*A + (j+stride)*B + C - Y[j];
        //Z[j] = 2*j*stride*A + stride*stride*A + stride*B;
          Z[j] = ((2*j + stride)*A + B)*stride; // 1st-difference to next Y[j], from this to the next i

    for(ptrdiff_t i=0; i < LEN - (stride-1); i+=stride) {
        // loops that are easy(?) for a compiler to roll up into some SIMD vectors
        for (int j=0 ; j<stride ; j++)  data[i+j] = Y[j];  // store
        for (int j=0 ; j<stride ; j++)  Y[j] += Z[j];      // add
        for (int j=0 ; j<stride ; j++)  Z[j] += diff2;     // add

    // cleanup for the last few i values
    for (int j = 0 ; j < LEN % stride ; j++) {
        // let the compiler see LEN%stride to help it decide *not* to auto-vectorize this part
        //size_t i = LEN - (stride-1) + j;
        //data[i] = poly(i);


编译器(SIMD)和CPU(流水线执行单元)可以利用跨步独立的并行依赖链,运行跨步时间比原来的快,直到SIMD fp瓶颈—增加吞吐量而不是延迟,或者如果缓冲区不适合L1d,则存储带宽。(或者直到编译器面植并且没有很好地展开和向量化这些循环!)


(Godbolt编译器浏览器)Clang自动向量化好stride=16(4倍YMM矢量每个)与clang14 -O3 -march=skylake - fast-math。

看起来clang已经进一步展开了2,捷径Z[j] += diff2到tmp = Z[j] + diff2;/ Z[j] += 2*diff2;这减轻了Z依赖链的压力,只剩下Y[j]在Skylake上面临延迟瓶颈。

所以每次asm循环迭代要执行2x 8个vaddpd指令和2x 4个存储。循环开销是add + macrofused cmp/jne,所以2个uops。(或者对于一个全局数组,只需要一个add/jne uop,将一个负索引数到0;它相对于数组的末尾进行索引。)

Skylake在几乎1家商店和2倍vaddpd每个时钟周期运行。这是两者的最大吞吐量。前端只需要保持超过3个uops /时钟周期,但从Core2开始就已经是4个了。 Sandy bridge家族中的uop缓存可以解决这个问题。(除非你在Skylake上遇到了JCC勘误表,所以我使用-mbranch -within- 32b -boundaries来有叮当垫指令来避免这种情况。)

With Skylake's vaddpd latency of 4 cycles, 4 dependency chains from stride=16 is just barely enough to keep 4 independent operations in flight. Any time a Y[j]+= doesn't run the cycle it's ready, that creates a bubble. Thanks to Clang's extra unroll of the Z[] chain, a Z[j]+= could then run early, so the Z chain can get ahead. With oldest-ready-first scheduling, it tends to settle down into a state where Yj+= uops don't have conflicts, apparently, since it does does run at full speed on my Skylake. If we could get the compiler to still make nice asm for stride=32, that would leave more room, but unfortunately it doesn't. (At a cost of more cleanup work for odd sizes.)

Clang奇怪地只用- fast-math向量化。下面完整基准测试中的模板版本不需要- fast-math。源代码经过精心编写,对simd友好,并按照源代码顺序进行数学操作。(不过,快速数学是允许clang更多地展开Z增量的方法。)

另一种写循环的方法是用一个内循环代替所有的Y运算,然后是所有的Z运算。这在下面的基准测试中很好(有时实际上更好),但在这里,即使使用- fast-math,它也没有向量化。从编译器中获得像这样的重要问题的最优展开SIMD asm可能非常繁琐和不可靠,而且可能需要一些实践。

我将它包含在Godbolt的#if 0 / #else / #endif块中。

// can auto-vectorize better or worse than the other way
// depending on compiler and surrounding code.
for(int i=0; i < LEN - (stride-1); i+=stride) {
    for (int j = 0 ; j<stride ; j++){
        data[i+j] = Y[j];
        Y[j] += Z[j];
        Z[j] += deriv2;


另一种方法是手动向量化,使用#include < imminrin .h>和__m256d Z[4]代替双Z[16]。但是这个版本可以向量化其他isa,比如AArch64。


理论上,编译器可以用- fast-math为你做这件事,或者从compute1做原始多项式上的强度约减,或者从compute2看步数是如何累积的。

但实际上,这是非常复杂的,人类必须自己去做。除非/直到有人教编译器如何寻找这样的模式,并应用差异本身的方法,并选择一个步法!但是,即使使用- fast-math,对具有不同错误累积属性的算法进行大规模重写也是不可取的。(Integer没有任何精度问题,但它仍然是一个复杂的模式匹配/替换。)


我在我的台式机(i7-6700k)上使用clang13.0.0进行了测试。这实际上在每个时钟周期运行1个SIMD存储,并使用编译器选项的几种组合(快速数学或非快速数学)以及内部循环策略上的#if 0和#if 1。我的基准/测试框架基于@huseyin tugrul buyukisik的版本,改进为在rdtsc指令之间重复更可测量的量,并使用一个测试循环来检查多项式的简单计算的正确性。

我还让它补偿了核心时钟频率和rdtsc读取的TSC“参考”频率之间的差异,在我的例子中是3.9 GHz vs. 4008 MHz。(额定最大turbo是4.2 GHz,但在Linux上使用EPP = balance_performance,它只希望时钟达到3.9 GHz。)

Godbolt的源代码:使用一个内部循环,而不是3个单独的j<16循环,并且不使用- fast-math。使用__attribute__((noinline))来防止它内联到repeat循环中。选项和源代码的其他一些变化导致循环内部的一些vpermpd洗牌。

下面的基准数据来自一个有bug的Z[j]初始化器的旧版本,但同样的循环asm。Godbolt链接现在在计时循环通过后进行了正确性测试。在我的桌面上,实际性能仍然是一样的,每double只超过0.25个循环,甚至没有#if 1 / - fast-math来允许clang额外展开。

$ clang++ -std=gnu++17 -O3 -march=native -mbranches-within-32B-boundaries poly-eval.cpp -Wall
# warning about noipa, only GCC knows that attribute
$ perf stat --all-user -etask-clock,context-switches,cpu-migrations,page-faults,cycles,instructions,uops_issued.any,uops_executed.thread,fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double -r10 ./a.out
... (10 runs of the whole program, ending with)
0.252295 cycles per data element (corrected from ref cycles to core clocks for i7-6700k @ 3.9 GHz)
0.252109 cycles per data element (corrected from ref cycles to core clocks for i7-6700k @ 3.9 GHz)
min cycles per data = 0.251868

Performance counter stats for './a.out' (10 runs):

           298.92 msec task-clock                #    0.989 CPUs utilized            ( +-  0.49% )
                0      context-switches          #    0.000 /sec
                0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 /sec
              129      page-faults               #  427.583 /sec                     ( +-  0.56% )
    1,162,430,637      cycles                    #    3.853 GHz                      ( +-  0.49% )  # time spent in the kernel for system calls and interrupts isn't counted, that's why it's not 3.90 GHz
    3,772,516,605      instructions              #    3.22  insn per cycle           ( +-  0.00% )
    3,683,072,459      uops_issued.any           #   12.208 G/sec                    ( +-  0.00% )
    4,824,064,881      uops_executed.thread      #   15.990 G/sec                    ( +-  0.00% )
    2,304,000,000      fp_arith_inst_retired.256b_packed_double # 7.637 G/sec

          0.30210 +- 0.00152 seconds time elapsed (+- 0.50%)

fp_arith_inst_retired。256b_packed_double为每个FP add或mul指令计算1 (FMA为2),因此我们在整个程序中每个时钟周期获得1.98个vaddpd指令,包括打印等。这非常接近理论最大值2/时钟,显然没有受到次优uop调度的影响。(我增加了重复循环,所以程序花了大部分的时间在那里,使整个程序的性能统计有用。)

这一优化的目标是用更少的FLOPS完成相同的工作,但这也意味着我们在不使用FMA的情况下将《Skylake》的FLOP/时钟限制最大化。(单内核3.9 GHz时为30.58 GFLOP/s)。

非内联函数的Asm (objdump -drwC -Mintel);clang使用了4对Y,Z对YMM向量,并将循环进一步展开3x,使其成为24 KiB大小的精确倍数,无需清理。注意添加rax,0x30做3 * stride=0x10每次迭代翻倍。

0000000000001440 <void compute2<3072>(double*)>:
# just loading constants; the setup loop did fully unroll and disappear
    1440:  c5 fd 28 0d 18 0c 00 00         vmovapd ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xc18]    # 2060 <_IO_stdin_used+0x60>
    1448:  c5 fd 28 15 30 0c 00 00         vmovapd ymm2,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xc30]    # 2080
    1450:  c5 fd 28 1d 48 0c 00 00         vmovapd ymm3,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xc48]    # 20a0
    1458:  c4 e2 7d 19 25 bf 0b 00 00      vbroadcastsd ymm4,QWORD PTR [rip+0xbbf] # 2020
    1461:  c5 fd 28 2d 57 0c 00 00         vmovapd ymm5,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0xc57]    # 20c0
    1469:  48 c7 c0 d0 ff ff ff    mov    rax,0xffffffffffffffd0
    1470:  c4 e2 7d 19 05 af 0b 00 00      vbroadcastsd ymm0,QWORD PTR [rip+0xbaf] # 2028
    1479:  c5 fd 28 f4             vmovapd ymm6,ymm4 # buggy Z[j] initialization in this ver used the same value everywhere
    147d:  c5 fd 28 fc             vmovapd ymm7,ymm4
    1481:  c5 7d 28 c4             vmovapd ymm8,ymm4
    1485:  66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00        data16 cs nop WORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]

# top of outer loop.  The NOP before this is to align it.
    1490:  c5 fd 11 ac c7 80 01 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x180],ymm5
    1499:  c5 d5 58 ec             vaddpd ymm5,ymm5,ymm4
    149d:  c5 dd 58 e0             vaddpd ymm4,ymm4,ymm0
    14a1:  c5 fd 11 9c c7 a0 01 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x1a0],ymm3
    14aa:  c5 e5 58 de             vaddpd ymm3,ymm3,ymm6
    14ae:  c5 cd 58 f0             vaddpd ymm6,ymm6,ymm0
    14b2:  c5 fd 11 94 c7 c0 01 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x1c0],ymm2
    14bb:  c5 ed 58 d7             vaddpd ymm2,ymm2,ymm7
    14bf:  c5 c5 58 f8             vaddpd ymm7,ymm7,ymm0
    14c3:  c5 fd 11 8c c7 e0 01 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x1e0],ymm1
    14cc:  c5 bd 58 c9             vaddpd ymm1,ymm8,ymm1
    14d0:  c5 3d 58 c0             vaddpd ymm8,ymm8,ymm0
    14d4:  c5 fd 11 ac c7 00 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x200],ymm5
    14dd:  c5 d5 58 ec             vaddpd ymm5,ymm5,ymm4
    14e1:  c5 dd 58 e0             vaddpd ymm4,ymm4,ymm0
    14e5:  c5 fd 11 9c c7 20 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x220],ymm3
    14ee:  c5 e5 58 de             vaddpd ymm3,ymm3,ymm6
    14f2:  c5 cd 58 f0             vaddpd ymm6,ymm6,ymm0
    14f6:  c5 fd 11 94 c7 40 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x240],ymm2
    14ff:  c5 ed 58 d7             vaddpd ymm2,ymm2,ymm7
    1503:  c5 c5 58 f8             vaddpd ymm7,ymm7,ymm0
    1507:  c5 fd 11 8c c7 60 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x260],ymm1
    1510:  c5 bd 58 c9             vaddpd ymm1,ymm8,ymm1
    1514:  c5 3d 58 c0             vaddpd ymm8,ymm8,ymm0
    1518:  c5 fd 11 ac c7 80 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x280],ymm5
    1521:  c5 d5 58 ec             vaddpd ymm5,ymm5,ymm4
    1525:  c5 dd 58 e0             vaddpd ymm4,ymm4,ymm0
    1529:  c5 fd 11 9c c7 a0 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x2a0],ymm3
    1532:  c5 e5 58 de             vaddpd ymm3,ymm3,ymm6
    1536:  c5 cd 58 f0             vaddpd ymm6,ymm6,ymm0
    153a:  c5 fd 11 94 c7 c0 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x2c0],ymm2
    1543:  c5 ed 58 d7             vaddpd ymm2,ymm2,ymm7
    1547:  c5 c5 58 f8             vaddpd ymm7,ymm7,ymm0
    154b:  c5 fd 11 8c c7 e0 02 00 00      vmovupd YMMWORD PTR [rdi+rax*8+0x2e0],ymm1
    1554:  c5 bd 58 c9             vaddpd ymm1,ymm8,ymm1
    1558:  c5 3d 58 c0             vaddpd ymm8,ymm8,ymm0
    155c:  48 83 c0 30             add    rax,0x30
    1560:  48 3d c1 0b 00 00       cmp    rax,0xbc1
    1566:  0f 82 24 ff ff ff       jb     1490 <void compute2<3072>(double*)+0x50>
    156c:  c5 f8 77                vzeroupper
    156f:  c3                      ret


Latency bounds and throughput bounds for processors for operations that must occur in sequence - analysis of code with two dependency chains, one reading from the other and earlier in itself. Same dependency pattern as the strength-reduced loop, except one of its chains is an FP multiply. (It's also a polynomial evaluation scheme, but for one large polynomial.) SIMD optimization of a curve computed from the second derivative another case of being able to stride along the serial dependency. Is it possible to use SIMD on a serial dependency in a calculation, like an exponential moving average filter? - If there's a closed-form formula for n steps ahead, you can use that to sidestep serial dependencies. Out of Order Execution, How to Solve True Dependency? - CPUs have to wait when an instruction depends on one that hasn't executed yet. Dependency chain analysis chain analysis, from one of Agner Fog's examples. Modern Microprocessors A 90-Minute Guide! - general background on out-of-order exec and pipelines. Modern CPU-style short-vector SIMD exists in this form to get more work through the pipeline of a single CPU without widening the pipeline. By contrast, GPUs have many simple pipelines. Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators) - Some experimental numbers with unrolling to hide the latency of FP dependency chains, and some CPU-architecture background on register renaming.





f(i) - f(Y, Z) -> (di, Y, Z)

在后一种形式中,没有实际依赖于i -你可以计算函数值的唯一方法是通过从函数的最后一次调用中知道前一个Y和Z,这意味着函数形成了一个链-你不能做下一个,直到你做了前一个。

Why does that matter? Because the CPU has vector parallel instructions that each can perform two, four, or even eight arithmetic operations at the same time! (AVX CPUs can do even more in parallel.) That's four multiplies, four adds, four subtracts, four comparisons — four whatevers! So if the output you're trying to compute is only dependent on the input, then you can safely do two, four, or even eight at a time — it doesn't matter if they're forward or backward, since the result is the same. But if the output is dependent on previous computation, then you're stuck doing it in serial form — one at a time.



int i;
for (i = 0; i < LEN; i += 4) {
    data[i+0] = A*(i+0)*(i+0) + B*(i+0) + C;
    data[i+1] = A*(i+1)*(i+1) + B*(i+1) + C;
    data[i+2] = A*(i+2)*(i+2) + B*(i+2) + C;
    data[i+3] = A*(i+3)*(i+3) + B*(i+3) + C;



不仅如此,它看起来像编译器也部分展开了循环-循环不是每次迭代只执行两个值,而是实际上执行了四个值,并且交错操作以避免依赖关系和停顿,所有这些都减少了汇编代码测试i < 1000的次数。

All of this only works, though, if there are no dependencies between iterations of the loop: If the only thing that determines what happens for each data[i] is i itself. If there are dependencies, if data from the last iteration influences the next one, then the compiler may be so constrained by them that it can't alter the code at all — instead of the compiler being able to use fancy parallel instructions or clever optimizations (CSE, strength reduction, loop unrolling, reordering, et al.), you get out code that's exactly what you put in — add Y, then add Z, then repeat.



您将a[i] = f(i)的计算更改为两个加法。将其修改为使用两个加法计算a[4i] = f(4i),使用两个加法计算a[4i+1] = f(4i+1),依此类推。现在你有四个计算可以并行完成。
