



在 Linux/UNIX/OS X/cygwin 上:

Gnu iconv suggested by Troels Arvin is best used as a filter. It seems to be universally available. Example: $ iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-15 in.txt > out.txt As pointed out by Ben, there is an online converter using iconv. recode (manual) suggested by Cheekysoft will convert one or several files in-place. Example: $ recode UTF8..ISO-8859-15 in.txt This one uses shorter aliases: $ recode utf8..l9 in.txt Recode also supports surfaces which can be used to convert between different line ending types and encodings: Convert newlines from LF (Unix) to CR-LF (DOS): $ recode ../CR-LF in.txt Base64 encode file: $ recode ../Base64 in.txt You can also combine them. Convert a Base64 encoded UTF8 file with Unix line endings to Base64 encoded Latin 1 file with Dos line endings: $ recode utf8/Base64..l1/CR-LF/Base64 file.txt

在Windows Powershell (Jay Bazuzi)上:

PS C:\> gc - zh utf8 in.txt | out - zh ascii out.txt

(但是没有ISO-8859-15支持;它说支持的字符集是unicode, utf7, utf8, utf32, ascii, bigendianunicode, default和oem。)



gc -en string in.txt | Out-File -en utf8 out.txt

注意:可能的枚举值是“Unknown, String, Unicode, Byte, BigEndianUnicode, UTF8, UTF7, Ascii”。

CsCvt - Kalytta的字符集转换器是另一个伟大的基于命令行的Windows转换工具。


Visual Studio代码

Open your file in Visual Studio Code Reopen with Encoding: In the bottom status bar, to the right, you should see your current file encoding (eg "UTF-8"). Click this and select "Reopen with Encoding". Select the correct encoding of the file (eg: ISO 8859-2). Confirm that your content is displaying as expected. Save with Encoding: The bottom status bar should now display your new encoding format (eg: ISO 8859-2). Click this and choose "Save with Encoding" and select UTF-8 (or whatever new encoding you want).






文件编码检查程序需要。net 4或更高版本才能运行。


Visual Studio代码

Open your file in Visual Studio Code Reopen with Encoding: In the bottom status bar, to the right, you should see your current file encoding (eg "UTF-8"). Click this and select "Reopen with Encoding". Select the correct encoding of the file (eg: ISO 8859-2). Confirm that your content is displaying as expected. Save with Encoding: The bottom status bar should now display your new encoding format (eg: ISO 8859-2). Click this and choose "Save with Encoding" and select UTF-8 (or whatever new encoding you want).


iconv (1)

iconv -f FROM-ENCODING -t TO-ENCODING file.txt


Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 FILE-UTF8.TXT | Out-File -Encoding UTF7 FILE-UTF7.TXT


gc FILE.TXT | Out-File -en utf7 file-utf7.txt


允许用户用不同的编码重新加载文本(因此,可以直观地控制结果) 另一个允许用户在保存之前显式地选择编码(和行字符的结束)