


安全证书可以很容易地从. net中的签名程序集中删除。




如果微软能想出一个解决方案,我们就不会有盗版的Windows版本,所以没有什么是非常安全的。下面是来自Stack Overflow的一些类似问题,您可以实现自己的保护方式。如果你正在发布不同的版本,那么你可以针对不同的版本采用不同的技术,这样当第一个版本被破解时,第二个版本就可以接管。

基于许可证管理c++应用程序的特性 使用license文件保护DLL文件 授权/保护软件?






Those who will not buy your software and resort to cracks, or if they don't find any, not use your software at all. Don't expect to make any money from this group. They rely either on their own skills or on crackers (who tend to prioritize their time depending on your useful and how big your audience is. The more useful, the sooner a crack will be available). The group of legitimate users who will buy (pay for) your software, irrespective of what protection mechanism you use. Don't make life hard for your legitimate users by using an elaborate protection mechanism since they are going to pay for it in any case. A complex protection mechanism can easily spoil the user experience and you don't want this happening to this group. Personally, I'd vote against any hardware solution, which adds to the cost of your software. A minority who will resort to "unethical" cracking and will only pay for your software because its features are protected by a licensing mechanism. You probably don't want to make it exceedingly easy for this group to circumvent your protection. However, all that effort you spend on protecting your software will pay back, depending on how big this group of people is. This entirely depends on the type of software you're building.



是的,. net二进制文件(EXE和DLL)可以很容易地反编译成接近源代码。检查. net Reflector工具。在任何。net二进制文件上尝试一下。最好的选择是混淆文件,它们仍然可以被。net Reflector反编译,但它们会造成一团不可读的混乱。我不认为好的混淆器是免费或廉价的。一个是Visual Studio附带的Dotfuscator社区版。




这可以通过两种方式实现:软件即服务(SaaS),即在服务器上运行软件,只允许用户远程访问它。例如,这就是Stack Overflow使用的模型。我很确定Stack Overflow不会混淆他们的代码,但是你不能反编译它。

The other way is the appliance model: instead of giving your users your code, you give them a computer containing the code. This is the model that gaming consoles, most mobile phones and TiVo use. Note that this only works if you "own" the entire execution path: you need to build your own CPU, your own computer, write your own operating system and your own CLI implementation. Then, and only then can you protect your code. (But note that even the tiniest mistake will render all of your protections useless. Microsoft, Apple, Sony, the music industry and the movie industry can attest to that.)
