

I too have this problem: Safari and other mobile browsers transform the VAT IDs into phone numbers. So I want a clean method to avoid it on a single element, not the whole page (or site). I'm sharing a possible solution I found, it is suboptimal but still it is pretty viable: I put, inside the number I don't want to become a tel: link, the ⁠ HTML entity which is the Word-Joiner invisible character. I tried to stay more semantic (well, at least a sort of) by putting this char in some meaning spot, e.g. for the VAT ID I chose to put it between the different groups of digit according to its format so for an Italian VAT I wrote: 0613605⁠048⁠8 which renders in 0613605⁠048⁠8 and it is not transformed in a telephone number.



.element { pointer-events: none; }
.element > a { text-decoration:none; color:inherit; }


根据Safari HTML参考,这似乎是正确的事情:

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">




<meta name = "format-detection" content = "telephone=no">

I too have this problem: Safari and other mobile browsers transform the VAT IDs into phone numbers. So I want a clean method to avoid it on a single element, not the whole page (or site). I'm sharing a possible solution I found, it is suboptimal but still it is pretty viable: I put, inside the number I don't want to become a tel: link, the &#8288; HTML entity which is the Word-Joiner invisible character. I tried to stay more semantic (well, at least a sort of) by putting this char in some meaning spot, e.g. for the VAT ID I chose to put it between the different groups of digit according to its format so for an Italian VAT I wrote: 0613605&#8288;048&#8288;8 which renders in 0613605⁠048⁠8 and it is not transformed in a telephone number.

Sencha Touch的index.html中的meta标签(<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">)解决了同样的问题。