



C++, being a Turing complete language, has plenty of cases where the compiler must simply trust that you knew what you are doing. However, there are many cases where the compiler can realize that you probably did not intend to write what you wrote. A classic example is printf() codes which don't match the arguments, or std::strings passed to printf (not that that ever happens to me!). In these cases, the code you wrote is not an error. It is a valid C++ expression with a valid interpretation for the compiler to act on. But the compiler has a strong hunch that you simply overlooked something which is easy for a modern compiler to detect. These are warnings. They are things that are obvious to a compiler, using all the strict rules of C++ at its disposal, that you might have overlooked.







忘记初始化变量 忘记从函数返回值 printf和scanf族中的参数与格式字符串不匹配 函数的使用没有事先声明(仅限C语言)








A compiler warning signals a potentially serious problem in your code. The problems listed above are almost always fatal; others may or may not be, but you want compilation to fail even if it turns out to be a false alarm. Investigate each warning, find the root cause, and fix it. In the case of a false alarm, work around it — that is, use a different language feature or construct so that the warning is no longer triggered. If this proves to be very hard, disable that particular warning on a case by case basis.


Note this applies to program development. If you are releasing your project to the world in the source form, then it might be a good idea not to supply -Werror or equivalent in your released build script. People might try to build your project with a different version of the compiler, or with a different compiler altogether, which may have a different set of warnings enabled. You may want their build to succeed. It is still a good idea to keep the warnings enabled, so that people who see warning messages could send you bug reports or patches.






#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   FILE *fp = "some string";


对于GCC,我们执行GCC -Wall -Werror。





int foo(int a, int b)
   int c = 0;

   if (a > 0)
        return a;
   return 0;


foo.c:在函数' foo '中:

Foo.c:9:20:警告:未使用的变量' c ' (-Wunused-variable)


foo.c:在函数' foo '中:

Foo.c:9:20:警告:未使用的变量' c ' (-Wunused-variable)

foo.c:7:20:警告:未使用参数' b ' [-Wunused-parameter] int foo(int a, int b)



int c = 7;

int foo(int a, int b)
   int c = a + b;
   return c;


Foo.c:11:9:警告:声明' c '隐藏全局声明 (-Wshadow) Foo.c:1:5:注意:阴影声明在这里



void foo(const char * str)
    printf("str = %d\n", str);


foo.c:在函数' foo '中:

Foo.c:10:12:警告:格式' %d '期望 参数类型为' int ',但参数2的类型为' const char * ' (-Wformat =)



(对于这个答案的其余部分,我将专注于C。我要说的大部分内容也适用于c++,尽管可能没有那么强烈。尽管Bjarne Stroustrup有一句名言:“C很容易搬起石头砸自己的脚;c++让它变得更难,但当你这样做的时候,它会把你的整条腿都炸掉。”)


But in C and C++, there are surprisingly large numbers of things you can do that are "bad ideas", but which aren't formally "against the rules". Sometimes they're a bad idea some of the time (but might be defensible other times); sometimes they're a bad idea virtually all of the time. But the tradition has always been not to warn about these things — because, again, the assumption is that programmers know what they are doing, they wouldn't be doing these things without a good reason, and they'd be annoyed by a bunch of unnecessary warnings.



So it turns out that, most of the time, warnings are a good idea, after all. Even the experienced programmers have learned that (actually, it's "especially the experienced programmers have learned that"), on balance, the warnings tend to do more good than harm. For every time you did something wrong deliberately and the warning was a nuisance, there are probably at least ten times you did something wrong by accident and the warning saved you from further trouble. And most warnings can be disabled or worked around for those few times when you really want to do the "wrong" thing.

(这类“错误”的一个经典例子是if(A = b)的测试。大多数时候,这确实是一个错误,所以现在大多数编译器都会对此发出警告——有些甚至是默认的。但是如果你真的想把b赋值给a并测试结果,你可以通过输入if((a = b))来禁用警告。

The second question is, why would you want to ask the compiler to treat warnings as errors? I'd say it's because of human nature, specifically, the all-too-easy reaction of saying "Oh, that's just a warning, that's not so important, I'll clean that up later." But if you're a procrastinator (and I don't know about you, but I'm a world-class procrastinator) it's easy to put off the necessary cleanup for basically ever — and if you get into the habit of ignoring warnings, it gets easier and easier to miss an important warning message that's sitting there, unnoticed, in the midst of all the ones you're relentlessly ignoring.


Personally, I'm not as insistent about treating warnings as errors — in fact, if I'm honest, I can say that I don't tend to enable that option in my "personal" programming. But you can be sure I've got that option enabled at work, where our style guide (which I wrote) mandates its use. And I would say — I suspect most professional programmers would say — that any shop that doesn't treat warnings as errors in C is behaving irresponsibly, is not adhering to commonly-accepted industry best practices.

警告是等待发生的错误。 因此,您必须启用编译器警告,并整理代码以删除任何警告。