An event in .net is a designated combination of an Add method and a Remove method, both of which expect some particular type of delegate. Both C# and vb.net can auto-generate code for the add and remove methods which will define a delegate to hold the event subscriptions, and add/remove the passed in delegagte to/from that subscription delegate. VB.net will also auto-generate code (with the RaiseEvent statement) to invoke the subscription list if and only if it is non-empty; for some reason, C# doesn't generate the latter.
Note that while it is common to manage event subscriptions using a multicast delegate, that is not the only means of doing so. From a public perspective, a would-be event subscriber needs to know how to let an object know it wants to receive events, but it does not need to know what mechanism the publisher will use to raise the events. Note also that while whoever defined the event data structure in .net apparently thought there should be a public means of raising them, neither C# nor vb.net makes use of that feature.
注意:如果你有c# 5.0 Unleashed,请阅读第18章“事件”中的“委托的普通使用限制”,以更好地理解两者之间的区别。
举一个简单而具体的例子总是对我有帮助。这是给社区的。首先,我将展示如何单独使用委托来完成事件为我们做的事情。然后,我将展示相同的解决方案如何使用EventHandler的实例。然后我解释为什么我们不想做我在第一个例子中解释的事情。这篇文章的灵感来自John Skeet的一篇文章。
cs——静态类保存委托 Form1.cs——主要形式 cs——用户控件显示所有细节
class Mediator
public delegate void PersonChangedDelegate(Person p); //delegate type definition
public static PersonChangedDelegate PersonChangedDel; //delegate instance. Detail view will "subscribe" to this.
public static void OnPersonChanged(Person p) //Form1 will call this when the drop-down changes.
if (PersonChangedDel != null)
public partial class DetailView : UserControl
public DetailView()
Mediator.PersonChangedDel += DetailView_PersonChanged;
void DetailView_PersonChanged(Person p)
public void BindData(Person p)
lblPersonHairColor.Text = p.HairColor;
lblPersonId.Text = p.IdPerson.ToString();
lblPersonName.Text = p.Name;
lblPersonNickName.Text = p.NickName;
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Mediator.OnPersonChanged((Person)comboBox1.SelectedItem); //Call the mediator's OnPersonChanged method. This will in turn call all the methods assigned (i.e. subscribed to) to the delegate -- in this case `DetailView_PersonChanged`.
A public delegate variable (this is what we just did above. don't do this. i just told you above why it's bad) Put the delegate into a property with a get/set (problem here is that subscribers could override each other -- so we could subscribe a bunch of methods to the delegate and then we could accidentally say PersonChangedDel = null, wiping out all of the other subscriptions. The other problem that remains here is that since the users have access to the delegate, they can invoke the targets in the invocation list -- we don't want external users having access to when to raise our events. A delegate variable with AddXXXHandler and RemoveXXXHandler methods
class Mediator
private static readonly Mediator _Instance = new Mediator();
private Mediator() { }
public static Mediator GetInstance()
return _Instance;
public event EventHandler<PersonChangedEventArgs> PersonChanged; //this is just a property we expose to add items to the delegate.
public void OnPersonChanged(object sender, Person p)
var personChangedDelegate = PersonChanged as EventHandler<PersonChangedEventArgs>;
if (personChangedDelegate != null)
personChangedDelegate(sender, new PersonChangedEventArgs() { Person = p });
public delegate void EventHandler<TEventArgs>(object sender, TEventArgs e);
public partial class DetailView : UserControl
public DetailView()
Mediator.GetInstance().PersonChanged += DetailView_PersonChanged;
void DetailView_PersonChanged(object sender, PersonChangedEventArgs e)
public void BindData(Person p)
lblPersonHairColor.Text = p.HairColor;
lblPersonId.Text = p.IdPerson.ToString();
lblPersonName.Text = p.Name;
lblPersonNickName.Text = p.NickName;
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Mediator.GetInstance().OnPersonChanged(this, (Person)comboBox1.SelectedItem);
class PersonChangedEventArgs
public Person Person { get; set; }
Delegate:定义一个函数指针。 事件:定义 (1)受保护接口,以及 (2)操作(+=,-=),和 (3)优点:你不再需要使用new关键字。
// eventTest.SomeoneSay = null; // Compile Error.
// eventTest.SomeoneSay = new Say(SayHello); // Compile Error.
public class DelegateTest
public delegate void Say(); // Define a pointer type "void <- ()" named "Say".
private Say say;
public DelegateTest() {
say = new Say(SayHello); // Setup the field, Say say, first.
say += new Say(SayGoodBye);
public void SayHello() { /* display "Hello World!" to your GUI. */ }
public void SayGoodBye() { /* display "Good bye!" to your GUI. */ }
public class EventTest
public delegate void Say();
public event Say SomeoneSay; // Use the type "Say" to define event, an
// auto-setup-everything-good field for you.
public EventTest() {
SomeoneSay += SayHello;
SomeoneSay += SayGoodBye;
public void SayHello() { /* display "Hello World!" to your GUI. */ }
public void SayGoodBye() { /* display "Good bye!" to your GUI. */ }
事件和委托——解释c#中事件和委托模式之间的重要区别,以及它们为什么有用。: https://dzone.com/articles/event-vs-delegate
这是另一个很好的参考链接。 http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/Chapter2/Events.aspx
Suppose events didn't exist as a concept in C#/.NET. How would another class subscribe to an event? Three options: A public delegate variable A delegate variable backed by a property A delegate variable with AddXXXHandler and RemoveXXXHandler methods Option 1 is clearly horrible, for all the normal reasons we abhor public variables. Option 2 is slightly better, but allows subscribers to effectively override each other - it would be all too easy to write someInstance.MyEvent = eventHandler; which would replace any existing event handlers rather than adding a new one. In addition, you still need to write the properties. Option 3 is basically what events give you, but with a guaranteed convention (generated by the compiler and backed by extra flags in the IL) and a "free" implementation if you're happy with the semantics that field-like events give you. Subscribing to and unsubscribing from events is encapsulated without allowing arbitrary access to the list of event handlers, and languages can make things simpler by providing syntax for both declaration and subscription.