

vi main.pl maintenance.pl






:n test.pl





:e foo.txt bar.txt
:e /foo/bar/*.txt
:badd /foo/bar/*


:arga foo.txt bar.txt
:arga /foo/bar/*.txt
:argadd /foo/bar/*



我使用以下,这给了你很多功能,你会期望在其他编辑器,如Sublime文本/ Textmate

Use buffers not 'tab pages'. Buffers are the same concept as tabs in almost all other editors. If you want the same look of having tabs you can use the vim-airline plugin with the following setting in your .vimrc: let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1. This automatically displays all the buffers as tab headers when you have no tab pages opened Use Tim Pope's vim-unimpaired which gives [b and ]b for moving to previous/next buffers respectively (plus a whole host of other goodies) Have set wildmenu in your .vimrc then when you type :b <file part> + Tab for a buffer you will get a list of possible buffers that you can use left/right arrows to scroll through Use Tim Pope's vim-obsession plugin to store sessions that play nicely with airline (I had lots of pain with sessions and plugins) Use Tim Pope's vim-vinegar plugin. This works with the native :Explore but makes it much easier to work with. You just type - to open the explorer, which is the same key as to go up a directory in the explorer. Makes navigating faster (however with fzf I rarely use this) fzf (which can be installed as a vim plugin) is also a really powerful fuzzy finder that you can use for searching for files (and buffers too). fzf also plays very nicely with fd (a faster version of find) Use Ripgrep with vim-ripgrep to search through your code base and then you can use :cdo on the results to do search and replace



I have it working this way on both my mac and linux machines and I find it better than the native window pane switching mechanism that's provided (on Macs). I find the switching easier and only with tmux have I been able to get the 'new page at the same current directory' working on my mac (despite the fact that there seems to be options to open new panes in the same directory) which is a surprisingly critical piece. An instant new pane at the current location is amazingly useful. A method that does new panes with the same key combos for both OS's is critical for me and a bonus for all for future personal compatibility. Aside from multiple tmux panes, I've also tried using multiple tabs, e.g. and multiple new windows, e.g. and ultimately I've found that multiple tmux panes to be the most useful for me. I am very 'visual' and like to keep my various contexts right in front of me, connected together as panes.

Tmux还支持水平和垂直窗格,这是旧屏幕所不支持的(尽管mac的iterm2似乎支持它,但是,当前的目录设置对我来说不管用)。tmux 1.8

我做了一个非常简单的视频来展示我使用的工作流程。基本上我使用Ctrl-P Vim插件,并将缓冲区导航映射到Enter键。





nmap <CR> :CtrlPBuffer<CR>



ctrlpvim / ctrlp。Vim -查找文件的名称模糊搜索的位置或只是它的名称 jlanzarotta/bufexplorer -用来浏览打开的缓冲区(当你不记得最近打开和修改了多少文件,也不记得它们在哪里时,可能是因为你用Ag搜索了它们) rk / ag)。Vim搜索关于gitignore的文件 Scrooloose /nerdtree查看目录结构,查找,添加/删除/修改文件

