
从其他系统检索MD5加密密码; 解密加密的密码和 使用系统自己的算法将密码存储在系统的数据库中。





Think about this: An MD5 is always 128 bits long. That means that there are 2128 possible MD5 hashes. That is a reasonably large number, and yet it is most definitely finite. And yet, there are an infinite number of possible inputs to a given hash function (and most of them contain more than 128 bits, or a measly 16 bytes). So there are actually an infinite number of possibilities for data that would hash to the same value. The thing that makes hashes interesting is that it is incredibly difficult to find two pieces of data that hash to the same value, and the chances of it happening by accident are almost 0.

A simple example for a (very insecure) hash function (and this illustrates the general idea of it being one-way) would be to take all of the bits of a piece of data, and treat it as a large number. Next, perform integer division using some large (probably prime) number n and take the remainder (see: Modulus). You will be left with some number between 0 and n. If you were to perform the same calculation again (any time, on any computer, anywhere), using the exact same string, it will come up with the same value. And yet, there is no way to find out what the original value was, since there are an infinite number of numbers that have that exact remainder, when divided by n.

That said, MD5 has been found to have some weaknesses, such that with some complex mathematics, it may be possible to find a collision without trying out 2128 possible input strings. And the fact that most passwords are short, and people often use common values (like "password" or "secret") means that in some cases, you can make a reasonably good guess at someone's password by Googling for the hash or using a Rainbow table. That is one reason why you should always "salt" hashed passwords, so that two identical values, when hashed, will not hash to the same value.









可行的 或 安全


使用MD5哈希的登录方式应该是: 在注册过程中: 用户创建密码->密码使用数据库存储的MD5 ->哈希值进行哈希

在登录: 用户输入用户名和密码->(用户名选中)密码使用MD5哈希->哈希与数据库中存储的哈希进行比较

当需要“丢失密码”时: 2个选择:





The fact that MD5 is a hash also means it loses information. For any given MD5 hash, if you allow passwords of arbitrary length there could be multiple passwords which produce the same hash. For a good hash it would be computationally infeasible to find them beyond a pretty trivial maximum length, but it means there's no guarantee that if you find a password which has the target hash, it's definitely the original password. It's astronomically unlikely that you'd see two ASCII-only, reasonable-length passwords that have the same MD5 hash, but it's not impossible.


它的速度很快,这意味着如果你有一个“目标”散列,尝试很多密码,看看你是否能找到一个散列到目标的密码是很便宜的。盐析对这种情况没有帮助,但它有助于增加寻找与使用不同盐析的多个哈希中的任何一个匹配的密码的代价。 我相信它有已知的缺陷,这使得它更容易发现冲突,尽管在可打印文本(而不是任意二进制数据)中发现冲突至少会更困难。



Bruteforcing: All computer security algorithm suffer bruteforcing. Based on this idea today's GPU employ the idea of parallel programming using which it can get back the plain text by massively bruteforcing it using any graphics processor. This tool hashcat does this job. Last time I checked the cuda version of it, I was able to bruteforce a 7 letter long character within six minutes. Internet search: Just copy and paste the hash on Google and see If you can find the corresponding plaintext there. This is not a solution when you are pentesting something but it is definitely worth a try. Some websites maintain the hash for almost all the words in the dictionary.