To me its all about knowing your data. If I am continuing to expand my code on the basis of efficiency, I would have to choose the List option as a way of deciphering of my data w/o the unnecessary step of always wondering about types, especially 'Custom Types'. If the machine understands the difference and can determine on it's on what type of data I'm actually dealing with then why should I get in the way and waste time going thru the gyrations of 'IF THEN ELSE' determinations? My philosophy is to let the machine work for me instead of me working on the machine? Knowing the unique differences of different object code commands goes a long way in making your code as efficient.
汤姆•约翰逊 (一项…一个出口)
To me its all about knowing your data. If I am continuing to expand my code on the basis of efficiency, I would have to choose the List option as a way of deciphering of my data w/o the unnecessary step of always wondering about types, especially 'Custom Types'. If the machine understands the difference and can determine on it's on what type of data I'm actually dealing with then why should I get in the way and waste time going thru the gyrations of 'IF THEN ELSE' determinations? My philosophy is to let the machine work for me instead of me working on the machine? Knowing the unique differences of different object code commands goes a long way in making your code as efficient.
汤姆•约翰逊 (一项…一个出口)
ArrayList属于c#没有泛型的时代。不赞成使用List<T>。你不应该在以。net >= 2.0为目标的新代码中使用ArrayList,除非你必须与使用它的旧API进行交互。
List<T>, where T is value-type is faster than ArrayList. This is because List<T> avoids boxing/unboxing (where T is value-type). Many sources say - usually ArrayList used just for backward compatibility. (is not a real difference, but i think it is important note). Reflection is easier with nongeneric ArrayList then List<T> ArrayList has IsSynchronized property. So, It is easy to create and use syncronised ArrayList. I didin't found IsSynchronized property for List<T>. Also Keep in mind this type of synchronization is relatively inefficient, msdn): var arraylist = new ArrayList(); var arrayListSyncronized = ArrayList.Synchronized(arraylist Console.WriteLine($"syncronized {arraylist.IsSynchronized}"); Console.WriteLine($"syncronized {arrayListSyncronized.IsSynchronized}"); var list = new List<object>(); var listSyncronized = ArrayList.Synchronized(list); Console.WriteLine($"syncronized {list.IsSynchronized}");//error, no such prop Console.WriteLine($"syncronized {list.IsSynchronized}");//error, no such prop ArrayList has ArrayList.SyncRoot property which can be used for syncronisation (msdn). List<T> hasn't SyncRoot property, so in the following construction you need to use some object if you use List<T>: ArrayList myCollection = new ArrayList(); lock(myCollection.SyncRoot) // ofcourse you can use another object for this goal { foreach (object item in myCollection) { // ... } }
// Create a new ArrayList
System.Collections.ArrayList mixedList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
// Add some numbers to the list
// Add some strings to the list
mixedList.Add("This is going to be a problem");
System.Collections.ArrayList intList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
System.Collections.ArrayList strList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
foreach (object obj in mixedList)
if (obj.GetType().Equals(typeof(int)))
else if (obj.GetType().Equals(typeof(string)))
// error.